Re[2]: List must move (READ and RESPOND!)

1999-12-20 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Tuesday, December 21, 1999, you wrote:

 Why does the list have to more?  I missed the reason.

  The current host is discontinuing all their mailing list services.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd  Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
  The hooves of the horses!--Oh! bewitching and sweet; Is the music
  earth steals from the iron-shod feet. -- Will H Ogilvie

Re: List must move (READ and RESPOND!)

1999-12-20 Thread Alison Bakken
This message is from: Alison Bakken [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Steve,

I would not be all that happy about advertising attacked to each
message.  You know more about the workings than the rest of us.  Why
does the list have to more?  I missed the reason.

Alison from Alberta where winter has arrived.

Take a look!!!

1999-12-20 Thread Evers
This message is from: Evers [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steve. I found this while searching.Maybe you could use it.
We all have to help so we can stay together right!!!

on air fundraiser

1999-12-20 Thread Teressa Kandianis
This message is from: Teressa Kandianis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What about establishing a goal for annual costs for the lists and have an on
line fundraising - little administration - just keep asking for donations
until the goal is reached.  And do it just once a year.  No point in having
premiums etc - and people could let their names be known and issue
challenges or contribute anonymously or not contribute at all.  From what
Steve said on last night's chat, the total amount is about $1 per current
list member.  So the total amount shouldn't be hard to raise amongst us all.
And people could abide by the honor system - in that, once pledged they
would have to send money without being billed.   Does this sound feasible?
Teressa Kandianis - where the skies are dry but the ground isn't in
Ferndale, Wa.

Re: Beautiful Joe - Skip if you don't like sentimental stories ..

1999-12-20 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cheryl, that is a very kind and gentle report you give of your early
childhood influence and regard for the animal world.  At times of loss we
all need some help getting over the pain and loss.  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of The Colonel's Daughter
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes  Noble Book Stores

Santa on the way

1999-12-20 Thread granite
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just a note to say I got my Santa gift on its way to the South of us here in
Montana..Funny thing about the name thing, so close to mine.

To the powers that be, will follow this list anywhere, will also pay any
amount to keep this fun going.

Thank you for all your hard work.

Patty PETERSON in Libby, Montana.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V99 #310

1999-12-20 Thread Sheri Kane
This message is from: Sheri Kane [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please, please don't let our fjordlist net. go away. I'd also be willing to
pay for the wonderful service. Finally I have a source in which I can learn
about this wonderful breed.  Without this internet connection I would be
lost in a world of other breeds and no where to be with real  horse
people. We owe it to our horses to confer with others about their
uniqueness. Sheri

[JaydeNews] Generate 25 Times More Buying Customers!

1999-12-20 Thread Jayde Search Smart!
= Member Newsletter
December 20, 1999 

1.)... About This Newsletter
2.)... Jayde Germany
3.)... Today's Feature Article
4.)... Today's Quick Clicks

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1.) About the JaydeNews Newsletter

JaydeNews is an optional weekly newsletter available to those who
submitted their web site to the search engine and directory. contains only the best and most relevant sites on the web!
This newsletter focuses on improving and popularizing all web sites
listed with the Jayde directory.

Want your ad viewed by 500,000+ webmasters and site owners? JaydeNews
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3.) How Your Web Site can Generate Over 25 Times More Buying
Customers in Less than a Year, by Michael W. Campbell


Put what you now call your home page inside your web site and use it
as a directory to navigate your site. Set up a new home page, its
sole purpose should be to attract a major search engine and funnel
the visitors inside, to your site's directory. The home page should
not contain any frames, tables or scripts of any kind. Use plain
simple html consisting of title, headlines, links and body copy,
perhaps even a small graphic or two. You don't even need meta tags
on the home page.


