[Fish-users] Fish scripting wishlist

2012-06-21 Thread Kevin Ballard
During the process of porting __git_ps1 to Fish (see my previous email), I ran
into lots of issues (both design issues and missing functionality) with Fish
scripting. I've already filed issues for a lot of these, but I thought I would
just try to round them all up. These are in no particular order:

1. Fish seriously needs some facility for doing basic string manipulation.
Farming out to other processes is rather slow and complicated. In fact, when I
needed to replicate bash's functionality for ${somevar#strip/prefix}, it
turned out the easiest way to do that was in fact to use bash again, with
(/bin/sh -c 'echo ${1#strip/prefix}' -- $somevar). Farming out to other programs
to do work, as slow as it is, is at least understandable, but having to actually
farm out to bash itself seems completely wrongheaded.

2. Fish could really use an equivalent for bash's ${var:-value} syntax. It's
very awkward to turn what could be one expression into 4 lines is rather
awkward. And in fact in my __fish_git_prompt script, the lack of this
functionality ballooned into a lot more work because I didn't want to insert
those 4 lines everywhere I needed the simple characters. See the
__fish_git_prompt_validate_chars function from my __fish_git_prompt.fish script,
along with the extra event handler to invalidate those variables. This
functionality could have been used to simplify the color variable logic as well.

3. Fish needs a way to do command substitution within a double-quoted string.
The simplest solution is probably to support $() within double-quotes. The
reasoning is twofold: first, a command substitution that evaluates to no output
ends up being stripped entirely from the argument list of its surrounding
command. This has extremely bad implications when using it with, e.g. `test -n
(some command)`. Second, this would allow for storing the output with its
newlines in a variable, instead of having the output be split into multiple
elements. And as a bonus it would make it a lot easier to combine command
substitution output with other text in the same argument, e.g. $somevar(some

4. Fish needs basic math. Farming math out to `bc` is extremely slow.

5. Fish needs a way to do string testing with pattern matching, e.g. the ==
operator from bash's [[ builtin.

6. We need 'else if'. I can't figure out why that was omitted.

7. A command substitution should be allowed to modify the $status of its
surrounding context. It's currently documented as not touching $status, although
this documentation is fairly unnecessary because if it did modify $status, that
would simply be overwritten by the status of the command that it's being passed
as an argument to. However, once command substitution can modify $status, then
the next step is to modify the `set` builtin to not modify $status unless the
`-q` flag was provided. With both of these changes, I can then store the command
output into a variable and act on its status. In bash, this is trivial:

if foo=$(some command); then
# the command substitution exited 0

In Fish, I'd really like to be able to say

if set foo (some command)
# the command substitution exited 0

Instead I have to use the awkward construct

set -l oldStatus
set foo (some command; set oldStatus $status)
if test $oldStatus -ne 0
# the command substitution exited 0


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Re: [Fish-users] vi-mode WIP

2012-06-21 Thread ridiculous_fish
Ian, thank you for tackling this!!  vi mode is highly desired by other users, 
but I don't know enough about it to implement it.

Regarding repainting, does 'commandline -f repaint' work?


On Jun 21, 2012, at 12:03 AM, Ian Munsie wrote:

