Re: Rusten has crossed rainbow bridge

2001-11-09 Thread Alison Bakken
This message is from: Alison Bakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Please past on my sorrow at the loss of Rusten.  I have Anvil's Borgen,
a son of Rusten from Stella.  He remains me a lot of Rusten.  I would
like to see the older pictures of Rusten.  I hope that Chip has a nice
foal crop in the spring.

Alison Bakken
Bakken's Fjord Farm
Sundre, Alberta

The weather makes me think of spring not November

Re: ticks

2001-11-09 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Carol hope the temp went down.  Just read up on ticks and see where feeding
a horse 2 T of Brewers yeast makes them less palatable to ticks.  101 temp
is slight so hope it is just upset over not getting meals.  Surely the horse
has all shots so should be okay?

Jean Walters Gayle
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 To 1949 ]
Send $20
PO Box 104
Montesano, Wa 98563


2001-11-09 Thread FjordAmy
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 11/9/2001 1:57:56 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

> Hi Amy-
> I'd love to have a copy of the picture you sent 

Sorry folks!  Thought I sent that picture directly to Teresa  I had at 
one time had about 20 of these old (vintage) photo's on my web page but have 
since taken them down.  Maybe it's time to put them up again?  I see Peg has 
a couple of them that she's put up on her page, but I have lots more.  
Including ones of King Oscar, King Gjestar, Karen McCarthy's Sven as a 
youngster, Rudaren, Rusten (even a couple of Orvil & Rusten working a rope at 
a branding, and being ridden English & jumping! and pulling a huge round hay 
bale, and working in a 3 abreast), Harold Jacobsen with the mare Lise & foal 
Thor, Gene Bauer driving a stallion pair, Kanut doing some jumping, Grabb, 
the stallion Olger.  We inherited all these from Nona Forrester when we 
bought old Ellinor and Islys from her.  If enough people are interested I'll 
see about putting them back on my web page.


Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
Redmond, OR

Rusten and mystery picture

2001-11-09 Thread Knutsen Fjord Farm
This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all -

The Fjord world has lost one of its all-time greats with the passage of
Rusten. He has had a tremendous influence on the breed in North America - it
is hard to fault him. We are fortunate to have two of his offspring -
Rustenson [Sonny], and grandson Erlend. Our hearts go out to Chip. Those who
would like to see Rusten can find a nice picture of him on our web site.
Just go to the "Herd" page and scroll down to the "ancestors" button. There
you will find him at the top of the list. You are welcome to download him if
you like.

If you look for the picture of me kissing the goat, you will have less
success, at least for a day or so. It seems that I advertised something that
wasn't there. [Or else it was just a clever ruse to get you to check out our
site] No, really, we do have the photo web ready - I even printed a copy
especially for Beth and Sandy to see at the Eval and Show in Libby - just
never got it posted. No wonder no one had commented on it! Oh well, I just
turned 60 [I know, it's hard to believe], and will be using that fact to
excuse myself for all sorts of lapses. So don't lose heart, the mysterious
picture will appear soon.

Today we reunited the whole herd of seven mares, kids, and gelding. Missed
another several Kodak moments as they all sorted things out. Can't wait to
see what happens when I add the goat to the mix. Erlend looked on from his
spacious jail, doing his best to entice one of the pretty girls to join him,
but no luck. Vilde is practicing her Horse English, and is fitting in well.
I keep thinking the yellow influence from her Grandma is showing, as she is
so much more buttery-looking than the other brown duns. Linda Vie called
from Norway to see how her Vilda [Weeldeh] was doing - it was very nice to
hear from her. We need to update the Herd page so everyone can see our
Norwegian filly.

Bye for now - Peg

Peg Knutsen - Ellensburg, WA

Mohr Harness

2001-11-09 Thread BaileysFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everyone,

We thought we would share with the list our wonderful harness we had made by 
Lynn Mohr here in Michigan.  He is a member of this list, and a Fjord owner, 
too!  He made us a team set of harness for our Fjords plus a quick hitch 
harness for our Miniatures.  They are absolutely wonderful!!!  Top quality 
material, top quality workmanship, and good prices.  We have yet to have 
someone see our harness and not ask about it, it is so beautiful.  That is 
what is really great about itit is strong enough for work, but beautiful 
enough for show.  If anyone needs a harness, surcingle, bridles, repairs, 
etc., we would highly recommend Lynn Mohr.