Retailers do it in the real world so why limit yourself to one
location in the virtual world. What is hosting going to cost you,
$25.00 a month? That's a drip in an ocean compared to the enormous
boost in traffic that more sites will bring. Start with six web
sites, mirror the content, put slightly different headlines and meta
tags on each of the mirrored pages. If your original site consisted
of 10 pages, you now have 60 pages working for you in the search
engines. Since mirroring is being frowned on by some lately, you
might want to get around this by making each site into a different
product category. Simply make each site highly targeted to one
product line and tie the look and feel of the various sites together
by using the same graphic design style and logos.


Very important, make sure each page inside your site (not the home
pages) links to all your other sites and pages. Each internal page
will contain 59 links, the best way to do this is with a 1x1 pixel
transparent gif. Doing this will beat the link popularity penalty
that's employed by several search engines. It will also create a

Re: List must move (READ and RESPOND!)

1999-12-20 Thread Lori Albrough
This message is from: Lori Albrough [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Please pardon my computer ignorance but what is a searchable archive? Anne

An archive would be a collection of all the list messages ever sent. A
searchable archive is where you can type in a word or phrase and it will
display all the list messages that contain that word or phrase. 

So if you knew that someone posted a message about, say, beet pulp, you
can type that phrase in and it will show you all the messages that talk
about beet pulp. That way you don't have to worry about saving a list
message that you may need someday, because you can always go back to the
archive and find it later.

The carriage driving list has a really nice searchable archive at


Re: Saying Goodbye :-(

1999-12-20 Thread John and Martie Bolinski
This message is from: John and Martie Bolinski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Our hearts are with you in your loss.  To lose 2 horses so close together is
even worse.  No-one can say anything to make is easier right at this minute, but
with time you will be able to remember all the good things without quite so much
pain.  Everytime I read someone's post about losing an animal, I cry over my 
pony.  And all the others.
We too have some oldtimers and are playing the waiting game.  The vet just
pronounced our 31 year old fit for light riding to keep her 'young at heart' but
the 25 year old must be retired to 'pasture ornament'.  His bout with EPM a few
years back have left him with nerve damage that we just can't come to grips 
He is not in pain, but has a lack of muscle control on his right side.  I just
have fears of the younger horse not outlasting his oldest pasture mate.

Our sympathies and best wishes,
Martie, John in muddy MD

Re: List must move (READ and RESPOND!)

1999-12-20 Thread Anneoly
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please pardon my computer ignorance but what is a searchable archive? Anne

Re: List must move (READ and RESPOND!)

1999-12-20 Thread John and Martie Bolinski
This message is from: John and Martie Bolinski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I agree with what seems to be the consensus.  You do such a great job, we
all trust you to make a decision.  I don't think small adds at the end of a
message will even be noticed after a little getting used to.  Whatever is
decided is fine with me.

Martie in MD

Re: loss

1999-12-20 Thread GailDorine
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 12/20/99 10:36:58 AM Mountain Standard Time, 

 The Power of the Dog
 by Rudyard Kipling
Thank you.  I saved this to send to some friends later this year when I know 
they will need it.   Gail

Re: exercising very bonded fjords

1999-12-20 Thread GailDorine
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I don't have the space I had at my old place.  I will, but not until I 
sell my old house and buy a new one here.  I am finding guilt a great 
motivator and work with them every day.  They seem to like me better now that 
I am play instead of a distraction from play.  Why in no time, I will be thin 
and they'll be well-trained.   Maybe Santa will bring us an extra 1/2 acre 
turnout space.  I have a real problem separating the two out of each other's 
sight.  Food helps, but I can just let them eat so much.
 Gail in 56 degree days, 26 degree nights, beautiful Las Cruces, with ridged 
mountains that look like dinosaurs walking across the desert.  It's real 
pretty here.

Re: loss

1999-12-20 Thread Rebecca Mayer
This message is from: Rebecca Mayer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Having lost horses, and dogs, grandparents, a father, and a sister ( at
Christmas)and having an old horse (23) and dog (14) I share the sad
feelings of all of you who have lost loved one.  I like this poem.