 your vi-mode works wonderful.
 I've only the problem with the 'w' and 'e' keys, which place the cursor to
 the space, rather the last/first letter in the word.
 Yes, for now I'm just using the built in forward/backward-word
 commands for them as they were close enough to get started. The 'W'
 and 'E' commands I've implemented myself and (barring a few edge
 cases) should place the cursor in the right place.
 I need to implement 'w' and 'e' (and change 'W' and 'E') so they work
 as directional modifiers as well as for navigation, so the correct
 functionality is coming :)
 It would be also good
 to have the mode indicator. The variable that I can put to the fish_prompt.
 Done. If you grab the latest version there is now a vi_mode variable
 that you can use with something like this:
 function fish_prompt -d Write out the prompt
printf '%s@%s%s%s%s [%s] ' (whoami) (hostname|cut -d . -f 1)
 (set_color $fish_color_cwd) (prompt_pwd) (set_color normal) $vi_mode
 It currently gets set to one of 'I' (insert), ' ' (normal), 'R'
 (overwrite) and 'r' (replace single). I'm open to feedback on whether
 they are appropriate choices.
 I ran into some trouble implementing this - I couldn't get the prompt
 to repaint when going into normal mode (yet worked fine when entering
 insert mode). I eventually figured out that 'bind '' self-insert'
 seems to be required for this to work for some reason... so now normal
 mode does that, then binds all printable 7-bit ASCII characters to do
 nothing before assigning the real bindings - a bit wasteful and ugly,
 so if anyone can suggest a better way to solve this, please let me
 On the day *I* go to work for Microsoft, faint oinking sounds will be
 heard from far overhead, the moon will not merely turn blue but
 develop polkadots, and hell will freeze over so solid the brimstone
 will go superconductive.
  -- Eric S. Raymond, 2005
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[Fish-users] vim syntax for fish files

2012-06-21 Thread Ali Vakilzade
I have created a simple vim script for fish highlighting

I have added  fish keywords to 'sh'. (so it's based on sh filetype)
and your auto commenting plugin will work for fish files

script is here:

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Re: [Fish-users] Fish scripting wishlist

2012-06-21 Thread ridiculous_fish
Hello Kevin,

Thank you for taking the time to write this up! Your git script looks very 
ambitious, and so this is thoughtful, informed feedback. (Incidentally I just 
merged your git script changes). Let me respond to each point in turn:

1.2. 3.: Regarding string manipulation: I'm in favor of doing something here, 
as long as it keeps in fish's spirit. i.e. definitely do NOT adopt the POSIX 
specification for variable modifiers, like ${a##*/} to strip all leading path 
components from $a. That's just line noise, and we can do way better.

I also like your suggestion of supporting $(…), especially because this is 
currently a syntax error, so there's no compatibility risk.  There's some 
synergy between this and string manipulation. There could be a built-in str 
or munge or whatever that manipulates its argument based on other parameters, 
e.g. (munge --strip '/*' --repeat $PWD) to get the last component of pwd.

But we ought not to invent yet another string manipulation syntax. If anyone 
has any suggestions for an existing command-based string manipulation syntax 
that would be appropriate for fish, please share it.

4. Can you elaborate on your math needs? Farming out to bc is slow, but I 
haven't encountered a case where it matters.

5. Extending builtin test with == for globbing seems reasonable; currently == 
is a syntax error. Mapping [ to built-in test seems good too. Introducing [[ is 
bad: [[ does some very magical things to its arguments (like not expanding 
them) that can't be handled generically.

6. Agreed regarding 'else if'. Any objection to 'elif' as seen in bash, Python, 
and others?

7. I see your point regarding the difficulty of doing an assign-and-test, but 
the construct 

   if set foo (some command)

appears to be checking the success of the set command, not of the subcommand. 
Still I don't have any better suggestions - that's one to think about.


On Jun 21, 2012, at 10:58 AM, Kevin Ballard wrote:

