Re: Mike

1998-12-23 Thread Heyvaert
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I don't envy you trying to pass a stone but keep drinking those liquids and
maybe you'll have some luck!  Everyone told me (this is when I was 22!) that
if I could bare the pain of kidney stones, I could make it through child
birth!  I've since made it through 2 births and I think the kidney stones were
worse --- at least I got a beautiful baby girl and boy out of the deal!  Good

Susan from Minnesota

Merry Christmas

1998-12-23 Thread BRIAN C JACOBSEN
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (BRIAN C JACOBSEN)

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

We are packing the car as I write.   We will be gone to Florida for a few
days for the holidays to visit Brian's grandmother.  

Everyone keep warm and drive safe.

Brian Jacobsen

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1998-12-23 Thread Doug Knutsen
This message is from: Doug Knutsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

From: Peg Knutsen
To: All

After reading the latest digest, I want to add two pieces of information. The 
first is that I will use better formatting in the future, so that my sparking 
wit will be easier to read.  The second is that I am only pouring hot water 
into almost frozen water - which just raises the temperature of the drinking 
water a few degrees.  I'm not giving the Fjords hot or even warm water to drink.

Happy Holidays from Western Washington, where we're hoping for a really, truly 
white Christmas.  Peg

Water buckets and Spurs

1998-12-23 Thread Margaret Strachan
This message is from: "Margaret Strachan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've been enjoying hearing about the travails of keeping horses in cold
climates.  I have always been amazed at all the work that is necessary.
We keep the horses outside year round with shelter, but the shelter is
used mostly for shade in the Summer.  This morning however, it was
actually cold enough to cause a water pipe in the barn to leak.  This
native Southern Californian actually had to shut off the water and fill
buckets for a couple of the horses.  It is normally so easy to care for
the horses on a day to day basis in this climate;  I guess I got a taste
of retribution for finding the travails of others amusing.

Regarding spurs--yes, for a skilled rider on a horse who has been
properly schooled to accept them, or for a horse in training ridden by
an experienced rider.  For twenty some odd years I rode a highly trained
appaloosa who had been schooled with spurs ( I knew who had broke and
trained him).  He was absolutely push button and responded immediately
to a correct cue every time.  I believe this was the result of
judicious use of spurs during his training.  A spur can give a very
subtle, distinct cue when used by a skilled rider.  I rarely rode him
with spurs, and only with the French type that just have "nubbies" on
the medial of the inside heel--that was all that was needed.  When Barry
used him for dressage lessons though he used a prince of wales standard
spur, and Eagle was most inspired to perform, but no tail swishing, no
discomfort because he actually liked the clear communication.  I haven't
used spurs on my Fjords, we haven't had problems encouraging forward
movement.  I would use the French type first should the need arise.  I
bought the french spurs from Miller's years ago, I don't know if they
are still available.
Margaret Strachan
Village Farm
Nuevo, CA
Where it's a warm, sunny day after a 25 degree night.

Re: Mike

1998-12-23 Thread jean gayle
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jean gayle)

Glad to hear you are still on your feet Mike, whew, worse than childbirth
and taking more time.  Don't forget to drink lots of liquids, any kind,
especially Christmas cheers.  Oops guess it would not mix with pain pills.
Well lots of luck.  Jean Gayle

>This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>At 12:35 PM 12/22/98 -0800, you wrote:
>>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jean gayle)
>>Has anyone heard how Mike is doing with his pain etc.?  
>For those that don't know, I am trying to give birth to a kidney stone.
>That is why I haven't had a lot to say.  I have been trying since Saturday
>now.  It is getting rather old at this point.  I was in the hospital for
>Monday evening for it.  They did a CT Scan and found it but said it was
>almost out of the kidney so it shouldn't be long now.  HA, here it is Wed
>and I am still waiting for it.
>Hopefully soon now.  
Jean Gayle  --- A Subscriber at Techline 

Re: mouthiness

1998-12-23 Thread jean gayle
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jean gayle)

You are quite correct Ingrid and we have been through this.  This boy loved
to interact with everyone only in a bully way.  Anyone was in trouble who
did not assert dominance from the git go including myself.  His brilliance
in the shows was only after considerable controls exerted by his riders.
Yet to me this is the personality that adds the beauty and spirit that takes
the breath away when properly contained.  With Charlie it was not the crop
it was the two by four.  Today at seventeen he is the best mannered and
obedient fellow on the place.  If I scold him his eyes get all crinkled up
as tho he is crying. But he still likes to test a new relationship with a
near step on their foot or an imposing head held at 9 feet over their head.
He is huge.  Jean

>This message is from: Ingrid Ivic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> My huge Trakehner
>> and i have a special relationship and he nibbles my hair, my clothes and
>> likes to take hold of my sleeve and throw my arm up and down and i really
>> feel he is laughing, I certainly am.
>  Hi Jean...I had a HUGE 17 +hd.Hanoverian once, who "laughed" like this
>too...till one day it ceased to be a laughing matter. He was having fun
>while tossing ME up and down, along with my clothes, hair, etc.
>Careful, they can get a bit rough in their affectionate ways. :o)
Jean Gayle  --- A Subscriber at Techline 

Re: Mike

1998-12-23 Thread Mike May
This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 12:35 PM 12/22/98 -0800, you wrote:
>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jean gayle)
>Has anyone heard how Mike is doing with his pain etc.?  

For those that don't know, I am trying to give birth to a kidney stone.
That is why I haven't had a lot to say.  I have been trying since Saturday
now.  It is getting rather old at this point.  I was in the hospital for
Monday evening for it.  They did a CT Scan and found it but said it was
almost out of the kidney so it shouldn't be long now.  HA, here it is Wed
and I am still waiting for it.

Hopefully soon now.  



1998-12-23 Thread Ingrid Ivic
This message is from: Ingrid Ivic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> My huge Trakehner
> and i have a special relationship and he nibbles my hair, my clothes and
> likes to take hold of my sleeve and throw my arm up and down and i really
> feel he is laughing, I certainly am.
  Hi Jean...I had a HUGE 17 +hd.Hanoverian once, who "laughed" like this
too...till one day it ceased to be a laughing matter. He was having fun
while tossing ME up and down, along with my clothes, hair, etc.
Careful, they can get a bit rough in their affectionate ways. :o)


1998-12-23 Thread saskia
This message is from: saskia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Steve and Cynthia!

Thank you very much for the wonderful wooden Fjording I found in my 
mailbox today! I have put him next to Unna's picture in the living room 
so that I can always see it and it will have a special place in the new 
house too!

It is so beautiful! Thank you! Merry Christmas! And a very happy Newyear 
to you and yours!!!
