[firebird-support] Re: UDFs for Firebird 1.5 on CentOS 7 64 Bit

2019-01-07 Thread dam...@wxs.nl [firebird-support]
What kind of problems do you have to upgrade to Firebird 3.0 or 2.5.x? Maybe 
it's better to put time in the upgrade than getting an old version to run. Did 
you already try to make a conversion to one of the latest versions?



[firebird-support] Re: Possible problem garbage collector in 32bit 2.5.8

2019-01-04 Thread dam...@wxs.nl [firebird-support]
Yes, I have shutdown Firebird (via Services) and copied the FDB file. After 
restart of the Firebird service and restart of my own program, Firebird "hangs" 
again. I took the FDB file to my own computer (Firebird 2.5.8 64 bit) and did 
run gstat on it.

[firebird-support] Re: Possible problem garbage collector in 32bit 2.5.8

2019-01-04 Thread dam...@wxs.nl [firebird-support]
I tested a few databases with gfix:


 Number of record level errors   : 1
Number of database page errors  : 374

Number of record level errors   : 2
Number of database page errors  : 67

 Number of record level errors   : 2

 So there are problems in the database. I have added a feature in my software 
for the usage and termination registration. It seems al normal. So no bad 
behaviour or power failures. Maybe it is the hardware. But suddenly a large 
increase of problems with a few different customers puts my suspicion also on 
the latest Firebird 2.5.8 self.

[firebird-support] Re: Possible problem garbage collector in 32bit 2.5.8

2019-01-04 Thread dam...@wxs.nl [firebird-support]
Transactions don't seem to cause the problems:

 Database header page information:
Flags   0
Generation  1399534
Page size   16384
ODS version 11.2
Oldest transaction  1399407
Oldest active   1399491
Oldest snapshot 1399491
Next transaction1399516
Bumped transaction  1
Sequence number 0
Next attachment ID  261181
Implementation ID   16
Shadow count0
Page buffers0
Next header page0
Database dialect3
Creation date   Nov 7, 2018 18:06:33
Attributes  force write

Variable header data:
Sweep interval: 2

[firebird-support] Re: Possible problem garbage collector in 32bit 2.5.8

2019-01-04 Thread dam...@wxs.nl [firebird-support]
I tested a few problematic databases with gfix:


 Number of record level errors   : 1
Number of database page errors  : 374

Number of record level errors   : 2
Number of database page errors  : 67

 Number of record level errors   : 2

 Because some customers have a bad habit when switching of computers, I 
register abnormal termination of my program. I can also detect power failures 
etc with this feature. But it seems normal.

[firebird-support] Possible problem garbage collector in 32bit 2.5.8

2019-01-04 Thread dam...@wxs.nl [firebird-support]
I have a few customers still working on XP with Firebird 2.5.8 32 bit. And it 
seems that a problem is introduced in 2.5.7 or 2.5.8. In semi regular periods, 
the Firebird server hangs (hogs CPU). This reappears after a restart of the 
Firebird server and accessing the database again. Only solution is making a 
backup, without Garbage collection, and restore. I can deliver databases with 
the problem for reproduction.

[firebird-support] Strange behaviour on Linux

2017-12-07 Thread dam...@wxs.nl [firebird-support]

When I have the following directory structure on a Linux server:


and I want to create a database /a/b/c/test.fdb with gbak, the access rights of 
directory "c" must be rwx (readable, writeable, executable). Also the access 
rights to directory "a" and "b" must be r_x (readable, executable). The same 
with use of isql. 
My question is why?
There might be some (unknown to me) reason that directory "c" must be 
executable, but why also directory "a" and "b"?

Can somebody explain this to me? I don't understand it.

With kind regards,

Roy Damman

This applies to 2.5.x but I think also to 3.x.

[firebird-support] Re: How can one rename a table in Firebird 3.0

2017-07-13 Thread dam...@wxs.nl [firebird-support]
Hello Dimitry,

Does it mean that the old method is blocked in Firebird 3.0 and later? I was 
hoping that it was replaced then by a new DDL statement like in Oracle, MySQL, 
MariaDB, PostgreSQL and SQLite:

ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name;

With kind regards,

Roy Damman

[firebird-support] How can one rename a table in Firebird 3.0

2017-07-12 Thread dam...@wxs.nl [firebird-support]
In Firebird 2.5 and earlier one could rename a table by the following query:


 But this query throws an error (unknown ISC error 335545030) in Firebird 3.0. 
So my question is does someone know a method in Firebird 3.0.

 With kind regards,



[firebird-support] Re: Switch back from Firebird 3.0.X to 2.5.X

2017-06-29 Thread dam...@wxs.nl [firebird-support]
Resolved: You have to backup and restore the 3.0 database with the 2.5 gbak.

[firebird-support] Switch back from Firebird 3.0.X to 2.5.X

2017-06-29 Thread dam...@wxs.nl [firebird-support]
Because of the new behaviour of Firebird 3.0.X regarding explicit nested inner 
joins (where in the "on" part, a reference to a table column on a higher level 
in the hierarchy is not allowed anymore), I want to switch back to Firebird 
2.5.x. I made a transportable backup from the 3.0 database, but got an error 
restoring this backup with Firebird 2.5.x:

Connecting to server localhost...
Database restore started 17:23:28
gbak:opened file D:\FIREBIRD_3_0.fbk 
gbak:transportable backup -- data in XDR format 
Database restore canceled 17:23:28 due to IBPP exception:

*** IBPP::SQLException ***
Context: ServiceImpl::Wait
Message: isc_service_query failed

SQL Message : -901
Unsuccessful execution caused by system error that does not preclude successful 
execution of subsequent statements

Engine Code: 336330796
Engine Message :
Expected backup version 1..9.  Found 10
Exiting before completion due to errors

 Backup was made and restored with FlameRobin.