Re: cattle feed bad for horses

2002-12-03 Thread Alison Bakken
This message is from: Alison Bakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Mark,

I know that cattle feed is bad for horses.  I don't know how much it
takes to affect them.  One of the problems that shows up is heart
problems.  One person I talked to said that they had a horse that had
small heart attacks, from cattle feed.  Goat feed can be just as bad. 
That's all I know about the subject.

Alison Bakken
In cold Alberta

bobsledding with the team

2002-12-03 Thread Robert Morgan
This message is from: "Robert Morgan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We had a very foggy Thanksgiving Day here in the Helena valley, we had some
snow, so we brought out the young team and went bobsledding in the hayfield.
It was so foggy that you literally could not see across the field. It was
really a neat experience.
As far as team stuff goes, we use standard equipment, these guys don't even
slow down with either the full size bobsled, manure spreader, or the wagon we
purchased from a gentleman that had Belgians. We use the wagon only on the
roads, it is way too heavy to be pulled on a wagon train by the Fjords, we are
re-building a mountain wagon for that purpose.
Bonnie, Helena, MT valley, snow on the ground, below freezing temps for the
past week, we are in winter mode.

Congrats to Janice!

2002-12-03 Thread Mary Dixon/Steve Stanchfield
This message is from: Mary Dixon/Steve Stanchfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Congrats to you and yours on the new addition, Blakken. He
sounds marvelous.
Maybe you'll get some nice ghosty fjords out of him!

Mary D
lovin' de sno
Ann Arbor MI

Secret Santa Hint

2002-12-03 Thread SorgerJ
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cynthia please send this to the list for Michele Noonan.

Your gift will soon be on it's way,
Riding right along on Santa's sleigh.
Some clues for you to figure out, 
I'm sure you can without a doubt.
Fair England I was born and bred,
To this land I came when I was wed.
The place I live is not wet and green,
And certainly does not have a queen.
With 6 inches of snow on the ground today,
The fjords are happy and out to play.
This rhyme must end before I give all away,
I will write again another day.

 Your Secret Santa 

Re: Saethersblakken

2002-12-03 Thread Arthur Rivoire
This message is from: "Arthur Rivoire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Congratulations to Little Farm Fjords on importing such a high quality
stallion.  We're very anxious to see his pictures in the upcoming Herald.

Best Wishes,  Carol Rivoire
> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> News from Nebraska  Saethersblakken has arrived from Finland.   We at
> Little Farm Fjords are proud to announce that our stallion,
> has finally finished his European Adventure,

RE: Fjord Article Sons of Norway

2002-12-03 Thread Frederick J. Pack
This message is from: "Frederick J. Pack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


The graphic editor, Tari Johnson, contacted me quite a while ago about
using my Mother/Daughter picture in the magazine.  I gave permission to
use it and sent them a high resolution picture.  

She promised to send me a copy, but I haven't received it yet.  

In that I haven't received a copy yet, I called the Sons of Norway.  The
picture was used and they are sending me a copy.

I can't wait to see all the pictures.


All Mail is scanned in AND out by Norton Anti-virus.
Fred and Lois Pack
Pack's Peak Stables
Wilkeson, Washington 98396   

Subject: Fjord Article Sons of Norway

This message is from: "Lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There is a great Fjord article with very nice photographs in the
2002 issue of the VIKING magazine. The Sons of Norway Magazine.

The editor called me last summer and asked me to give her names of Sons
Norway members that owned Fjords in the MN area.  I gave her a long list
people to contact.

I think they did a wonderful job. The title " A gentle breed"  - Great

If you would like a copy... Contact Sons of Norway at 612-827-3611 or

Catherine Lassesen

December 6-20, TX-UT, UT-MI

2002-12-03 Thread BaileysFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everyone,

We are finalizing our December 6-20th route and have the following openings:

2 stalls from Texas to Utah.

1 stall from Utah to Michigan.

