[Fis] dark matter

2012-12-29 Thread Stanley N Salthe
Gordana has said:

Information and Energy/Matter

  What can we hope for from studies of information related to energy/matter
(as it appears for us in space/time)? Information is a concept known for
its ambiguity in both common, everyday use and in its specific technical
applications throughout different fields of research and technology.
However, most people are unaware that matter/energy today is also a concept
surrounded by a disquieting uncertainty. What for Democritus were building
blocks of the whole universe appear today to constitute only 4% of its
observed content. (NASA 2012) [1] The rest is labeled “dark matter”
(conjectured to explain gravitational effects otherwise unaccounted for)
and “dark energy” (introduced to account for the expansion of the
universe). We do not know what “dark matter” and “dark energy” actually
are. This indicates that our present understanding of the structure of the
physical world needs re-examination. [...]

Information and Energy/Matter
Gordana Dodig Crnkovic

Information 2012, 3(4), 751-755;

Special Issue Information and Energy/Matter


See it on Scoop.it (
, via Papers (

I would like to inquire whether any fis'rs might react to the following

Dark matter is postulated because the amount of matter detectable in
galaxies would be insufficient alone to explain how they hold together
given the value of the gravitational constant.

However, the information we glean from galaxies represents their condition
as it was a very long time ago, in an earlier universe.

Is it not possible to resolve this puzzle less radically than by inventing
dark matter by supposing that the gravitational constant has not been
constant but has instead been changing, and was much stronger in the past,
which is when we detect these distant clusters of matter?  Perhaps G as
been scaled to the rate of expansion of space?  Perhaps the rate of
expansion was greater then than now, even with current acceleration?

fis mailing list

Re: [Fis] Dark Matter (R.Ulanowicz)


- Mensaje original -
De: Robert Ulanowicz u...@umces.edu
Fecha: Sábado, 29 de Diciembre de 2012, 4:26 pm
 We know that the Fine-Structure Constant, alpha, has changed 
 over the
 course of the universe
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fine-structure_constant. I 
 wrote in my
 last book how I suspect others have evolved as well.
 What is needed is a good dimensional analysis. Unfortunately,
 dimensional analysis seems foreign to physicists. Otherwise, they
 wouldn't be making some of the incredible claims that are 
 abroad! :)
 Quoting Stanley N Salthe ssal...@binghamton.edu:
  Gordana has said:
  Information and Energy/Matter
    What can we hope for from studies of information 
 related to energy/matter
  (as it appears for us in space/time)? Information is a concept 
 known for
  its ambiguity in both common, everyday use and in its specific 
 technical applications throughout different fields of research 
 and technology.
  However, most people are unaware that matter/energy today is 
 also a concept
  surrounded by a disquieting uncertainty. What for Democritus 
 were building
  blocks of the whole universe appear today to constitute only 
 4% of its
  observed content. (NASA 2012) [1] The rest is labeled dark matter
  (conjectured to explain gravitational effects otherwise 
 unaccounted for)
  and dark energy (introduced to account for the expansion of the
  universe). We do not know what dark matter and dark energy 
 actually are. This indicates that our present understanding of 
 the structure of the
  physical world needs re-examination. [...]
  Information and Energy/Matter
  Gordana Dodig Crnkovic
  Information 2012, 3(4), 751-755;
  Special Issue Information and Energy/Matter
  See it on Scoop.it (
  , via Papers (
  I would like to inquire whether any fis'rs might react to the 
 following notion:
  Dark matter is postulated because the amount of matter 
 detectable in
  galaxies would be insufficient alone to explain how they hold 
 together given the value of the gravitational constant.
  However, the information we glean from galaxies represents 
 their condition
  as it was a very long time ago, in an earlier universe.
  Is it not possible to resolve this puzzle less radically than 
 by inventing
  dark matter by supposing that the gravitational constant has 
 not been
  constant but has instead been changing, and was much stronger 
 in the past,
  which is when we detect these distant clusters of 
 matter?  Perhaps G as
  been scaled to the rate of expansion of space?  Perhaps 
 the rate of
  expansion was greater then than now, even with current acceleration?

