[firebird-support] INSERT ... RETURNING and updatable view

2013-02-02 Thread Emil Totev

Server Version: WI-V2.5.2.26539 Firebird 2.5 on Win7.

Here is my simplified test case:

SQL> Create Database 'test.fdb' user 'sysdba' password 'masterkey';
SQL> create table T (ID integer);
SQL> create view V as select ID from T;
SQL> create sequence SEQ;
SQL> set term ^;
SQL> create trigger T_BI for T before insert as
CON> begin
CON>   new.ID = next value for SEQ;
CON> end^
SQL> create trigger V_BI for V before insert as
CON> begin
CON>   insert into T values (new.ID);
CON> end^
SQL> set term ; ^
SQL> insert into T values (9) returning ID;



SQL> insert into V values (101) returning ID;



SQL> select * from V;




Would you say it is a bug, or just counter-intuitive?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[firebird-support] Database paths and aliases

2015-03-21 Thread Emil Totev em...@tot-consult.com [firebird-support]

Can there be any problem with a database, accessed simultaneously by
some or all of the following methods:

-- database file full path, /srv/firebird/mydb.fdb
-- database alias, mydb = /srv/firebird/mydb.fdb
-- another alias, another = /srv/firebird/mydb.fdb
-- /srv/firebird/link, which is a symlink to /srv/firebird/mydb.fdb
-- /var/firebird/mydb.fdb, where /var/firebird is a symlink to /srv/firebird

I'd expect firebird to be clever enough to know that it is serving the
same file, but I'd like to be sure it is true, and for all the
architectures (classic/super).


[firebird-support] Install 2.1 on RH 6

2015-04-18 Thread Emil Totev em...@tot-consult.com [firebird-support]
I will have to install firebird 2.1 (preferably latest 2.1.7) on
64-bit RHEL/CentOS 6 based linux. (I understand 2.1 is discontinued,
but some program vendors don't).

The rpm and tar.gz packages from firebird.sql seem to fail [at least]
because of libstdc++ - if I understand correctly, they need
libstdc++.so.5 while I have libstdc++.so.6

I couldn't find an rpm or pre-compiled 2.1.7 binary for RHEL/CentOS6,
but maybe I didn't know how and where to look. Can anyone suggest
anything else to try before I start trying to compile from sources?
(Never done that and have the impression it may not be that easy).


[firebird-support] Version statement

2016-12-20 Thread Emil Totev em...@tot-consult.com [firebird-support]
I feel it would be nice if in some highly visible place on the
firebird site there is a clear statement about the versions and
sub-versions available and recommended. Like they have it at
"This latest release from the 2.4.x stable branch represents the best
available version of Apache HTTP Server."
Or at php.net:
"This is a security release. Several security bugs were fixed in this
release. All PHP 5.6 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version."

People keep telling me that their vendors say things like "Our
application works best with firebird 2.5.0, it doesn't perform well
with 2.5.6". I know the minor version upgrades have been discussed
often in this list, but it would be good to be able to point people
not following it at a definitive statement from the project team.


[firebird-support] GET LINGER?

2018-06-15 Thread Emil Totev em...@tot-consult.com [firebird-support]

As far as I understand, the Firebird 3 LINGER value is actually a property
of the database (file). How can I check if this is set and to what? I
thought GSTAT -h might show it, but it doesn't.


[firebird-support] ROLE on EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE in Firebird 3

2018-08-18 Thread Emil Totev em...@tot-consult.com [firebird-support]
In Firebird 3.0.3 the current role is not passed to the external data
source when using 'execute statement ... on external'. This has been
acknowledged as a bug and fixed for 2.5.3 (see

However there is a note in the tracker saying "FB3 will have different
approach for role's handling, so patch is not ported forward ".

Can the correct behavior be achieved in Firebird 3, and if yes - how?


[firebird-support] fbintl problems with 2.5.8 on Centos 7

2018-09-24 Thread Emil Totev em...@tot-consult.com [firebird-support]
I ran into problems after upgrade from 2.5.7 to 2.5.8 (using the EPEL
repository, firebird-superserver). The server returns an error when trying
to access WIN1251 character fields, and there are log entries "Can't load
INTL module '/usr/lib64/firebird/intl/fbintl.so'" at server startup. (there
is really no "fbintl.so" in that location, just "fbintl", but this is the
same for 2.5.7 and it works).
The same problems appears also when installing 2.5.8 on a clean CentOS 7
system. Installing from the firebirdsql.org RPM seems to work fine (though
I had to use rpm -i --nodeps  --force to make it install).

Q1: What can be the reason for this and is there a way to work around it
(change some config, copy some file from the firebirdsql.org rpm or
something like that.

Q2. What would be the proper way to reach the EPEL firebird maintainer (I
think it is Phillipe Makowski) for reporting this issue?


PS ldd -d /usr/lib64/firebird/intl/fbintl
undefined symbol: gds__log  (/usr/lib64/firebird/intl/fbintl)

could that be related?

[firebird-support] XNET and IpcName

2019-03-18 Thread Emil Totev em...@tot-consult.com [firebird-support]
XNET is not mentioned in the firebird.conf comments on IpcName, nor IpcName
is mentioned in README,xnet. Still I believe the two are connected. Am I
With multiple Firebird installation on Windows it is necessary to change
the IpcName in each firebird.conf, but it seems only the one with the
default value is accessible via XNET. Or maybe there is some way to give
the modified values to the client so it can connect to the others too?
Could someone please explain how this is supposed to work? What am I
Thanks in advance,

Re: [firebird-support] Firebird 2.5 and CentOS 7.7

2020-04-29 Thread Emil Totev em...@tot-consult.com [firebird-support]
This is a known problem with the EPEL rpms.
Workarounds include using the rpm packages for superclassic, which don't
have the problem, or installing the project-provided rpms (which install
under /opt). It *might* also work if you replace that specific file with
the one from the EPEL rpm from 2.5.7 (the problem appeared in 2.5.8).

Good luck!