If anyone needs a Fjord transported to these states, or any states along this 
route, please let us know and we will give you a quote. References are 

As a side note, due to requests we have had in the past we feel it necessary 
to explain our policy regarding transporting horses.  We offer the horses 
free choice hay (preferably hay they are used to from the farm they are 
leaving), water, and breaks every 4 hours.  They also will get an overnight 

Please do not ask us to drive straight through and to not give the horses 
breaks, we will not do this.  We realize the cost for you could be less, 
certainly, but we will not transport our own horses or ponies in this 
fashion, nor will we anyone else's.  Our goal is to have the horses and 
ponies arrive to their new farm in the best possible condition with the least 
amount of trauma. This is a tried and proven practice for transporting horses 
as safely as possible.


Lynda and Daniel
Bailey's Norwegian Fjords 
Quality Fjords--Equine Transportation--Hand-braided Tack & Accessories
White Cloud, MI

News from Nebraska

2002-12-03 Thread Briar Hill Farm
This message is from: Briar Hill Farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> --
> News from Nebraska  Saethersblakken has arrived from Finland.

How exciting!!
I saw Herman in Norway. What a wonderful horse. Beautiful, athletic, and having 
something special that just made me smile every time he was in the ring. How 
great to have
his sire here. I would love to see that 4 foot jump!!!

Marcy Baer

Re: Holiday Decorating

2002-12-03 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I don't know if this would work with your Fjords if they ate the glass
ornaments, but here is something to do if your puppy eats them:


What do you do if your puppy (or mischievous older dog) gets into your 
holiday decorations and eats some of the glass ornaments?  This 
potentially lethal mishap can darken even the brightest holiday season.


BEFORE the holiday go to a pharmacy and buy a box of cotton balls. Be 
sure that you get COTTON balls...not the cosmetic puffs that are made 
from man-made fibers. Also, buy a quart of half-and-half coffee cream 
and put it in the freezer. Should your dog eat glass ornaments.  Defrost 
the half-and-half and pour some in a bowl. Dip cotton balls into the 
cream and feed them to your dog.

* Dogs under 10 lbs should eat 2 balls which you have first torn
  into smaller pieces.
* Dogs 10-50 lbs should eat 3-5 balls and larger dogs should eat 5-7.
* You may feed larger dogs an entire cotton ball at once.

Dogs seem to really like these strange treats and eat them readily.  As 
the cotton works its way through the digestive tract it will find all 
the glass pieces and wrap itself around them. Even the teeniest shards 
of glass will be caught and wrapped in the cotton fibers and the cotton 
will protect the intestines from damage by the glass. Your dog's stools 
will be really weird for a few days and you will have to be careful to 
check for fresh blood or a tarry appearance to the stool. If either of 
the latter symptoms appear you should rush your dog to the vet for a 
checkup but, in most cases, the dogs will be just fine.

*An actual experience:* I can personally vouch for the cotton ball 
treatment.  While I was at the vet waiting for him to return from lunch 
a terrified woman ran in with a litter of puppies who had demolished a 
wooden crate along with large open staples.  The young vet had taken 
x-rays which did show each of the puppies had swallowed several open 
staples.  He was preparing them for surgery when my wonderful vet came 
in and said no surgery. I watched him wet several cotton balls, squeeze 
out the water and pop them down their throats. Within 24 hours every 
staple was accounted for.  This was a lesson I learned in the mid-1960s 
and have had to use several times on my brats.  I wet the cotton balls 
and smear on some liverwurst and they bolt it down and ask for more.  
The cotton always comes out with the object safely embedded.

Copyright reserved to Sandy Brock. Permission is hereby granted for any 
nonprofit reproduction by any person or group. 

Jean in brownish-gray Fairbanks, ALaska, continuing more than 70 days of
much above normal temperatures, and no snow!  Bummer!

>With all the talk of holiday decorating, I thought a word of caution might
>be appropriate.  Christmas decorations, while beautiful, can be health or
>safety hazards if not done properly. 

