Re: [Fis] Info Science Comments

2009-12-04 Thread Enrique Wulff

Dear Jacob:

your choice is certainly well-stated; further, on 
my view, building after the called 'conjugational 
mathematics' is not a frequent exercise. And 
perhaps the reason is under the assumption that a 
scientific theory of the rational behavior that 
incorporates the intuitive inclination facing the 
uncertainty is necessary. But the methods of 
detection of errors and evaluation of 
opportunities, on the basis of numerical 
measures, have demonstrated not to be 
satisfactory at the time of describing the 
behavior. Then when considering the 
communication, the credentials relative to the 
logic are not strictly rigourous. So, why to 
continue exploring where there is no answer?

Enrique Wulff
Marine Sciences Institute of Andalusia (CSIC)
C/ República Saharaui nº 2 (Campus Universitario)
11519 Puerto Real, Cádiz. Spain.
Phone 956 832 612, ext. 325
Fax 956 834 701

At 05:11 04/12/2009, you wrote:

Dear All:

I have remained mostly a lurker on this fascinating listserv for some
time. The diversity of the different participants' backgrounds makes for
interesting discussions, though I am not sure I always understand

That said, having spent the last year or more familiarizing myself with
situation semantics, situation theory, and infomorphic channel theory
(i.e. the work of  Jon Barwise, Jerry Seligman, David Israel, John
Perry, Keith Devlin, and many others) for my thesis work, I am struck by
the general, if not universal, absence of engagement with this work in
this list's discussions. Situation semantics is an explicitly
information oriented semantics (rather than say a truth oriented
semantics), based on partial worlds called situations. Propositional
sentence meaning is a relation between some discourse situation and a
described situation. A propositional sentence asserts that a described
situation support various states of affairs (items of information).
Jerry Seligman gives a reasonable first pass formalization of the notion
of a situation in his paper /Physical Situations and Information Flow./
Situation theory was further developed in Barwise and Seligman's channel
theory. Channel theory identifies information flow as arising from
regularities between the components of distributed systems. The
decomposition of a system determines what information flows in the
system; hence the information available to a cognitive agent depends on
the particular decomposition used. Allwein, Moskowitz, and Chang have
attempted to integrate Shannon's information theory into Barwise and
Seligman's channel theory (see refs below).  More recent work of
interest is contained in the recent collection /Philosophy of
Information/ edited by Pieter Adriaans and Johan Van Benthem. This work
is relatively well known and seems highly relevant to our discussions on
this list, so I am puzzled. Am I missing something?


Adriaans, Pieter, and Johan Van Benthem. Philosophy of Information.
Elsevier, 2008.

Allwein, Gerard. “A qualitative framework for Shannon information
theories.” In Proceedings of the 2004 workshop on New security
paradigms, 23-31. Nova Scotia, Canada: ACM, 2004. 

(accessed February 17, 2009).

Moskowitz, I. S., L. W. Chang, and G. T. Allwein. A new framework for
Shannon information theory. Storming Media, 2004.

Seligman, Jerry Physical situations and information flow. in Situation
theory and its applications, vol. 2 1991.



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Re: [Fis] Info Science Comments

2009-12-04 Thread ssalthe
Robin said:

To me this issue is very simple: the meaning of information to a receiving 
system is the effect on the system of the reception of the information.

This makes meaning relative, but I believe that's both as it should be, and 
easily understood:

I've very recently been studying Millikan's biosemantics, in which proper 
function is determined genetically: it is the function of the heart to pump 
because that's what its predecessors were selected to do. The concept of 
function is required in order to allow for a representation or meaning to be 
false, or misleading: in that case, the function fails to do what it is 
to. It occurred to me, that is good as far as it goes, but too restrictive: 
functionality should be seen as relative to a given context. In the context of 
biology, Millikan's proper function is appropriate, but in most contexts that 
people are concerned with, the context is human aims and aspirations. Within 
that category there are different levels, notably that of the individual and of 
society, but that's just another aspect of context. In any case, the context 
determines the meaning of information. How that does that relate to my first 
statement? The context will determine, for instance, whether the system we 
look at to determine the effect of the information is an individual or a 
population. But of course there are many other complexities to consider!

 S: I agree that meaning is generated within an interpreting system (and so 
not 'objective'), as well as through contextuality.  That is, if a system acts 
as a 
system of interpretance, then it is contextualizing an event impinging upon it 
an opportunity appearing before it.

