RE: Franz Hannesschlager

2001-07-01 Thread FjordAmy
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Although I only had the pleasure of meeting  learning from Frank once, he 
greatly impresses me.  Not just with his ability with horses, but also with 
his way of treating you like a long time friend, even though you'd just met 
him.  It brought tears to my eyes when my Mom told me this sad news.  I'll 
always remember the way he introduced my Dad (who is half German) to his wife 
as Another old Kraut.  He will be sorely missed.


Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
Redmond, OR

Several questions, and hello!

2001-07-01 Thread katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda
This message is from: katy/liz/bill/cha/afa/eda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello from Pennsylvania!
I have finally had a chance to sit down at the computer and write. My
Fjord Jon and I are going to Fjord camp next Sunday and I am very very
excited. Before I head off, I have three questions:
1) In the August 2001 Horse Illustrated article about beginning driving,
there was a cute pic of a Fjord. Did anyone else see it?
2) In the June ( i think) issue of The Horse of Delaware Valley, there
were three Fjord yearlings for sale in Maryland. Is someone on the list
selling them?
3) Has anyone used a Mychley bit on his/her horse? I read that they are
supposed to be more rewarding than snaffles and wondered if they were good
for the quiet Fjord.

Many thanks from Katy and the wonderful Jon who is gazing menacingly at his
pony friend who just stood in the cross-ties for 2 1/2 hours while I pulled
her exceedingly long mane.

Sterilizing a Bit/Driving Questionnaire

2001-07-01 Thread BugEwhip
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I just throw my bits into the dishwasher periodically.  They get shiney, too.

I would also like to announce that I am compiling a Questionnaire about 
Driving Issues.  This arose from a lot of back-and-forth on the CD-List about 
the ADS listening to the concerns of the ordinary driver.  I do not consider 
myself very well-versed on the issues, just game enough to accidentally 
volunteer.  (I suggested that a questionnaire be made and the challenge was 
thrown back to me.)  My suggestion, my endeavor.  

I would like to have questions/concerns sent to my private e-mail as it is 
much easier for me to see individual mailings than to scan endless lists.  I 
know lots of Fjord folk drive and some are ADS members, some not.  This is a 
pretty open questionnaire and NOT breed specific.

The original purpose was to bring our concerns to the ADS Ruling body, to be 
able to have everyone see at a glance where they were on the opinion 
continuum and to expedite the discemination of information.  I hope those 
purposes hold up.  I would like to send in my compiled Questionnaire by 
August with a publication in the driving magazine The Whip (maybe also 
Driving West?).  Since EVERYONE does not get The Whip, I would hope that 
friends will copy the questionnaire and forward it to friends.  The bigger 
the response from the driving community, the better for everyone.

Pamela Garofalo