Fjord Xing Signs; Haflinger & Icelandic & Jack Russel's

2000-10-08 Thread Betsy Bauer
This message is from: "Betsy Bauer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello List & Friends,

Because I was unable to attend the Turlock show... I have some of the
favorite 12" Fjord Xing signs available... As well as Icelandic, Haflinger
and Jack Russel Terrier Xing.  They are alluminum, sturdy, and very nice
for your farm or barn area. See them at

Special Price: $20.00 shipping included Please contact me at

Betsy Bauer

Re: xrays

2000-10-08 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sounds painful Hope. I do not know about backs but two years ago I had a hip
replacement after agony for several years.  What a great thing it is as I
ride now with no pain.  Hope you have the same luck with that back.  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Come !

2000-10-08 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Hi Listers !Just wanted to remind you that FJORD CHAT is tonight at 9 
PM EASTERN TIME, at Petsandvets, horse room # 1.   PAV Aussie ( Jackie ) and 
I hope to see all our " regulars " and always enjoy new faces. Dont worry if 
you are not used to chats, or dont think you type fast enoughwe are all 
FJORD lovers, no tests I promise !   Im hoping my 'puter lets me on in time 
tonight.see you there !  Heres a link to PetsandVets.   Lisa /  PAV 

Brag alert!!!

2000-10-08 Thread sfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Okay Mike: I got you on a few horses bred every year does not money make.
GAD! Kind of the big opposite.

But I did want to breed some very good ones and I was happy to learn this
morning that Shota's Amma by Woodland's Jovan and out of Quad L's Christina
got her A Premium this weekend at the Dutch Kuering evaluation in southern
California. Yay! Shota's Amma is owned by Julianne Boyer Miller so
congratulations to her and Amma are in order.

Shota Fjords in eastern Oregon

intro from lady who won raffle of Fjord weanling at Turlock

2000-10-08 Thread Sweetmule56
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello, All,   (and I apologize for the length)
I am now known as the "Woman who Won Raffle Fjord at Turlock"..but 
that is is a way to identify me.  Around here I am known as "The 
Vet's Wife", or "Boss" (I don't live in the office anymore), or one of the 
"Beadgang", or "Mom", or "Carole" works well, too...even a "hey, you"!  Yes, 
my husband is an equine veterinarian with his own 3-doctor practice, so I 
have been interested in seeing what people in other parts of the country do 
for "Scratches", and any other type of veterinary question. I LOVE the 
training questions, and I am actually enjoying the posts regarding the white 
on Fjords (I'm also a nutcase when it comes to rulesI LOVE rules!).it 
all is pertinent and interesting to read.  The Fjord "humor" stories are also 
a great read!!!  I also have a mule, so I have "humor" stories on her, too, 
which is better than crying in frustration.  I hope that I may contribute an 
occasional worthy posting.
I am supposed to be introducing myself..  I grew up on a farm in the 
central San Joaquin Valley in California.  I have always been a little horse 
crazy, which, much to my parents chagrin, I never outgrewand here I am 
now married to an equine veterinarian..yes, I made sure he was a good one 
before I married him  I started out riding by the seat of my pants with 
the cowboys in the feedlot my parents had, along with all the row 
crops..then, after college I discovered dressage, and bought my first 
"English" horse in 1984.  (I'm starting to date myself!)  Prior life wasn't 
working, so got rid of "him", and vowed I'd get it right the second 
time...which I did, and I now have a really supportive husband, and 2 
great children, now aged 9 and 10, a boy (Pokemon fiend), and a daughter (my 
Mother's revenge, she is getting seriously horse crazy now!).  
Anyway, there was a bit of a "dry spell", (regarding the horses), while I 
had my children, plus my husband starting up his own practice, and now I am 
getting back a little bit of a life of my own, finally!  My husband has 
discovered cutting is his passion, and we both have cutting horses, with his 
QH cutting mare having had a foal this year.  I have a 17hh warmblood that we 
raised (shipped semen, the whole bit) that I ride dressage with, as I do my 
mule, too, but in a Western saddle for her.  The old TB grey mare is bred 
again to a QH.  My daughter has a Paint, my son an Appaloosa.  I picked up a 
garage sale horse this summer, a Standardbred mare, for driving.  And, of 
course, we have our little new fellow, Nattman, our winning prize from the 
Hold Your Horses Raffle drawing held at the Turlock Scandifest Horse Show 
 Needless to say, we collect horses the way that small animal vets collect 
cats!!!  I still think I'm forgetting one or two.
Among the other joys of horses, and I do love dressage, but I have just 
this year discovered that my true passion is driving..(I am co-leasing a 
schoolmaster driving horse with a friend of mine, too!)  Nattman is going to 
be, hopefully, an all-around fellow.CDE's with me, Pleasure Driving 
Shows, Pony Club with the kids (in 4 years), trail rides to the hills, 
dressage, Scandifest Horse Show in Turlock, friend, companion, etc.  I have 
known about Fjords for years, and had always wanted one.  We had been buying 
tickets for this raffle for years, but I had given up any hope of 
winningI was now simply buying the tickets to help support this worthy 
group..  .then..I WON  I had even told my parents 
about them, and told them to look them up as they traveled to Norway several 
years ago!!!  Yes, we had the choice of the foal or the money.  My husband, 
bless him, said "whatever you want to do, hon".that was it..we 
went to look at him first (of course!), and it was all overhe was the 
newest addition to our "many-colored" herd!
Nattman came home yesterday afternoonI picked him up after a ride 
off-property with my mule..she brayed before he got in the 
trailer.."MOM, what was THAT"then home we came.  Good boy 
that he was, he stepped right up into the trailer and home he came.  We 
figured, too, that if we were going to listen to one baby cry all night, may 
as well make it twoNattman and the QH's filly (Sydney) are now being 
weaned together.  Boy, was he calm about the whole eventwatched the filly 
make a fool of herself, and expend WAY too much energy, running around and 
aroundand look at the FOOD, why bother running???  And THEN, he proceeded 
to lie down and thoroughly roll around in this LITTLE BITTY spot of mud  
He is going to be quite the character!  His back is not as long as some I 
have seen..nice neck, goes well into the chest..nice depth of 
rear-end going into back legs..nice legs and feet...cute as a button 
headand those 

