HAHAH Sue! and a secret santa clue

2002-12-04 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

AHAHHH,, SUE!, I figured it out.  Okay so I was a little slow about it 
and you did give me a VERY big clue!.

Now I Am a secret santa to someone too., I have to be creative this year

So YOU Guys will have to guess who you are!!  instead of guessing who I am

My secret santa recipient is recently a frequent flyer user or maybe its a 
frequent gas card user. We have met once and you do stand out in a crowd a 
little depending on what part of the country you are in I'm sure. I was born 
in the 60's and I think you may still be there. !!! (just joking now)  we 
don't have much in common except our fjords.I have different time zones but 
not different countries.  Anyone care to guess who you are?

I hope I don't get myself in trouble!

Michele Noonan
STevensville, MT

Re: Sons of Norway magazine; congratulations to Janice

2002-12-04 Thread HorseLotti
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I called the magazine and they are sending me a copy of the Dec magazine - 
for free!  Petty cool:)

Linda in MN - still very cold - but no wind - a few flurries - it is pretty 

RE: Sons of Norway magazine; congratulations to Janice

2002-12-04 Thread Frederick J. Pack
This message is from: "Frederick J. Pack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Linda, drop a note to Tari Johnsonmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   She
is the graphics person at MSP Magazine which publishes the Viking for
the Sons of Norway.  

I corresponded with her arranging the photograph of my Mom/Daughter
picture to be used in the December issue.

In that she is the graphics person, she may be able to direct you to the
proper person to get a copy.

Also, you might go the main web site of the Sons of Norway:
http://www.sofn.com:8080/index.jsp  and the contact list for the MN
chapter can be found at:
http://tcs.sofn.com:8080/develop/jsp/sofn/LodgeDirectory.jsp this shows
some e-mail addresses also.


All Mail is scanned in AND out by Norton Anti-virus.
Fred and Lois Pack
Pack's Peak Stables
Wilkeson, Washington 98396

This message is from: "Linda Lehnert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Catherine, does Sons of Norway have an e-mail address?  I'd like to get
copy of the magazine, but prefer not to have to call transatlantic
(Deutsche Telekom ist teurer - expensive). Janice, congratulations on
your new stallion, Saethersblakken.  He sounds wonderful and I'm sure
will enjoy him.  I am looking forward to seeing his picture in the
Herald.  Is he by chance related to Brulandsblakken? Linda in
Reichelsheim where it's much colder and Ricka is a woolly bear - if
fur were as valuable as alpaca, I'd have a goldmine!

the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Re: Secret Santa Hint

2002-12-04 Thread Bossmare
This message is from: "Bossmare" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 7:48 AM
Subject: Re: Secret Santa Hint

> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> At 4:30pm my friend Linda called to say her fjord mare was bleeding and
> didn't know what to do. I told her to ball up a towel and put some
> on the wound and call the vet. My husband who works nights had taken the
> truck because of the snow and so all I had was my low slung car to get up
> hill and out of my unplowed road. But I did it, and got to Linda's. No
> wanted to come out from Albuquerque, they only had rain no snow, and all
> vets in our area were gone. Finally after over an hour we found a vet to
> out. The wound on Traviata is between her front legs and is at least 8
> deep, how she did it we don't know. It looks as if nothing major was
> but as far as any damage to the nerves in her front legs we don't know.
> vet recomended the wound be left open and allowed to heal from the inside
> out. Trav was in a lot of pain aand didn't want to move but never stopped
> nibbling on her hay, even when the vet put his hand to the wrist into the
> wound. After a number of shots for pain, tetnus, and antibiotics she was
> moving a little although reluctantly.
> If you are a praying person please keep Linda and Traviata in your
> Trav is a lovely 4 year old mare that was ready to be hitched to drive
> the weather improved.
> The people on this list we there for me last year when I lost my mare and
> am calling on you again. Thanks.
> Sue
> Sue Clark-Sorger
> Crown Oak Fjords
> Sandia Park NM

We had a Morgan mare that came to us with a lot of proud flesh between her
front legs.  She had impaled herself on a metal fence post.  When we saw the
injury it was several years old.  The mare was fine and we had the proud
flesh surgically removed and it did not come back.  She had no lasting
effects from either the injury or the surgery.

Lois in NJ expecting snow tomorrow (and a chance for the llama-like Fjords
to get a snow bath!)


2002-12-04 Thread Lori Albrough
This message is from: Lori Albrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just wanted to add my congratulations to Janice Lee on bringing
Saethersblakken to North America. 

When I first heard the news that he was coming I was very excited since I
had seen some of his offspring in Norway on our visits in 1999 and 2001 that
I quite liked. The proof in the pudding of a breeding stallion is in the
offspring, and Blakken has some very nice sons on the ground. His ulsdun
sons Herman and Solbjor Borken, out of the mother/daughter ulsdun mares
Evelyn and Edna, certainly caught my eye, both very beautiful and charming. 

