Re: Frank's Legacy

2001-07-03 Thread Karen McCarthy

This message is from: Karen McCarthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Frank was so well loved because he showed a supreme affection for horses and 
the their human counterparts.
The man had opinions, but very well grounded ones, all based on solid 
horsemanship and common sense. In every sense of the word he was my driving 
I was having a good reminiscence/cry with my friend Sandy yesterday.I met 
Sandy when she came to the first clinic I organised for Frank here in 
Nevada. She has become one of my closest friends.
In late May, she, Frank and I took a nice long trail ride up into the hills 
of Red Rock, just north of Reno.(We both are 'between' driving vehicles..) 
It was something Frank had always wanted to do, so we did it, and he was a 
little sore after, but we still remember his face: he was in 7th heaven, 
this transplanted Austrian horse farmer going on a trail ride astride a big 
paint mare up into the sagebrush covered granite hills! He had to call and 
tell his wife Trudi that he would be late for dinner twice, he was having 
such a great time out on the trail.
That was the last time that Sandy and I saw him, and we each think that it 
was a great parting memory of a lovely man.
Before he left to head over the hill to a clinic in N. Calif. he gave 
Sandy and I each a signed copy of his book.
It is a simple, self published' spiral bound book, but when I read it, I 
hear Frank's voice coming through, clearly.
Perhaps you can inquire of Linda Palagi-Lynn if she has any books for sale?  
Linda hosted Frank at clinics at her farm  driving center in California. 
You can email her at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Good luck,

Karen McCarthy
Great Basin Fjords
Carson City, NV

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Frank's Legacy

2001-07-03 Thread Cheryl Beillard
This message is from: Cheryl Beillard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Karen .. I didn't know the man, but all reports are that he was a wonderful
source of support and guidance for everyone who had the luck to know him and
benefit from his experience.  I have received emails from a number of other
sources, in Cda, on his passing.   Who published his book ? .. I'd be
interested in getting a copy. Can't have too many books on driving! and this
one written by someone who values fjords!

Senior horse feed

2001-07-03 Thread Denise Delgado
This message is from: Denise Delgado [EMAIL PROTECTED]

dear jean,  i hope your boy starts feeling better.  i second or third
all of the advice about the senior feed, beet pulp and oils.  but if he
really won't eat some of the stuff, add some molasses.  they love it!
what did the vet say about the added weight with the founder?  what does
she/he think the reason for the weight loss is?  denise

Re: Transport

2001-07-03 Thread Denise Delgado
This message is from: Denise Delgado [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i was coming home from spokane, (went to deliver a u-haul load of stuff
to daughter #1 away at college,  she got her own appt)  washington,
yesterday and saw a couple of aluminum goosenecks with driving carts and
equipment on the top of one of them, heading due south.  it was between
spokane and kennewick, i think.  one of the drivers was a blond female.
i didn't recognize her, but i think i got a glimpse of a fjord nose in
the window of one of the trailers as my husband and i zoomed by.  was it
anyone on the list?  like i say, we went by quickly, so i didn't get a
good look.  to attest to my husband's speedy driving.he ended the
afternoon with a speeding ticket in northern nevada, in no-man's land on
highway 395.  this highway is similar to moonscape territoryno other
trucks, cars or vechicals of any kind except us and a lone cop!  well,
gotta go and unpack.  good to be home and good to see my ponies, denise

Blue Seal Vintage Senior horse feed

2001-07-03 Thread Sue Harrison
This message is from: Sue Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What can I feed him to improve his weight yet not over
burden his system?  Would wheat germ oil help?  Is bran to hot?  Jean

Dear Jean.My old mare, Duchess was also losing weight a few years
back.  The vet told me to feed her Blue Seal Vintage Senior  as a complete
diet.  She was also given fine hay to chew on or alfalfa cubes softened in
hot water (About a quart or so)tho this was just to give her something
to do as the senior feed was a complete ration.  She was an 850 pound P.O.A.
standing 13.3 hh,  and she was given 24 cups of the senior feed twice
dailywith a bit of grass hay or softened alfalfa at noon or even some of
her  senior ration if the hay was too coarse.  She put on weight in a matter
of fact when she passed away last February she was  still a good
weight.  Make sure the senior feed you use is a complete ration though.  I
believe it was 16 % protein.  Duchess's teeth were her problem.  This feed
could even be softened with water if need be, although she could eat this
extruded pelleted dry  food  just fine the way it was.  Just follow the
instructions on the bag and be sure to start increasing the ration gradually
till he is on it completely.  Duchess ate a 50 pound bag of it in 5 to 7
days.  I highly recommend the Blue Seal.  It should be available in your
Let me know how you make out.  These older horses are so precious.
Sue in N.B. (Desert Storm's mom)