Re: intro from lady who won raffle of Fjord weanling at Turlock

2000-10-08 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/8/00 7:33:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<<  I have 
 known about Fjords for years, and had always wanted one.  We had been buying 
 tickets for this raffle for years, but I had given up any hope of 
 winningI was now simply buying the tickets to help support this worthy 
 group..  .then..I WON  I had even told my parents 
 about them, and told them to look them up as they traveled to Norway several 
 years ago!!! >>

Congratulations!  I am very happy for you and for Nattman also.  It sounds 
like the baby found a perfect match in this raffle.


Fjord Shirts and Watches For Sale, and Sadie

2000-10-08 Thread Momster18
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Fjord Fans-
The Finger Lakes Fjord Horse Show Committee still has some shirts and watches 
left over from our show.   

The shirts are a golfer style shirt, collar with 3 buttons.  On the front is 
a two-tone silk-screen image of a Fjord head, tan and black.  I think they're 
very attractive.  The Fjord head was designed by a committee member and her 
husband, who is an artist.  Price- $20.00 plus S&H of $2.00

The watches have a black vinyl band with an alagator texture and in the 
center of the watch's face is the same Fjord Head Design, only in Black and 
White.Very attractive as well!   Price- $20.00 plus S&H of $2.00.

If you're interested email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Finally, I just wanted to tell Peg Knutsen how much I loved Sadie when she 
was at Julie's this past year.  She is a lovely horse!  Seeing her name 
brought back her elegant face in my mind!  
Take Care Everyone!
Pat McCurdy
Cato, NY

Re: acorns

2000-10-08 Thread Mike May

This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 09:27 PM 10/7/00 -0700, you wrote:

Or, if Heidi lets you
know that she "doesn't do pigs", send them back.

Or have a Pig roast!  ;-)

Re: acorns

2000-10-08 Thread Lynn Mohr
This message is from: "Lynn Mohr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I would consider removing trhe horses during the major acorn drop period and
pick up the acorns manually.  You could put a couple of cheap tarps under
the drip line of the trrees and use these to collect the acorns or just rake
them up.

Pigs tend to root and completely tear up the outdoor area they are in.  They
will even rip up concrete etc if they can get their snouts under the
material.  Their manure is slopply and hard to clean up and has a different
"tang" to it.  They respect electric fence but are very hard on anything
else.  You will also have to feed the pigs when there aren't acorns
available.  Considering my experience with raising pigs I believe you might
get rid of the acorns but the additional management problems resulting from
pigs would be more difficult than just cleaning up the acorns.

Lynn Mohr
centeral lower Mich


2000-10-08 Thread carlson
This message is from: "carlson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A few months ago I mentioned how my older gelding Thor was off on the
L front.  Had both fronts flouroscoped, shows advanced arthritic changes
on the L from the hoof to the knee.  I gave him a glucosamine/Vit. C/yucca
supplement. It's been 3 months now, see alot of improvement, haven't
ridden him yet.  Vet recommended to try shoes on the front if riding
with a shortened heel angle and rounded off toe, plus bute on riding
days as necessary.  Does this go along with you alls' experience?
Further helpful hints appreciated.  

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I've just had a cervical laminectomy
at 6-7.  Have others have this done and ridden again?  Have 2
herniated thoracic discs, not bad and facet joint arthritis of the
lower back.  My boys keep me going, I've been riding as I can
up until this surgery.  We go at a walk, which actually feels thera-
peutic, my fellas are as good as gold with me esp. Thor's older
brother BJ, who I used to think was the stubborn, cool one.

If I can't ride, my husband says he will learn to drive.  Any sug-
gestions on smooth going carts appreciated.  We are a couple
of jujube newbies.  

Thanks all, Hope
Northern IL