Now, our problem is we cannot find his email address!!  Lynn, if you read 
this would you email us?  Thanks!

Lynda and Daniel

Bailey's Norwegian Fjord Horse Farm
White Cloud, MI


2001-11-09 Thread Carol J. Makosky
This message is from: "Carol J. Makosky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I came home after being gone most of the day to a rather sweaty horse.
Her appetite is good, but her temp. was 101.  She has a large lump
between her legs from one of the little ticks.  I know since I pulled
the tick off of it.  Now I wonder if she has one of those tick bore
illness.  Or was she just worked up and warm from not being fed her 4
meals today and she spent a lot of time picking hay off bales through
some wire mesh next to her stall.  I have my fingers crossed that this
is not a vet call and will go and take her temp. in about another hour.
Right now she is busy eating.  Any ideas on this?

"Built FJORD tough"
Carol M.
On Golden Pond
Northern Wisconsin

a baby horse

2001-11-09 Thread brass-ring-farm
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello list - just thought I'd let you know how our new Willow, 6 months
old, is getting along. She has been here 2 weeks now. The first week she
was fitting in and learning the routine here, having been just weaned, it
must have been hard on her with everything so new. She was on "good"
behavior. This second week she is feeling more at home and has decided to
question all of her previous good training! "No, I won't pick my feet up.
Well, you got it up but I will now kick. I will follow you, but I will
jump around!"
Luckily I am very horsey and have many horsey friends so I am not going
to be undone by a weanling! She is just much more of a challenge and much
more fun than I thought she would be, and certainly all "horse" (not
cuddly stuffed animal). I am sure we are building a relationship that
will last a lifetime.

Re: tail grooming

2001-11-09 Thread truman matz
This message is from: "truman matz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>One learns the areas they like to reside, and then avoids those areas or go
prepared.  Also, we do certain things in the late fall/winter season, after
the snakes have gone into hybernation.  For the most part, they're shy, and
unlike the stories I've read about them, the copperheads do try to avoid us.
Also, the guineas ban together and attack things like snakes and coyotes, so
are very helpful in that regard also.  Guess you really wouldn't want to
hear about the night that my husband came home from church and found a
copperhead draped through the handle of the screen door, or the time I went
out the screendoor, clunking a copperhead in the head with the door.  True
stories,... and within a few weeks of each other.  Someone had bull-dozed a
large piece of property near us, leaving a bunch of copperheads with no
homes.  We killed six that season.  Was getting downright common.  Judy

>Might not be a problem for you Judy but a real big deal from my perspective
>!!! My goodness, you Ozark gals are tough! "Oh, those little things,
>nothing."  SSSsscream ! is my reaction.
>Ruthie, nw mt, who will not trade places!!

Re: Rusten has crossed rainbow bridge

2001-11-09 Thread Mariposa Farm
This message is from: Mariposa Farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Amy-

I'd love to have a copy of the picture you sent to Teresa.  As you probably 
know the list
software deletes any non-text stuff to protect us from virus'.  I have 
Raintree's Katya
who is a Rusten daughter out of Mary Thurman's Line.  Would love to put a 
picture of
Rusten in her file.


Mark McGinley
Mariposa Farm


> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> In a message dated 11/9/2001 2:11:37 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> > Chip Lamb, (Quad-L Ranch) lost Rusten this week. Rusty, 26,
> Teresa:
> Please let Chip know how very sorry we are to hear of Rusten's passing.  It's
> a great loss to the Fjord world for sure, but a greater personal loss for
> Chip and his family.  Hope the last batch of foals is the best ever!  I have
> attached a photo that I was given from Nona Forrester when we purchased our
> first two Fjords from her (she gave us all her old photos & magazines) of
> Rusten at age two I believe.  Maybe you can print it out for Chip.
> Amy & Bud & Tillie
> Amy Evers
> Dun Lookin' Fjords
> Redmond, OR
> [demime 0.98e removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of 

Re: virus

2001-11-09 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Carol I had the same problem yesterday with an email from Hope.  Her message
just said something like, "on the grandstand" that was all.  My anti virus
Norton killed the "worm".  Sorry too Hope that this problem has occurred.

Jean Walters Gayle
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 To 1949 ]
Send $20
PO Box 104
Montesano, Wa 98563

Re: tail grooming

2001-11-09 Thread ruth bushnell
This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> We do have copperheads and cottonmouths around here, and rattlesnakes
> local, but not in our area.  Neither really being a problem,... just goes
> with the territory.