The Power of the Dog
by Rudyard Kipling

There is sorrow enough in the natural way
From men and women to fill our day;
And when we are certain of sorrow in store,
Why do we always arrange for more?
Brothers and Sisters, I bid you beware
Of giving your heart to a dog to tear.

Buy a pup and your money will buy
Love unflinching that cannot lie--
Perfect passion and worship fed
by a kick in the ribs or a pat on the head.
Nevertheless it is hardly fair
To risk you heart for a dog to tear.

When the 14 years which Nature permits
Are closing in asthma, or tumour, or fits,
And the vet's unspoken prescription runs
To lethal chambers or loaded guns,
Then you will find--it's your own affair've given your heart to a dog to tear.

When the body that lived at your single will,
With its whimper of welcome, is stilled
   (how still!)
When the spirit that answered your every mood
Is gone--wherever it goes--for food,
You will discover how much you care,
And will give your heart to a dog to tear.

We've sorrow enough in the natural way,
When it comes to burying Christian clay.
Our loves are not given, but only lent,
At compound interest of cent per cent.
Though it is not always the case, I believe,
That the longer we've kept 'em
   the more we do grieve:
For when debts are payable, right or wrong,
A short-term loan is as bad as a long--
So why in Heaven (before we are there)
Should we give our hearts to a dog to tear?

Re: Lost Loved Ones

1999-12-20 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 12/20/99 7:33:57 Pacific Standard Time, 

 As I watch my children struggle to understand and accept the vagaries of
 life, I am forever grateful Man was given dominion over animals.  It is
 among the greatest gifts given.  And, whatever your beliefs, please accept
 Jodi's explanation  for the comfort it is intended to convey. 

It's beautiful.  And who knows?  It could be true.  I found it very strange 
the way I lost my first horse.  A trainer had left a halter on him 
(unbeknownst to me) and he broke his neck on a fence.  Of course I was 
horribly upset.  I called my best friend in tears, and told her to not ask 
how Neraff was ever again, that he had died.  In tears she told me her 
grandmother and her cat had passed away the same day.  Her grandma was 
something else.  In the old days she was a dancer in the silent movies, and 
always seemed to play the part of the fallen woman.  We figured this 
wonderful, classic, classy lady (who still had her dancers legs in her old 
age) needed a horse to ride and a cat to keep her company.  It comforted my 
friend and me to think so.  In some ways, 25 years later, it still does.


Re: sledding

1999-12-20 Thread Denise Delgado
This message is from: Denise Delgado [EMAIL PROTECTED]

dear debbie,
regarding the wooden bob for PLUM CREEK FARMS, in
rockford, illinois.  they  breed and sell percherons, foxtrotters and
others.  their phone numbers listed are:  815-968-7919  or 815-968-4474.  go
to the equipment for sale section.  good luck,  denise in calif.

Re: Move

1999-12-20 Thread Sini Seppala
This message is from: Sini Seppala [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yes, anything goes - however, it'd be easiest if there was no fee as I don't
have credit cards and it's fairly difficult and costly to send payments abroad 
Have a good Fjord day all
Sini in Finland. home page

Re: fjordhorse-digest V99 #309

1999-12-20 Thread Carl Sarah Nagel
This message is from: Carl  Sarah Nagel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Ceacy,

I had heard of your loss, but hadn't even applied it here recently.  Thank
you for the wonderful reminder of how fortunate June  Jean were to have
lived long and productive lives.   And we cared for them and loved them and
appreciated them.  It's just hard for us to let go, we always want more
don't we?

Both of my husband's grandparents lived well into their ninety's and we
often said how much easier it was to accept their deaths because they had
lived long, full and productive lives ... then for instance, when a young
neice of ours was killed in her twenty's in a car accident.  The shock of
that will be with us for a great time.

