Re: My leg is so swollen I can't get into my cowboy boots

2002-05-03 Thread Fhtrp
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Sue, I understand the swollen ankle/feet thing. Due to 2 different ankle 
injuries my feet went form size 5'swide to one foot is a 6 extrawide the 
other 6and half extrawide.
The boots I have found that work best for me are Ariat's that lace up, I 
have both their work boots and their paddock boots. Being on my feet all day 
at the barn these are the first boots that actually are orthopedic for my 
feet and I can get on because they lace.I do rearrange the laces keeping an 
open space over the instep which gives me a little extra space since neither 
foot bends correctly. They are extra wide too. Of course I need to buy the 
six and a half. They are very comfortable and used with half chaps would be 
okay in classes. I just explain my "disability" if a judge comments.
   One other thing that has helped with the swelling is accupuncture. I 
REALLY wish I had gotten started with it when the original injuries happened. 
I know it would have helped. I took a friend to my "needle lady" after she 
had sprained her ankle. She walked in on crutches and walked out tenatively 
on her own. I KNOW it works.
If you know anyone who does laser therapy on horses that would help also.
Good luck, Robyn in MD  where we are all looking for Dorothy..

Re: My leg is so swollen I can't get into my cowboy boots

2002-05-03 Thread GAIL RUSSELL
This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

How far into your foot does the swelling go?  My guess is, all the way into
the instep?  I sympathize!  I have naturally wide feet and a high instep,
and only in the last few years have I actually been able to buy shoes that
fit.  "Sadly" my mother owned a prescription children's shoe business, so I
was never allowed to become accustomed to cramming my feet into too-narrow
shoes.  I cannot wear riding boots at alllive in my Blundstones (and
even they are a bit small) and have no idea what I will do if I ever have to
wear "respectable" riding boots.

Hmmmjust had a thought for something that would be a little
unconventional, but might at least be comfy.  I have felt shoes for my
mother that are designed for people with severe foot edema.  They velcro
across the top.  I think she has to wear the men's sizes, but at least they
are not so big and clunky that she trips over her feet.  Adding "half-chaps"
in a large size over that might give you something comfy and akin to riding
boot. that I say no heel to prevent a foot
going thru the stirrup.  You would have to add peacock stirrups or some
other kind of safety stirrup, most of which are not designed for western
saddles.  The other problems are that the felt would absorb manure odors,
and they would not be the best protection from foot crushing.  Not
perfect...but comfy.  If you want sources for the felt shoes, let me know.

I have a vague recollection of seeing some gadget online, or somewhere, that
was designed to promote return circulation from the leg.  Probably
quakery...and probably not designed for the deep vein thrombosis problem.
It was some kind of wrap thing.  

Anyway...not much helpbut I hope you at least know we are thinking of you!


 09:38 AM 5/3/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Poor Sue, I know the usual, keep your leg elevated (how can you ride with
>one leg up in the air?), take diuretics and dismount every twenty minutes,
>have the leg tattooed so attention is drawn to the drawings and not the
>size, or slit the cowboy boot open down the back seam and add elastic (this
>one is too reasonable but I did this to my English boots as I "matured"),
>and of course, break the other ankle so the legs match. Just trying to be
>helpful!  Jean
>Jean Walters Gayle
>[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
>Occupied Germany 1946 To 1949 ]
>Send $20
>Three Horses Press
>PO Box 104
>Montesano, WA 98563
Gail Russell
Forestville CA

Re: My leg is so swollen I can't get into my cowboy boots

2002-05-03 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Poor Sue, I know the usual, keep your leg elevated (how can you ride with
one leg up in the air?), take diuretics and dismount every twenty minutes,
have the leg tattooed so attention is drawn to the drawings and not the
size, or slit the cowboy boot open down the back seam and add elastic (this
one is too reasonable but I did this to my English boots as I "matured"),
and of course, break the other ankle so the legs match. Just trying to be
helpful!  Jean

Jean Walters Gayle
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 To 1949 ]
Send $20
Three Horses Press
PO Box 104
Montesano, WA 98563

Thanks for info on "white stuff"

2002-05-03 Thread DT
This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks for the advice. Lars does have very deep frog clefts. I cleaned it
out and treated it. He is a happy boy. Well, now that I am starting to work
him regularly in the arena he is not quite as happy LOL   His bumper sticker
says: I would rather be eating


Swollen Leg

2002-05-03 Thread Snowy Mtn.
This message is from: "Snowy Mtn." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Sue
I have had some extreamly great relief by using Aloe Vera. I have a very big
variety in my house and just slice it open and apply directly to the injury.
wrap it on and leave it there change it  twice a day. I have seen it take a
swollen black foot and turn it white and unswollen overnight. Where the leaf
stopped the colour was still black. In your case I would also pick up a
bottle of edible aloe vera juice to help with the internal damage.
I hope you feel better soon.