Transport to Fingerlakes Show

2001-07-03 Thread Lori Albrough
This message is from: Lori Albrough [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If anyone is going to the Fingerlakes show in Weedsport on July 21 from our
area of Ontario who would have room to carry a cart, please let me know.  

Lori Albrough
Moorefield, Ont.

Looking for used AI Equipment

2001-07-03 Thread Knutsen Fjord Farm
This message is from: Knutsen Fjord Farm [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all -

Doug finally has found the perfect microscope for us in doing our own
collecting. So now we are in the market for good used equipment at good,
used prices.

Such as:
Colorado-style AV, 19 or 22 inch
Sperm counter
Heated stage or stage heater for scope
Slide warmer
Incubator [probably we will end up making our own]
Miscellaneous stuff like pipettes, graduated cylinders, insemination tubes,
disp. speculums, etc
E-Z mixin BF Semen extender
Syringes, gloves, and so on

We can get all this through ARS, but I thought I'd ask here too. I'm looking
forward to being able to collect [and inseminate] without having to use our
quite wonderful vet. Erlend is quite smitten with Tushie, and we don't
have to use a tease mare now. Yeah!

Hope you all have a wonderful 4th!
Bye, Peg

Peg Knutsen - Ellensburg, WA

A Question?

2001-07-03 Thread Frank Sally Higgins
This message is from: Frank  Sally Higgins [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello, all you lucky Fjord-owning Listers!  This 'Newbie has been lurking
and reading with interest all the notes sent in to the list.  How wonderful
everyone can share their knowledge and experiences with each other.  Sure
wish something like this had been available years ago!  {Or that I had known
about it}

I do have a question/request for you knowledgeable folks.  Where can one get
a pattern for a stained glass Fjordhorse head?  I have seen only one, and
the person who made it is no longer available and no one knows how to
contact her.  My daughter is doing stained glass, and would like to make one
for us if only she could get a pattern.  Thanks for any suggestions!

Once again, I am enjoying the List, thanks to Aimee Day!

Sally Higgins {ex-Fjord owner  :-( } from southern Maine -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Drawing Date September 30, 2001

2001-07-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


It is that time of year again. Hold Your Horses, Inc. A handicap riding
program for children and adults in Oakdale, California are selling drawing
tickets for a FJORD GELDING.

This year the GELDING will be a YEARLING. He is valued at $3500.00. He is a
son of Felicity's Ragnar. He will either be a gelding called Nestemann or
one called Nordismann.  Both are out of good mares.  I have a client that
currently owns Nestemann that want to upgrade to a stallion I own, so we are
working out the details.  Hold Your Horses, Inc. will be getting the
yearling in a few weeks to start showing off.  The yearling does come with
an American Evaluation Fee paid for.  And he will be Evaluated at theTurlock

YOU GET ONE ticket per $5.00 donation to the Hold Your Horses, Inc.  I have
tickets available at our farm. Send a check made out to Hold Your Horses,
Inc  in care of me... at ...
Catherine Lassesen
Hestehaven - The Horse Garden
256 May Creek Road
Days Creek, OR 97429

or send a check to HOLD YOUR HORSES, INC.
in care of Olympia Francis, P.O. Box 606, Oakdale, CA 95361.

Be sure to tell them what it is for and include your telephone number and a
SASE if you want a receipt.

Thank you for considering this organization for a donation.

They service over 80 clients a week on a volunteer bases. There is only one
staff member paid and that is the barn manager for the horses.  Please do

Catherine Lassesen

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2001 #187

2001-07-03 Thread Cait603
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is in reply to sterilizing bits.  For my Fjords bots I use the 
dishwasher. It cleans all the grim and  they come out very sterile, like a 
fork or a knife.  Dishwasher is also good to shine up spurs or anything 
metal! Hope it helps.