Might not be a problem for you Judy but a real big deal from my perspective
!!! My goodness, you Ozark gals are tough! "Oh, those little things, they're
nothing."  SSSsscream ! is my reaction.

Ruthie, nw mt, who will not trade places!!

Re: weather

2001-11-09 Thread truman matz
This message is from: "truman matz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Eunice writes:
>Maybe deep down inside Judy is really envious
>of your weather

Not a chance!

>In southern Ontario it has been very wet.We too should cut the grass
Can't imagine it NOT being under about a foot of snow by now, Eunice.

>Today it is cloudy and cool.. had a few  light flurries last night.
>Judy, do you not get tired of the same old weather day after day?
Not a bit  But we do have rainy days interspersed, so it's not really
"the same".   It reminds me of something I saw on the net once,...  "All
weather is good, just some days are different."  Or something like that.
Well, here in AR, it's all been VERY good.  :-)

>Just think of all the fun you are missing when you can't go for a
>sleigh ride in the winter through the deep snow with bells ringing!
Have to admit that that DOES sound nice.  But I'll make that sacrifice to
avoid months and months of nothing but white, blinding, and very COLD snow.

>Here we can understand why our fjords put on those "wooly coats".
And the Curly horses dress up in their very best curls.

>John had a cap given to him with the following on the front of it.
>Pictures of a Canadian flag and  an igloo,and printed words:
>"Eh!"and   "ONLY IN CANADA".
>That pretty well describes us in the "north". Eh!  What ya think?
Eh,... personally, I think I'll stick to the Southwest.
Judy in 70 degree with sun AR,  after a nice rain last night.

Re: tail grooming

2001-11-09 Thread truman matz
This message is from: "truman matz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>All Right Judy! That's uncalled for! I never took you for such a "meanie!"
>= You must have something down there that's "unlovely," what is it?
>Snakes? bugs? (it would make Jean and I feel better to know this). The
>intense cold here keeps a lot of "critters" at bay well, Jean does have
>all of her resident Moose up there. =) Ruthie, nw mt
Hi Ruthie, The only thing we have that's "unlovely" are what the locals call
seed ticks, (called deer ticks in other parts of the country).  They are
ferocious and PLENTIFUL.  We have chickens and guineas run loose in the yard
for the sole purpose of keeping that population down.  Works good, but don't
go in the woods!!!
We do have copperheads and cottonmouths around here, and rattlesnakes fairly
local, but not in our area.  Neither really being a problem,... just goes
with the territory.  We do frequently have summer droughts, but this year
has been PERFECT.  So sorry, girls, really can't find anything major to
complain about regarding this location.  :-)   Judy

Re: Rusten has crossed rainbow bridge

2001-11-09 Thread FjordAmy
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 11/9/2001 2:11:37 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

> Chip Lamb, (Quad-L Ranch) lost Rusten this week. Rusty, 26,


Please let Chip know how very sorry we are to hear of Rusten's passing.  It's 
a great loss to the Fjord world for sure, but a greater personal loss for 
Chip and his family.  Hope the last batch of foals is the best ever!  I have 
attached a photo that I was given from Nona Forrester when we purchased our 
first two Fjords from her (she gave us all her old photos & magazines) of 
Rusten at age two I believe.  Maybe you can print it out for Chip.

Amy & Bud & Tillie

Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
Redmond, OR

[demime 0.98e removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of 


2001-11-09 Thread John & Eunice Bosomworth
This message is from: "John & Eunice Bosomworth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I too enjoy it the "weather reports" included in the message
along with your location.

Maybe deep down inside Judy is really envious
of your weather when she wrote:

In southern Ontario it has been very wet.We too should cut the grass
Today it is cloudy and cool.. had a few  light flurries last night.
Judy, do you not get tired of the same old weather day after day?
Just think of all the fun you are missing when you can't go for a
sleigh ride in the winter through the deep snow with bells ringing!
Here we can understand why our fjords put on those "wooly coats".

John had a cap given to him with the following on the front of it.
Pictures of a Canadian flag and  an igloo,and printed words:
"Eh!"and   "ONLY IN CANADA".

That pretty well describes us in the "north". Eh!  What ya think?

Fjordally yours,  Eunice[EMAIL PROTECTED]

John & Eunice Bosomworth
Deere Country Fjords
Ayton, Ontario, CANADA

Upcoming Celestial Show (Update)

2001-11-09 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Sorry, I was over-enthusiastic with my previous message. There will
  only be a meteor rate of 4000 per hour, but that's still over 66 per
  minute or a meteor every second!