 During the process of porting __git_ps1 to Fish (see my previous email), I ran
 into lots of issues (both design issues and missing functionality) with Fish
 scripting. I've already filed issues for a lot of these, but I thought I would
 just try to round them all up. These are in no particular order:
 1. Fish seriously needs some facility for doing basic string manipulation.
 Farming out to other processes is rather slow and complicated. In fact, when I
 needed to replicate bash's functionality for ${somevar#strip/prefix}, it
 turned out the easiest way to do that was in fact to use bash again, with
 (/bin/sh -c 'echo ${1#strip/prefix}' -- $somevar). Farming out to other 
 to do work, as slow as it is, is at least understandable, but having to 
 farm out to bash itself seems completely wrongheaded.
 2. Fish could really use an equivalent for bash's ${var:-value} syntax. It's
 very awkward to turn what could be one expression into 4 lines is rather
 awkward. And in fact in my __fish_git_prompt script, the lack of this
 functionality ballooned into a lot more work because I didn't want to insert
 those 4 lines everywhere I needed the simple characters. See the
 __fish_git_prompt_validate_chars function from my __fish_git_prompt.fish 
 along with the extra event handler to invalidate those variables. This
 functionality could have been used to simplify the color variable logic as 
 3. Fish needs a way to do command substitution within a double-quoted string.
 The simplest solution is probably to support $() within double-quotes. The
 reasoning is twofold: first, a command substitution that evaluates to no 
 ends up being stripped entirely from the argument list of its surrounding
 command. This has extremely bad implications when using it with, e.g. `test -n
 (some command)`. Second, this would allow for storing the output with its
 newlines in a variable, instead of having the output be split into multiple
 elements. And as a bonus it would make it a lot easier to combine command
 substitution output with other text in the same argument, e.g. $somevar(some
 4. Fish needs basic math. Farming math out to `bc` is extremely slow.
 5. Fish needs a way to do string testing with pattern matching, e.g. the ==
 operator from bash's [[ builtin.
 6. We need 'else if'. I can't figure out why that was omitted.
 7. A command substitution should be allowed to modify the $status of its
 surrounding context. It's currently documented as not touching $status, 
 this documentation is fairly unnecessary because if it did modify $status, 
 would simply be overwritten by the status of the command that it's being 
 as an argument to. However, once command substitution can modify $status, then
 the next step is to modify the `set` builtin to not modify $status unless the
 `-q` flag was provided. With both of these changes, I can then store the 
 output into a variable and act on its 

Re: [Fish-users] I'm not receiving my own messages

2012-06-21 Thread SanskritFritz
On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 8:50 PM, Kevin Ballard ke...@sb.org wrote:

 I don't seem to be receiving my own messages sent to this list, even
 though I
 triple-checked my settings and I'm supposed to be getting them. Is anyone
 having this problem?

I didn't even know I was supposed to receive them. They are in my sent mail.
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Re: [Fish-users] vi-mode WIP

2012-06-21 Thread Ian Munsie
 Regarding repainting, does 'commandline -f repaint' work?

It seems that I need both commandline -f repaint and bind ''
self-insert for it to work.

I'm wondering if the repaint command never goes through without the
default binding set - I tried binding just \xe027 (R_REPAINT if I
added that up right) to self-insert, but that just threw an error
(seems I can't use bind on any sequence  0x7f).


On the day *I* go to work for Microsoft, faint oinking sounds will be
heard from far overhead, the moon will not merely turn blue but
develop polkadots, and hell will freeze over so solid the brimstone
will go superconductive.
     -- Eric S. Raymond, 2005
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Fish-users mailing list

[Fish-users] bzr completion (and other vcs?)

2012-06-21 Thread Dario Bertini
Hi, I recently started to use fishfish... I'm a bzr user (but
obviously also an hg and git one) and I read a previous mail about it
(I cannot reply to it since I wasn't subscribed to the list at the

From the homepage, I assumed that the completion was done by reading
the man pages on the fly... by looking into it I found out that
actually there's the fish_update_completions builtin function to be
called manually

if you run it though, it'll create new completions for git: the
problem is, those completions don't work

out of curiosity, to see if it was feasible to adapt the mercurial
completions for bazaar, I found out about the make_vcs_completions in
the fishfish sources

first thing: if some programs are already known to be better served by
some other completions (like the ones for which the completions are
generated with such a script), shouldn't it be better if
fish_update_completions blacklisted git, hg, svn and such programs?

btw, I then tried to use make_vcs_completions to generate bzr
completions... but I got lots of errors like:

fish: path_get_path( 'bzr' )
bzr: ERROR: No help could be found for 'bzr'. Please use 'bzr help
topics' to obtain a list of topics.
fish: proc::read_try('bzr $argv; ')

I tried to run it with fish -d 3 but I can't understand what is
going wrong... I also looked at the make_vcs_completions script
itself, by checking it step by step and adding echo statements, but I
got lost after line 100, when it seems that it's using a more-than-70
lines long string substitution (or at least, that unmatched single
quote seems to be doing that)

should make_vcs_completions be rewritten? (it's 2 years old)
what is the best approach to get some nice autocompletion for bzr?
other people interested out there?
should some of this be reported as an issue on github?