Steven said:
I much prefer a more general definition(of meaning) derived from the Peircian 
pragmaticist definition (and internally consistent in my model). Meaning is a 
term concerning signs, it is the difference that a sign makes in the world.

A meaning is a reference to the information that a sign provides. It is a meta 
concept allowing us to reason about information.  

S:  The difference between a mere 'event' (e.g., two items colliding) and a 
meaningful interaction is that in the latter context affects the result.  That 
context is provided by a system of interpretance if it is party to the 

Jacob said:

Dear All:

I have remained mostly a lurker on this fascinating listserv for some 
time. The diversity of the different participants' backgrounds makes for 
interesting discussions, though I am not sure I always understand 

That said, having spent the last year or more familiarizing myself with 
situation semantics, situation theory, and infomorphic channel theory 
(i.e. the work of  Jon Barwise, Jerry Seligman, David Israel, John 
Perry, Keith Devlin, and many others) for my thesis work, I am struck by 
the general, if not universal, absence of engagement with this work in 
this list's discussions. Situation semantics is an explicitly 
information oriented semantics (rather than say a truth oriented 
semantics), based on partial worlds called situations. Propositional 
sentence meaning is a relation between some discourse situation and a 
described situation. A propositional sentence asserts that a described 
situation support various states of affairs (items of information). 
Jerry Seligman gives a reasonable first pass formalization of the notion 
of a situation in his paper /Physical Situations and Information Flow./ 
Situation theory was further developed in Barwise and Seligman's channel 
theory. Channel theory identifies information flow as arising from 
regularities between the components of distributed systems. The 
decomposition of a system determines what information flows in the 
system; hence the information available to a cognitive agent depends on 
the particular decomposition used. Allwein, Moskowitz, and Chang have 
attempted to integrate Shannon's information theory into Barwise and 
Seligman's channel theory (see refs below).  More recent work of 
interest is contained in the recent collection /Philosophy of 
Information/ edited by Pieter Adriaans and Johan Van Benthem. This work 
is relatively well known and seems highly relevant to our discussions on 
this list, so I am puzzled. Am I missing something?

S:  How would your points here relate to the general idea that information 
contextual? That is, that it varies with the system of interpretance engaging 

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[Fis] Info Science Comments

2009-12-02 Thread Pedro Clemente Marijuan Fernandez

I am athome, incubating a flu, and during a week or so I will be out of touch 
–justwith Morpheus. About the comments received, not having the messages here, 
Iwill try to remember the initial bunch of contents.

In Rafael’squestion on the info status of our concepts, I would take them as 
signals,sophisticate ones exchanged as mandated along our life cycles. My 
preference isfor Fuster “cognits” which try to approach language and thought 
under the basicprocessual unit of the nervous system: the action/perception 
cycle... We shouldnot go beyond the main science involved, in this case 
neuroscience, as forinstance a theory of consciousness is missing yet. So at 
the time being I wouldbe reluctant at trying to answer the great conceptual 
questions of classicalphilosophy.

Johncomment on information physics is completely endorsed. Both quantum 
computingand cosmology are advancing informational approaches in very elegant 
ways. AsBob commented days ago, Heisenberg and Pauli principles contain that 
“absence”side which makes them susceptible of being expressed in info terms; 
perhaps themeasurement problem too (not to forget “ecosystems” within the 
catalog of infoentities).

 Stan is right when criticizes the truncateddecalog of “principles”. Let me put 
them as basic “propositions” temporarilyfielding the field...  Jerry isalso 
right when demands a more fine tuned and less overlapping version. Aboutthe 
power law with exponential cutoff in the summands of natural numbers 
partitions,it is explained in a paper of Garcia Olivares and me: 
doi:10.1016/j.biosystems.2004.02.005 (“Emergence of power laws from partitional 

Loet’s preference forShannon (and only Shannon) is fine, but this was the 
status quo during last 60years... Joseph makes a well-addressed comment on the 
new knowledge needed forsustainability issues. This is timely, as complexity 
theorists have left thecommunication theme aside in their mathematical and 
computer centered vision,and an enlarged approach to information (absences, 
needs, signals, meaning,value, knowledge, recombination  networking, and so 
on) makes a lot ofsense in todays society. I think the whole Info Sci. 
enterprise is mature for a conjoint conference with avariety of scholarly and 
scientific organizations --eg, symmetry.

And that was all.

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