I managed to get a whirlwind visit with Saethersblakken, Janice and Carl,
when they picked him up after his quarantine near Toronto, I saw him for a
few minutes standing in the trailer, and he was quite the gentleman. He is
very dark with impressively high dark leg markings and a long full very dark
forelock. Well it's great to have another stallion of such high credentials
available in North America.

Lori Albrough
Bluebird Lane Fjords
Moorefield Ontario

Secret Santa Hints

2002-12-04 Thread Cynthia Madden
This message is from: Cynthia Madden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The first hint today, SUE!, is to send the hints
directly to me. LOL!

Secret Santa Hint for Lynda Bailey:
You seem to be easy to please.
Therefore I can shop with ease.
Fjord items can't be found at a mall.
For that I'm grateful most of all!
Tack stores are the place to shop.
Can't wait to make my first stop.
Guess who!!!

Your Secret Santa

Cynthia Madden
Las Cruces, NM
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

Congratulations, and computer down

2002-12-04 Thread Knutsen Fjord Farm
This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

So he's finally here, Janice. Congratulations! What does he think of Miss

Also, since we are now moved, our computer service was screwed up, of
course. Messages for the afternooon and evening of 12/2 were bounced back.
We missed our Digest and hope no one missed us. If so, try, try, again.

Bye - Peg

Peg Knutsen - Ellensburg, WA

Re: Nova Scotia Beginner Driving Vacations - 12 th Season Innovations

2002-12-04 Thread Arthur Rivoire
This message is from: "Arthur Rivoire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Everybody from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -

All of us here in cold, snowy Nova Scotia are keeping the fires burning by
planning the 12th season of our Beginner Driving Vacations.

Each year we get more and more people returning to do the course a second or
third time, and in the case of two of our guests, for the fifth time.  --
We realized at the end of last season that we'd better get busy and plan
something new for these returning guests ---  And for the people who come to
us with a little driving experience, we'll be offering more challenging
courses next season.  For instance, Preliminary dressage tests and cones
courses for those qualified, and Training Level for the true
ginners.   ---

So, in an effort to offer "something new" to returning guests,  we've
decided that instead of basing our beginner course entirely on the sport of
Combined Driving . . . in 2003 we'll base some weeks around Pleasure
Driving.  That means ring classes and a lot of the fun obstacle classes;
such as Gambler's Choice.  It also means help in planning your "Turnout"
(horse, harness, whip, vehicle, driver's clothes - colors- , apron, gloves,
& hat)  --  "Turnout" is something that is of great concern to all Pleasure
Drivers - both men and women.

***  I'll never forget my first experience with a "turnout".  We were going
to our first Pleasure Show, and the night before I called one of the
officials, and asked what I was supposed to wear in the driving classes.
She was very kind, and suggested I wear something coordinated with my horse
and cart, and then she cautioned me not to forget my 'apron'.  --  I, of
course, assumed the apron in question was something like a kitchen
pron.  --  Hanging up the phone, I  hightailed it to J.C. Penney's and
bought a beige dress (to match my horse) and a black hat (to match her
stripe), and some black cotton material to make an apron.  --  With all the
things to do getting ready to leave early in the morning, I didn't have time
to make my apron, so stitched it up by hand in the truck on the way to the
Maine Carriage Days Show.  --  Everybody was so kind to us that weekend.
Nobody laughed at my short-sleeved, knee-length beige J.C. Penny dress.
And, they didn't even snicker when they saw my little square of black cloth
tied around my waiste with a bow in the back.  ---  I drove Uloza that
weekend.  She was, (and still is), a fabulous mare that we had imported from
Holland.  At the time of this show, we'd just weaned her filly the week
before, and she still had an impressive milk bag.  She didn't have shoes,
and her harness was a $150 Amish job that didn't fit too well.  To say that
our "Turnout" left something to be desired, is a big understatement --
However, nobody laughed, and in fact, they were exceedingly kind seeking us
out to offer advice and help us with the impossibly ill-fitting harness.  --
Despite it all, we won one of the pleasure classes (Novice probably).  And
I'll never forget the judge, Sheila Libby Alexander, actually followed us
out of the ring to say -  "I just love your horse!".  --  So, that was our
first experience in Pleasure Driving.

At Beaver Dam Farm next summer, our Pleasure Driving Weeks, as well as the
Combined Driving weeks will continue to be formatted for beginner drivers,
but we'll also accomodate and challenge those guests coming to us with a bit
more experience.  The fact we have so many teachers and such small class
sizes allows us to customize our teaching.

Whether it's Combined Driving, or Pleasure Driving, two basic elements of
our courses will remain the same -  #1 -  Our goal is to teach you how to
drive correctly and safely - #2 -  We never forget that the name of our
program is
Nova Scotia Beginner Driving Vacation -  and the two key words are
"Beginner" and "Vacation".  --  Arthur and I and the staff have a heck of a
time doing these vacations and from all reports, our guests have a great
time as well.

"Best horse vacation I've ever been on" . . . . "It was the best vacation in
35 years of marriage" . . . . "Best vacation of our lives" . .  . "Your farm
has everything I love" . . .