fis mailing list

Re: [Fis] Step Six

Sorry for the delay, Karl. Here it is.  ---Pedro

- Mensaje original -
De: Karl Javorszky karl.javors...@gmail.com
Fecha: Martes, 18 de Diciembre de 2012, 3:55 pm
Asunto: spam filter
A: Pedro C. Marijuan pcmarijuan.i...@aragon.es

 Hi Pedro,
 happy Xmas and New Year!
 The spam filter has rejected Step Six. Maybe you could ask it to 
 publish it?
  Step Six of Learn to
 Count in Twelve Easy StepsWhat happened
 previously:  Step 1.:We have introduced
 additional describing aspects of the logical sentence a+b=c. Next to a,b,c, we
 also make use of u=b-a, k=b-2a, t=2b-3a, q=a-2b, s=17-(a+b|c), w=2a-3b.Step 
 2.:We have introduced the
 collection of additions we shall use. We have generated the aspects
 {a,b,c,k,u,t,q,s,w} of the 136 smallest pairs of a,b. Step 3.:We have shown 
 that a sort
 on the data set – with any of the aspects as first, a different aspect as the
 second sorting argument – assigns a place to an addition; different sorts may
 assign different places.Step 4.:Ordering the data set on
 all pairs of aspects brings forth 72 variants of realisations of the order
 principle based on {|=|}. Some of the sorting orders are identical,
 some contradictory. The contradictions are visible on
 {place|amount|frequency|order}. The task is to consolidate the
 contradictions.Step 5.:Those sorting orders which
 to each addition assign identical sequential numbers build a common “clan”
 together. In the version of the Table presented here, 20 clans are visible.
 Members of a clan can differ on their number of teeth; the place of an element
 within a tie is not quite indeterminable but is rather dependent of how finely
 has the preceding sorting order had sorted previously.Step 
 6.:Reordering:After having eliminated the
 easy cases, where no reordering is needed, we now confront the mechanics of
 transforming the sequence alphabeta into the sequence gammadelta. (V[alfabeta,
 gammadelta]=.f.) This procedure is called “reordering” and as its effect, an
 element j that previously had the sequential place p1 has now the
 sequential place p2. (p1 {=|#} p2)Of specific interest is the
 case, wherein during a reorder, several elements have to move together in the
 course of a reordering. This is the main concept of the Twelve 
 Steps.Explaining the main
 concept: The central concept can be
 pointed out exactly, by deictic methods. Before doing so, let us try to
 explicate the idea in colloquial speech. One knows from everyday life that a
 change of places may be an intricate business, as oftentimes someone has to
 vacate first the place in which a different person will come to sit, while the
 person expelled has to ask a 3rd one to liberate his place in turn,
 etc. This can get quite complicated, but normally people don’t talk much about
 it, as it normally has a solution that is evident to all.  Rubik’s cube shows 
 a specific instance of the
 central concept at work. (Please see 6.graph.Rubik). The concept presented 
 is similar to that made visible in the cube, but for the following points:
 there, 6 planes are given and 24 elements move while 6 are fixed; the task is
 deducting from the known results of the planes the collection and the sequence
 of the repetitive procedures (“operations”) that will result in the goal being
 achieved. Here, we have 136 elements, none of them fixed and the number of
 planes can be a subject of a spirited debate. The task here is to deduct the
 appearance of the planes after having gone thru all repetitive procedures
 (“operations”). In the case of the cube, the pleasure of having solved the
 puzzle encounters one as soon as one understands the procedures of which the
 resulting planes are an implication; here, success comes from having 
 the planes that result from the applications of the procedures.In logistics 
 would speak of “merchandise in transit”, where one will use effective and
 expected matches between material and spatial references.Names for the main
 concept:Wittgenstein calls the idea
 discussed here a Sachverhalt (pls see around 2.01 in 
 It appears ok to interpret, that the Sachverhalt is that “amount j is on
 place p”, while the Zusammenhang is that “j moves together within
 {j,j’,j’’,...etc} during a reorder from alphabeta into gammadelta”. 
  Heraclit has predicted the
 dynamic interdependence among realisations of the order without giving a
 specific name to it. He points out the “upward-downward path” 
   Here, we may make use of
 the ideas – and the names – of the connotations of a convoy, chain, string or
 rhythm for the Zusammenhang and step or tact for the Sachverhalt.Data:The 
 deictic definition is
 done by presenting a fragment of Table T (please see 6.num). Each line in 
 T is one step in the process of reordering. We