You are right, there are no guarantees.  We thank the Lord for every day he
gives us and enjoy and appreciate the horses we are fortunate enough to have

I'm happy there was support for you in your time of great loss and thank you
for the timely reminder to appreciate what we have now.

Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful ponies 

Oh!  And I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your clicker demo at the
Libby Show this year with Konggard ... you two are awesome!

Sarah Nagel in Northern Idaho

-Original Message-
Date: Sunday, December 19, 1999 8:34 PM
Subject: Re: fjordhorse-digest V99 #309

This message is from: ceacy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Steve,

I trust your judgement as to the future of the list and would be willing to
share the cost if that becomes necessary.

To those of you who have lost old horses consider the alternative. To live
a long life and to be loved and cared for is all any of us can ask for. To
lose a loved one, animal or person, prematurely due to accident or illness,
is a painful reminder that there are no guarantees. To live to an old age
is a privilage, not that it makes the loss any less to those left behind. I
love the image of the old mares pulling a wagon together. To die with
dignity is all any of us can wish for.

I know alittle about loss when it comes to horses, it was only two years
ago that I lost six, including two pregnant mares. I still cry sometimes,
but if it is any consolation to those of you who have just lost your fjord
friends, the pain does lessen and the joy of still having the Fjords in my
life has healed my heart beyond what I would ever have thought possible two
years ago. I also want to add that it was because of many of you on this
list and in the horse community that I was able to stay in business. Every
new fuzzy Fjord foal that comes into my life is still a miracle, and
despite the saddness of losing my beloved ponies, I would never want to
miss having them to share in my life. So here's to Velsigne, Nina, Olivia,
Reina, Soren, and Anika, and to all the other Fjords that have been part of
our families and have gone ahead to wherever it is the souls of sweet
animals go.

May the New Year bring you all peace .

Ceacy at home with her ponies in Colrain.

Re: List must move (re ads)

1999-12-20 Thread MyNorseHorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Regarding the ads that everyone has been mentioning...the ads are very small. 
 OneLists ads are at the end of the email and you are never forced to see 
them.  Personally I barely notice them now.  When I do notice them it is an 
ad for another popular list on OneList.  Then at the very end you get the 
same header/sender garbage that you get on all internet mail.  So really I 
can't see the point of being concerned about the ads...they are FAR less 
noticeable than the ones on websites.  They aren't popups either.
Kate in CT where winter has finally arrived.

Re: List must move

1999-12-20 Thread Sini Seppala
This message is from: Sini Seppala [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Whatever you decide is fine with us. 
Thank you
Sini. home page

Re: List must move (READ and RESPOND!)

1999-12-20 Thread saskia schoofs
This message is from: saskia schoofs [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Steve,

everything you decide is okay with me. I think everyone is immune for ads by
now, but please let me know if I you decide to take a paying option, I will
be glad to contribute.


Lost Loved Ones

1999-12-20 Thread Larson
This message is from: Larson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My daughter, eight years old, read about Rainbow Bridge and Jensina.  In
July of this year, she lost her pony, Freckles.  Freckles was a feisty old
gal with a heart as big as they come when around children and an impossible
attitude when around adults.  She lived for children and only children.

On the 4th  of July, our neighbors decided  to have a fireworks
display...unbeknownst to us.  The sudden explosions and screaming rockets so
startled and frightened Freckles that she ran through the barn wall and
crushed her front leg.  Needless to say, Freckles was put out of her pain

How do you tell an eight year old who lives, breathes and loves her pony?
How do you explain Freckles can't be fixed?  After all, people can be.
And if she must die, will God take her to heaven along with Grammy and

Nothing is more heart breaking than to see such a young heart so sore and
confused.  But, miracles do happen.  And God imparts wisdom, even to the
young.  Actually, probably more often to the young since they are still
willing to listen  :-)

So, according to Jodi, Jensina and Freckles were taken to heaven on purpose.
There is some little boy or some little girl who always wanted a pony.  They
had to leave their Moms and Dads too soon.  They miss their families.  So
God, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, took these wonderful friends of ours
to live and love and comfort every child who had to go to heaven too soon.

