[firebird-support] Grant role by script

2016-05-20 Thread kyle...@yahoo.com [firebird-support]

 Using FlameRobin, I can run this statement

 GRANT rdb$admin TO USER MyUser;

However, I can't seem to run it in a script. I have a master script file that 
runs a set of files. I tried it in a file, and directly

1) %SqlExe% -user '%Usr%' -password '%Pwd%' -input ..\Tables\aaaGrant.sql -echo 
-output %OutFile%

2) %SqlExe% -user %Usr% -password %Pwd%  GRANT rdb$admin TO USER LegacyUser;

 Is there a way to do this by script?


[firebird-support] Re: Merge in Fb3 fails

2016-05-20 Thread kyle...@yahoo.com [firebird-support]
Thank you both for your answers, both merges work!