Live Security Virtual Conference
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Fish-users mailing list

[Fish-users] $status in prompt

2012-06-21 Thread Dario Bertini
In my fish_prompt function I added the $status variable, to let me
instantly know the exit code of the last command I run (like in the
old prompt I was using on zsh)

but in my prompt, the value is always stuck to 0

is someone else able to reproduce it? is it a known behaviour? is it a bug?

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Re: [Fish-users] $status in prompt

2012-06-21 Thread Dario Bertini
On 22 June 2012 02:43, Tom W. Most tomm...@gmail.com wrote:
 It works for me, but of course it does need to be referenced in the
 first statement in the prompt.  This is my prompt:

Thank you, it works...

but it seems a bit unintuitive that it has to be the first statement:

I mean, fish_prompt is called each time, so having some other
instructions inside would reset the $status, and then I don't see how
it could still contain the correct value, after returning from

whatever... now I don't have to worry about it anymore, thanks :)

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[Fish-users] [PATCH] Fix off by two in move_word left

2012-06-21 Thread Ian Munsie
This can be demonstrated with something like:

echo howdy hicontrol-w
echo howdy Ialt-b

Previously this would delete/move all the way to the start of 'howdy',
rather than just the word 'hi'/'I'.

It seems that the code to ignore the character under the cursor was
redundant, as all the cases I've tried with it removed seem to do the
right thing.

Signed-off-by: Ian Munsie darkstarsw...@gmail.com
 reader.c |8 
 1 file changed, 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/reader.c b/reader.c
index 139b4ed..0b70e99 100644
--- a/reader.c
+++ b/reader.c
@@ -2015,14 +2015,6 @@ static void move_word( int dir, int erase, int new )
- When moving left, ignore the character under the cursor
-   */
-   if( !dir )
-   {
-   end_buff_pos+=2*step;
-   }
-   /*
  Remove all whitespace characters before finding a word
while( 1 )

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Fish-users mailing list

Re: [Fish-users] bzr completion (and other vcs?)

2012-06-21 Thread David Frascone
I'd love to see some mercurial toys, like the git and bzr ones I've seen .
. . maybe I'll hack something together if I find some time.

On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 6:16 PM, Dario Bertini berda...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi, I recently started to use fishfish... I'm a bzr user (but
 obviously also an hg and git one) and I read a previous mail about it
 (I cannot reply to it since I wasn't subscribed to the list at the

 From the homepage, I assumed that the completion was done by reading
 the man pages on the fly... by looking into it I found out that
 actually there's the fish_update_completions builtin function to be
 called manually

 if you run it though, it'll create new completions for git: the
 problem is, those completions don't work

 out of curiosity, to see if it was feasible to adapt the mercurial
 completions for bazaar, I found out about the make_vcs_completions in
 the fishfish sources

 first thing: if some programs are already known to be better served by
 some other completions (like the ones for which the completions are
 generated with such a script), shouldn't it be better if
 fish_update_completions blacklisted git, hg, svn and such programs?

 btw, I then tried to use make_vcs_completions to generate bzr
 completions... but I got lots of errors like:

 fish: path_get_path( 'bzr' )
 bzr: ERROR: No help could be found for 'bzr'. Please use 'bzr help
 topics' to obtain a list of topics.
 fish: proc::read_try('bzr $argv; ')

 I tried to run it with fish -d 3 but I can't understand what is
 going wrong... I also looked at the make_vcs_completions script
 itself, by checking it step by step and adding echo statements, but I
 got lost after line 100, when it seems that it's using a more-than-70
 lines long string substitution (or at least, that unmatched single
 quote seems to be doing that)

 should make_vcs_completions be rewritten? (it's 2 years old)
 what is the best approach to get some nice autocompletion for bzr?
 other people interested out there?
 should some of this be reported as an issue on github?

 Live Security Virtual Conference
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 threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
 will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware
 threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
 Fish-users mailing list

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