As I watch my children struggle to understand and accept the vagaries of
life, I am forever grateful Man was given dominion over animals.  It is
among the greatest gifts given.  And, whatever your beliefs, please accept
Jodi's explanation  for the comfort it is intended to convey.

Merry Christmas - The Larsons


1999-12-20 Thread Dave McWethy
This message is from:  Dave McWethy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steve -
  I believe that most of the free list hosts put only one or two ads
  on the digests, and one on each individual message.

Topica has an ad at the end of each message on the digest.  Always the same

Include me in the group which is willing to contribute for an ad free list,
and ultimately for you to decide what looks best to you.

Re: sledding

1999-12-20 Thread Debby Stai
This message is from: Debby Stai [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I couldn't get to this site, anyone else have problems. I'd love to see this
bobsled. Debby

Denise Delgado wrote:

 This message is from: Denise Delgado [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 hey list,
 i found an ad for a heavy, wooden bobsled,  with pole, flat bed, bucket
 seats and porch spindles.  it is at a website named:  if anyone is interested.  good luck and happy
 holidays, denise

RE: Saying Goodbye :-(

1999-12-20 Thread Jeri L Rieger
This message is from: Jeri L Rieger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am so very sorry, Michelle. I have a real lack of words to express how 
much I respect and understand the steps you took today. I don't fully 
understand the ties that these animals binds us with but I do know of the 
emptiness that comes when they are no longer present.

Moving Secret Santa

1999-12-20 Thread Catherine Lassesen
This message is from: Catherine Lassesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am not sure how much advertising there is on this list group, it is  It is easy to sign up and monitor. (I think there is just a
one line message at the bottom, no banners.)
Catherine Lassesen
*Still waiting to hear from my Secret Santa, and still waiting to see if the
one I have received anything in the mail yet from me?*

Re: fjordhorse-digest V99 #310

1999-12-20 Thread FofDFJORDS
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 12/20/99 3:02:32 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

 That brings tears to my eyes.  It is sooo hard to say good-bye.  What 
 strikes a cord for me is that I have a King Herald mare who is coming 24. 
 has the HUGE eyes (which she gives to her foals) and her forelock is down to
 the end of her nose! Her name is Molde (please don't laugh.  I understand it
 is a town in Norway!)  I am not looking forward the day that she dies.  She
 is healthy and happy at this point in time, but know that each day is a
 blessing from here on.  She has produced MANY great foals during her
 lifetime.  I have kept (hoarded actually) 3 of her fillies to carry on as 
 legacy.  Two of them are by our junior stallion, Majson (by Rusten), and one
 is by Dusty.
 Here is the old girls pedigree Gayle.  She actually has King Harald  Grabb 
 in her lines.
 MOLDE  2066-A  DPP-P-404-M
 Foaled June 30, 1976
  GULLRING  N-1576
  GRABB  N-1651 N-A-026-S
  IVANA  N-12275
 ASK  113-A
  VITAL  f.1960
  METTE  N-12952
  AURMOY  N-12324
  SOLVFAST  N-1557
  LIV  N-12081
 SALLY  2022-A  AFS
I have been sitting here staring at my computer screen for about a half hour, 
trying to convince myself to write the rest of this post.  This is really 
hard for me.  My husband and I should NEVER own animals.  We had to quit 
breeding dogs because we wanted to keep ALL of our puppies - was too hard for 
us to part with them.  If we had been Noah, we'd still be floating around on 
some ocean with that boatfull of critters 'cause we didn't want to let them 

Anyway, occassionally, I need to give myself a reality check and a stern 
talking to - just CAN'T keep all of them.

I will (having a hard time forcing my fingers to the keyboard!) offer one of 
my Molde daughters for sale.  I have 2 full sisters by my junior stallion, 
Majson.  If anyone is interested, you can email me privately.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR