Re: [Fis] FIS News (Moscow 2013)

Dear Joseph and FIS colleagues,

Thanks for the friendly message. Let me introduce you all the organizing team 
of the Open University conference: Magnus Ramage, David Chapman, and Chris 
Bissell --they did a great job there and we are fortunate that they have joined 
our list too. As I invited them during the conference, they could chair our 
next discussion session, in a few weeks or days if they wish. A short text of 
around 500 or 800 words with some focus in themes discussed at Milton Keynes 
would suffice to kick off the discussion. As other people have recently joined 
the list, all of them should remind our strict limitation of a maximum of two 
messages per week. This is a list emphasizing slow thinking and scholarship.

By the way, my management experience during all these months has lead me to 
think and start work on a new theme: the information flow in complex 
organizations. The properties or limits of natural communication (conversation) 
in our social groups determine the structural patterns of complex bureaucratic 
organizations...  terrible committees included! Next weeks I will post more on 

best wishes


- Mensaje original -
Fecha: Viernes, 12 de Abril de 2013, 7:12 pm
Asunto: RE: [Fis] FIS News (Moscow 2013)
A:, br
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 Dear Pedro,
 Glad to hear from you. Your silence was, of course, expressive, containing 
 much information . . .
 Now all of us will be waiting impatiently to learn about the the new, 
 exciting themes that were discussed at the Milton Keynes Conference.
 Best wishes,
 Message d'origine
 Date: 12.04.2013 11:02
 Objet: [Fis] FIS News (Moscow 2013)
 Dear FIS Friends,
 Apologies for my long silence. As I have already said several times, my 
 science management duties are killing not only my time but also my nerve 
 (well, not completely!). Imagine what is happening with the financing 
 and organization of Spanish science these years...
 Anyhow, a couple of good news about our common Information Science 
 endeavor. First, there has been an excellent conference in Milton 
 Keynes, organized by the Open University, about Information (the 
 difference that makes a difference). Quite exciting discussions on our 
 most dear themes, and some new ones that we have rarely addressed here. 
 The organizers, a very active team indeed, are cordially invited to lead 
 a discussion session in our FIS list to continue with the conceptual 
 explorations addressed in their conference.
 And the second news is about an imminent FIS CONFERENCE, MOSCOW 2013, 
 the Sixth FIS, and the 1st of the ISIS organization. It will be held 
 this May, from 21 to 24 in Moscow. This time the Russian organizers have 
 followed a singular procedure, a relatively closed conference centered 
 in the diffusion of information science in the Russian scientific 
 community.  At the time being, to my knowledge (I could not follow very 
 well the process), only the members of the ISIS board have been enlisted 
 as foreign participants. But given that there will be several absences, 
 interested FIS parties might ask about their possible participation.  
 The schedule is too tight for travels, visas etc, and again I have to 
 apologize for not having posted this info before (info glut!). In any 
 case, am sure that our colleague Konstantin  Kolin ( ), 
 leading organizer, and member of the Russian Academy of Science, will be 
 happy to respond to interested parties and help them to accelerate the 
 Best wishes to all
 Pedro C. Marijuán
 Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
 Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
 Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (CIBA)
 Avda. San Juan Bosco, 13, planta X
 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
 Tfno. +34 976 71 3526 ( 6818)
 fis mailing list

fis mailing list

Re: [Fis] FIS News (Moscow 2013)

2013-04-13 Thread Gyorgy Darvas
Dear Pedro, Joe, and all FISers,

Great news!

As I notified you before, the Symmetry Festival 2013 (Delft, The
Netherlands, 2-6 August) is open and glad to host a
FIS symposium on symmetries in information studies. The Festival consists
of a series of symposia, and FIS would well fit among them. You are

Best wishes,

Symmetry Festival
2013, Delft, 2-7
Download and
print the
poster in A3 size, post it at your department, 
throughout your parent institution, and distribute among colleagues
Thank you for your contribution to publicize the event! 
A recent publication online: 

Physical consequences of a new gauge-symmetry and its associated
conservation law 

Greetings from Budapest 
Gyorgy Darvas 
E-mail ; Skype: darvasgy;
S Y M M E T R I O N 
Address: 29 Eotvos St., Budapest, H-1067 Hungary 
Phone: 36 (1) 302-6965; 

Course of
lectures on


Course of lectures on

Interactions in Kinetic Fields and the Conservation of IFCS 

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