[firebird-support] Isql exclusive mode?

2020-01-22 Thread Kjell Rilbe kjell.ri...@marknadsinformation.se [firebird-support]

I have a vague recollection that Firebird's isql utility will in some 

situations make an exclusive connection to the database, meaning that 

any other connection attempts will be refused.

I fail to find information about this.

Can anyone explain in which situations this happens, and in particular 

how I can make sure it does NOT happen?

My intended usage is to execute some commands/queries in a scheduled 

task, and I don't want to run the risk of blocking other database work 

while this task is executing.

Also asked at DBA@StackExchange, feel free to reply there or here or both:




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Re: [firebird-support] Isql exclusive mode?

2020-01-22 Thread Kjell Rilbe kjell.ri...@marknadsinformation.se [firebird-support]
Den 2020-01-23 kl. 08:32, skrev Kjell Rilbe 

kjell.ri...@marknadsinformation.se [firebird-support]:

> I have a vague recollection that Firebird's isql utility will in some

> situations make an exclusive connection to the database, meaning that

> any other connection attempts will be refused.


> I fail to find information about this.


> Can anyone explain in which situations this happens, and in particular

> how I can make sure it does NOT happen?


> My intended usage is to execute some commands/queries in a scheduled

> task, and I don't want to run the risk of blocking other database work

> while this task is executing.


> Also asked at DBA@StackExchange, feel free to reply there or here or 

> both:

> https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/258038/firebird-isql-exclusive-mode 



 From a few simple tests it seems like I get an exclusive connection, 

i.e. no other connections are allowed, when there are no other 

connections present. Conversely, if there are other connections when 

isql connects, isql's connection doesn't block other connections.

I tested this with Firebird 3.0.4 in superserver mode and FlameRobin, 

using the same database alias for both isql and FlameRobin connections. 

The alias is defined with an absolute local file path.

Should I include host and port to ensure that isql always connects 

through the superserver (allowing other connections) rather than opening 

the file directly (blocking other connections)?


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