Re: Do you know this mare?

2002-05-03 Thread SorgerJ
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 5/2/02 1:13:32 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

<< I purchased a fjord mare at auction but she didn't come with papers.  Just 
 wondering if anyone knows her or her "story".  She's about 6 yo, just under 
 14hh, and a red dun.  >>

I was at the Troyer auction and saw this mare, if she had come up for auction 
a little earlier in the day I would have been bidding against you but I had a 
800 mile drive to get home and had to leave by 3:30. Not the prettiest of 
fjords, someone had cut her forelock, but what patience she has. On Friday 
the day before she was auctioned she was left tied, still hitched to the 
cart, for 3 hours. she just stood and patiently waited. When she was standing 
in her stall she looked quite plain but hitched and driven she looked like a 
diffrent horse. 
She didn't come from Taos NM, they were there with 2 horses for auction and 
they are the only farm that I am aware of in NM that breed FBA registered 
fjords. She didn't come from Los Trigos all Ginnys fjords are NFHR registered 
and I know all the fjords she has had for the last 8 years. If I remember 
rightly your mare is about 8 years old, I checked her teeth.
Good luck with her, I am pleased she has gone to a good home. May I ask what 
you paid for her? I was curious about what the fjords were going for most of 
them went up for auction very late in the day after I had left.

Sue Clark-Sorger
Crown Oak Fjords
Sandia Park NM

Re: name needed - war mount

2002-05-03 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Friday, May 03, 2002, you wrote:

> But if anyone on the list, including Ms. Sundkvist, would like to
> discuss, Fjordings in the Viking period, I would be thrilled to do
> so. I appreciate learning more all the time, but out of respect for
> the members of the list, would suggest it be offline to those
> interested.

  Actually, I would like to see this discussion conducted ON the list.
  Some the the things you have stated are generally accepted by Fjord
  folks in this country, and I would like to know if there is any
  documentable basis for them. Personally, I've been becoming more
  skeptical of some of the things that a couple of years ago were
  "facts" about the Fjord horse. My skepticism has been the result of
  the education that Anneli and others living and studying in
  Scandinavia have given us through their participation on the list. I
  would like to hear from you what documentation you has concerning
  the long-time selective breeding of Fjords as well as the use of
  Fjords by the Vikings.

  I can almost guarantee that this discussion will not be seen as
  off-topic by the list owner.  ;-)

Steve McIlree -- Pferd & Skipper -- Omaha, NE/Las Cruces, NM, USA
 Then we began to ride.  My soul smoothed itself out, a long-cramped
 scroll freshening and fluttering in the wind. --Robert Browning(1812-1889)

Re: Birth announcement

2002-05-03 Thread BaileysFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Bill and Norma,

Congrats on your boy, too!  Are you expecting more this year?

Lynda and Daniel
Bailey's Norwegian Fjord Horse Farm
White Cloud, MI

Re: name needed

2002-05-03 Thread BaileysFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Janet,

Congrats on the new foal!  Who is the sire and dam?

Lynda and Daniel
Bailey's Norwegian Fjord Horse Farm
White Cloud, MI

name needed - war mount

2002-05-03 Thread Erik Cofield-Erixart
This message is from: "Erik Cofield-Erixart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Ms. Sundkvist (and members of the list),

I appreciate your response, and would be very interested in discussing this
with you.  Please contact me at my personal email which is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I don't believe I suggested that the Fjord Horse (aka Fjording og Fjord
Hest) was the only horse, or only breed, from the Viking age, nor the horse
for all Vikings.  My apologies if that was implied.  I do have documentation
to support my comments however.

I recognize Ms. Sundkvist, you are an educated scholarly person, and we have
obviously both read Snorri and the poetic eddas.  I am sure you could share
a portion of a tremendous amount of knowledge, and perhaps I can share where
I gather my data, and we can learn from each other. I used the following
sources: "Historical Atlas of the Vikings" from Penguin Publishing,
"Vikings", Smithsonian Museum of Natural History", the Jorvik Viking Center
in York, the Irish Life Adventure in Dublin, "Snorri, Sagas of the Viking
Kings of Norway" as well as other publications and museums. I agree that
direct naming of breeds is difficult, although selective breeding is
mentioned. King Athils of Sweden is noted as breeding fine horses, but not
necessarily Fjordings.  But if anyone on the list, including Ms. Sundkvist,
would like to discuss, Fjordings in the Viking period, I would be thrilled
to do so.  I appreciate learning more all the time, but out of respect for
the members of the list, would suggest it be offline to those interested.