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Re: Holiday Decorating

2002-12-03 Thread Brad D Baird
This message is from: "Brad D Baird" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

With all the talk of holiday decorating, I thought a word of caution might
be appropriate.  Christmas decorations, while beautiful, can be health or
safety hazards if not done properly.  And around the barn, safety is
trickier than in a house with toddlers.  We're well acquainted with both!
Animals do like nibbling at anything different.  Keep all lights and cords,
and any decorations, well out of their reach.  Even paper ribbons can
contain harmful additives, and one could burn a barn pretty quickly if
electrical lines fall in the hay.  Staples, while real convenient, are
nonetheless sharp metal objects that can get lost in the feed.  I'm not a
complainer, really.  For over 15 years now we've had our tree decorated the
day after Thanksgiving.  But after rescuing valuable and fragile decorations
from both animals and toddlers, we've learned just how careful we need to

Quote of the week:  "It doesn't matter how much friction there is...'cause
there just isn't any friction with this sled." - Ian, 13
Brad & Kelly Baird

Re: Fjord Article Sons of Norway

2002-12-03 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

They used one of my pictures, the one of two Fjords smooching in the snow.
It shows my gelding, Bjorken and my yellow/white dun mare Anvil's Adel.

I am supposed to receive a copy of the magazine, hopefully soon!

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, still mild weather, no snow, lots of ice.  It
RAINED the other day!  maybe a brown Christmas? 30-35 degrees today.

>There is a great Fjord article with very nice photographs in the December
>2002 issue of the VIKING magazine.

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska


2002-12-03 Thread Lassesen
This message is from: "Lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Boy... do you see me green with envy.  You have yourself a nice boy.  I saw
him in Norway more than once.  I look forward to seeing him perform and to
see his foals here in America.

Catherine Lassesen

Re: need assistance, please

2002-12-03 Thread FjordAmy
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and  

Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
Redmond, OR

Fjord Article Sons of Norway

2002-12-03 Thread Lassesen
This message is from: "Lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There is a great Fjord article with very nice photographs in the December
2002 issue of the VIKING magazine. The Sons of Norway Magazine.

The editor called me last summer and asked me to give her names of Sons of
Norway members that owned Fjords in the MN area.  I gave her a long list of
people to contact.

I think they did a wonderful job. The title " A gentle breed"  - Great FREE

If you would like a copy... Contact Sons of Norway at 612-827-3611 or

Catherine Lassesen

Fjord Item Shopping

2002-12-03 Thread Lassesen
This message is from: "Lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The sites below have Fjord Items for Shopping.  Profits go to the Oregon
Fjord Club which have decided to put the funds towards the NFHR Evaluation
in late summer in Southern Oregon

Catherine Lassesen
Hestehaven - The Horse Garden
256 May Creek Road
Days Creek, OR 97429

541-825-3027 - Pacific Coast Time

Re: fjorddigest subscribe

2002-12-03 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Monday, December 2, 2002, 7:57:43 PM, you wrote:

> Hello, Im not getting my fjordlist, daily email. Could you please
> check into this problem. I dearly miss my fjordhorse digest posting.

  Unfortunately, there is no easily fixed problem on this end. You are
  subscribed to the digest, and I've been getting no returns from your
  ISP's server. Please check with your ISP to make sure that they are
  not trashing the digest as spam.

Steve McIlree
Owner/Administrator FjordHorse List

Secret Santa Hint

2002-12-03 Thread Cynthia Madden
This message is from: Cynthia Madden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Sandra Church,
I live in a famous wood named after a Norse god.
My Fjord is not imported.


Cynthia Madden
Las Cruces, NM
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

need assistance, please

2002-12-03 Thread Salt Lick Stables
This message is from: "Salt Lick Stables" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 It seems as though I recently saw a web site for Fjord related gift items
such as coffee mugs, etc.  I cannot seem to relocate the site.  Can anyone

Larson (in New Mexico where we are just now getting our first snow - much to
the joy of the Fjords)

[demime 0.99c.8 removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of 

We are excited!

2002-12-03 Thread HorseLotti
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Listers;

Take a minute and check out  some new, exciting items on our All Things Fjord 
website.  A fun, new sweatshirt design, fjordy soap and usable ceramic 
pieces.  2003 will bring a great line of horse clothing, more travel and gear 
accessories and horsey equipment.  

Enjoy the day, everyone!

Linda in Minneosta...below zero today:( ... no snow yet!