
We've got a system which does different things depending on whether "forced writes" is switched on or not (and, possibly, on /when/ it's switched on or off).

It seems to me that this is wrong - turning forced writes on or off should only affect performance, it shouldn't make an application follow different paths through the code?

So my first assumption is that in fact forced write state is not actually causing Firebird to behave in different ways, and that we've got

(a) some of our application code that is timing dependent, or
(b) something else wrong, and the repeatable changes in behaviour when switching forced writes on and off are just an amazing coincidence.

But just to eliminate the most unlikely explanation first, and get that out of the way, please can someone confirm to me very strenuously indeed that there is no possibility that

(c) switching forced writes on or off changes the logical behaviour of a Firebird application

whether through changing the outcome of multiple concurrent transactions or otherwise?

This is Firebird 2.5 running on 64 bit Linux. The application consists of a bunch of processes written in C/C++ accessing the database, partly direct queries and partly stored procedure calls, as well as user interface accesses via PHP. (Oh, and possibly some Python processes and other stuff, but it's the interaction between a couple of the C/C++ processes that is currently confusing us.)

Tim Ward

  • [firebird-supp... John vd Waeter j.v.d.wae...@kpnplanet.nl [firebird-support]
    • [firebird... map...@gmail.com [firebird-support]
      • [fire... Tim Ward t...@telensa.com [firebird-support]

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