Kind regards,
Erik Cofield

Sundkvist wrote:
"Now, this is pure speculation! There is NO evidence that the fjord as we
know it existed during the Viking Age, allthough it's ancestors certainly
did. And there is NO traces of selective breeding of fjords 1000 years back.
Also the "vikings" were people from all the Nordic countries and I belive
that it is hard to name one Norwegian breed as THE war mount of people from
Denmark and Sweden. There are other breeds as old as the fjord in

Cofield Wrote
"However, I am a Viking period historical expert. Since Fjords were the war
mounts of the Vikings and can be traced to selective breeding for more than
1000 years"

Re: My leg is so swollen I can't get into my cowboy boots

2002-05-03 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 5/3/02 5:39:28 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Sue, you've got your hands full.  I can't help at all with the medical stuff, 
but have a suggestion about boots.  Can you wear regular paddock boots?  
Ariat makes some that have elastic in the ankle.  Just a thought.  If you are 
able to ride, and just not fitting into your boots is a problem, that could 
be a fix. 

Best of luck getting the swelling down.


My leg is so swollen I can't get into my cowboy boots

2002-05-03 Thread Sue
This message is from: "Sue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good morning everybody.I hope someone can give me some advice.  As most
of you probably remember, I broke my ankle, dislocated it and detached the
inside main ligament last Oct 29th.  Well...what a winter we have had.
Randy came down with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma.  He has just completed his Chemo
and now is facing 4 weeks of radiation.  But he is doing very well.  It
looks as if everything is under control.
  As for me, well I was diagnosed with D.V.T. on February 05th in that
injured leg...and I CANNOT get into my cowboy boots.  My upper calf is s
swollen.  Do any of you know if I will ever be able to have a normal sized
leg?  I cannot ride a horse this wayand Storm is out there waiting to be
despoiled!  Wah.calm me down.I am getting exasperated, disgusted
and yes my friendsjust plain dad -blamed nasty!!  My foot wardrobe
consists of two pairs of men size extra width sneakers, one pair of sandals
and oh yes mustn't forget my  wonderful mens hiking boots! Forget my barn
bootsriding bootsgrr. ( And I will look so wonderful in
shorts...with my leg shaped like a peg.)
Have any of you had this type of injury with resulting Deep Vein Thrombosis
? (Blood clots).  Is there anything at all I can do to get the swelling
down?  I have been waiting for two months out of the three I have been on
Warfarin (first I had Lovenox by needle in my stomach) to see the orthapedic
surgeon and the earliest I can see him is May 14th.  I am seeing an Internal
medicine dr. next week to see if I can give up the Warfarin.  I am getting
charlie horses in that leg and sometimes in the other one.  I just wondered
if any of you have had hands-on experience.  Ok ok I will quit least I can walk so long as I don't step on a rock or any
rough ground.
Storm is now a three year old and stands 13.3 hh.  Wonder how tall he will
get, or is he about done growing? He turned 3 in April and is a lovely
mannered gelding.  Remember what a tyrant he was when he was little?
Gelding sure gave him an attitude adjustment.  He is a very nice boy
nowbut don't know how he will take to weight on his back.
Our weather has been cold and rainy.we are sure paying for our mild
winter.  The horses keep rolling in the mud...sure will be glad when
everything dries up.  It does look like the haycrop will get a good start.
Congrats to all of you with new foals. Nothing like new babies in the
Well take care everyone and have a nice day, Sue (Desert Storm's mom)

Re: name needed - war mount

2002-05-03 Thread Anneli Sundkvist
This message is from: Anneli Sundkvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Erik wrote:

>>However, I am a Viking period historical expert. Since Fjords were the war
mounts of the Vikings and can be traced to selective breeding for more than 1000

Now, this is pure speculation! There is NO evidence that the fjord as we know 
it existed during the Viking Age, allthough it's ancestors certainly did. And 
there is NO traces of selective breeding of fjords 1000 years back. Also 
the "vikings" were people from all the Nordic countries and I belive that it is 
hard to name one Norwegian breed as THE war mount of people from Denmark and 
Sweden. There are other breeds as old as the fjord in Scandinavia.

Anneli Sundkvist, PhD
Dept. of Archaeology & Ancient History
St. Eriks Torg 5
S-753 10 Uppsala