Steve McIlree -- Pferd & Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
 There is no secret so close as that between a rider and his horse.
--Robert Smith Surtees(1803-1864)

Upcoming Celestial Show

2001-11-09 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Although this is entirely off-topic, I would feel remiss if any of
  you missed seeing this year's Leonid meteor storm because I failed
  to share. In the early hours of Sunday morning, November 18 much of
  North America will likely be treated to a meteor storm. This is a
  rare event with meteor sightings at a rate possibly as high as 8000
  per hour. That's over 100 meteors per minute, over 2 per second!
  This display is something that may slip by without the general
  public becoming aware. Since it is probably the most spectacular
  celestial show that we can see for many years I want to inform my
  good friends. For a NASA release see the following URL:

Steve McIlree -- Pferd & Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
 No hour of life is lost that is spent in the saddle.  --Winston Churchill

Re: Rusten has crossed rainbow bridge

2001-11-09 Thread ruth bushnell
This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Chip Lamb, (Quad-L Ranch) lost Rusten this week.

That's a great loss Teresa! please extend our regret to Chip. As you
know we loved Rusten very much and thought he was an exceptionally fine
stallion. We can well understand your anticipation of his foal come spring.

We are very privileged to have two of his offspring; Honi and Dutchman. Honi
is the most beautiful mare that I have ever seen and I don't blush when I
say that; because she is. Dutchman, a stallion, reminds me a great deal of
Rusten, so he lives on!

Bushwhacker hearts are with Chip as he adjusts to the loss of his much loved
animals, may God hug him close to Himself.

Ruthie and Gene
Bushwhacker Fjords

Re: tail grooming, minerals, hay, carrots, and more

2001-11-09 Thread ruth bushnell
This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I hope everyone will keep Julie Will in your thoughts and send positive
> energies her way to assist her recovery. Here is a photo of Julie with her
> dogs she is a beautiful person in
> every way.
> Best and kindest regards to all our Fjord friends.
> Lori Albrough,
> Moorefield Ontario Canada
> >>>
THANKS Lori! appreciate the photo of Juli very much which I shall pass
on may she feel the prayers of many this morning. --Ruthie, nw mt

Re: tails

2001-11-09 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 08:06 PM 11/8/2001 -0800, you wrote:

This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Speaking of Clark, how come no one has commented on the picture of me biting
the bullet and kissing the goat on our web site?

Probably because it is so well hidden that no one can find it.


Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497

Rusten has crossed rainbow bridge

2001-11-09 Thread Sanders
This message is from: "Sanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Don't cry for the horses
Now in God's hands
As they dance and they prance
To a heavenly band"

Chip Lamb, (Quad-L Ranch) lost Rusten this week. Rusty, 26, wasn't in
distress...his tired old body just gave out. The vet spoke at his impromptu
eulogy, (in the barn, surrounded by people who loved him), saying how
Rusty's innate intelligence (learning how to walk on 3 legs), and will to
live are the only reasons why he has been able to live so well these last 6

After he was hit by a drunk driver one night in a snow storm and broke his
front shoulder, most owners would have given up. But the bond between Chip
and Rusty was too deep. Rusten and Chip worked together as a team to keep
Rusty alive
and happy into his old age. Many beautiful foals have joined the fjord
world, becoming loving family members that would have never existed, if
Rusten had been put down after his accident. We all smiled through our tears
and agreed with her.

Most of you in the Pacific Northwest knew Rusty and have probably even owned
one of his off-spring or grandchildren over the last 26 years. He was a
special stallion in the fjord world. The first north American fjord to earn
the Gold Medallion of Quality with a Blue for confirmation. And he did it
with only 2 performance tests! A record no one else has broken...yet. Canada
used his head for their decal because he epitomized the correct fjord model.
His progeny has placed in literally every discipline imaginable...Rusten was
a wonderful ambassador for the fjord breed. We will sorely miss him at the
ranch and in our hearts.

A few days before losing Rusten, Chips 16 year old dog suffered a stroke
caused by a brain tumor and had to be put down. When it rains it pours. It
was a rough week but Chip is already looking forward to the spring foaling
season when Jennie's horse, Serena, will deliver the last Rusten foal.

If you want to send email letters to Chip, send them to my address and I
will print them out and deliver them. Rusty had a long and happy life but he
and the dog leave a large hole in Chip's heart.