The house we rent on the farm that we call "The Charming Cottage" is already
rented for some weeks of the season, and it rents earlier and earlier each
year.  So, if you'd like to stay on the farm, please call soon.  Otherwise,
there are lots of nice Bed & Breakfasts, plus other cottages, motels and
small inns.

Our rates have remained the same for several years, and although they were
scheduled to go up next year, we've decided to hold the line for one more

We hope you'll join us this summer.  We've got some wonderfully pleasant and
safe Fjordhorses to drive, and to tell you the truth, there's no better
place on earth than Nova Scotia in the summertime.  --  Winter, I must say,
is something else entirely.

Best Regards,  Carol Rivoire

In both

Re: Secret Santa Hint

2002-12-04 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sue unbelievable what horses can do. Sounds like a horrible wound. Certainly
will say a prayer, (Saint Frances of Assisi) for Traviata and owner.  So
difficult.   Jean

Jean Walters Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
Author:The Colonel's Daughter
$20 PO Box 104
Montesano, WA 98563

Deck the fields...

2002-12-04 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

One simply had to enjoy that email header in the last digest,

"Spread Manure, Holiday Cheer"...

[demime 0.99c.8 removed an attachment of type text/x-vcard which had a name of 
W. Peter Randall PM CHRP.vcf]

Re: Secret Santa Hint

2002-12-04 Thread Warren Stockwell
This message is from: "Warren Stockwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am a praying person that's how I got my fjords and land. I will pray for
horse and owner, healing from the inside out sounds like the best method
just stay clean. she will be fine horses are a surviving breed.

Still praying in MN where their is snow and the Fjords are feisty. Truly a
beautiful site.

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 6:48 AM
Subject: Re: Secret Santa Hint

> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> In a message dated 02-12-03 17:29:24 EST, you write:
> << your secret is outyou sent this to the list!! oops!!! >>
> Oh Well, I goofed wouldn't be the first time probably won't be the last.
> What a day, yesterday we had a total of 8 inches of snow, which is
> we certainly can us the moisture.
> At 4:30pm my friend Linda called to say her fjord mare was bleeding and
> didn't know what to do. I told her to ball up a towel and put some
> on the wound and call the vet. My husband who works nights had taken the
> truck because of the snow and so all I had was my low slung car to get up
> hill and out of my unplowed road. But I did it, and got to Linda's. No
> wanted to come out from Albuquerque, they only had rain no snow, and all
> vets in our area were gone. Finally after over an hour we found a vet to
> out. The wound on Traviata is between her front legs and is at least 8
> deep, how she did it we don't know. It looks as if nothing major was
> but as far as any damage to the nerves in her front legs we don't know.
> vet recomended the wound be left open and allowed to heal from the inside
> out. Trav was in a lot of pain aand didn't want to move but never stopped
> nibbling on her hay, even when the vet put his hand to the wrist into the
> wound. After a number of shots for pain, tetnus, and antibiotics she was
> moving a little although reluctantly.
> If you are a praying person please keep Linda and Traviata in your
> Trav is a lovely 4 year old mare that was ready to be hitched to drive
> the weather improved.
> The people on this list we there for me last year when I lost my mare and
> am calling on you again. Thanks.
> Sue
> Sue Clark-Sorger
> Crown Oak Fjords
> Sandia Park NM

Sons of Norway magazine; congratulations to Janice

2002-12-04 Thread Linda Lehnert
This message is from: "Linda Lehnert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Catherine, does Sons of Norway have an e-mail address?  I'd like to get a
copy of the magazine, but prefer not to have to call transatlantic
(Deutsche Telekom ist teurer - expensive). Janice, congratulations on
your new stallion, Saethersblakken.  He sounds wonderful and I'm sure you
will enjoy him.  I am looking forward to seeing his picture in the
Herald.  Is he by chance related to Brulandsblakken? Linda in
Reichelsheim where it's much colder and Ricka is a woolly bear - if Fjord
fur were as valuable as alpaca, I'd have a goldmine!

the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

New equine website

2002-12-04 Thread Lassesen
This message is from: "Lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Horse Magazine had an article in the December 2002 issue about the
announcement of the AAEP website.  AAEP = American Association of Equine

This website is an Educational website.  One of the goals of the AAEP is
better education for horse owners.  This website is one of their educational

go to www.myHorseMatters.com  and check it out!

Catherine Lassesen
Cloudy and light rain today ;-) we need the rain!

Re: Secret Santa Hint

2002-12-04 Thread ruth bushnell
This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> What a day, .
 The wound on Traviata is between her front legs and is at least 8 inches
> deep, how she did it we don't know.

> If you are a praying person please keep Linda and Traviata in your
> Sue

VERY SORRY to hear this Sue! I will pray for Traviata.
Fjords are very tough, I'm sure she'll be all right!



2002-12-04 Thread GAIL RUSSELL
This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It may help to know that I knew of a horse with a very similar injury that
recovered just fine.  In that case, too, they let the wound heal from the
inside out.  Fortunately, it drains easily due to the location.  That horse
had gone up in a horse trailer that had wooden sides, and no top...and then
come down with her front leg on the outside of the side.  Is there plywood
sticking up above a fence somewhere that she could have come down on.  Or a
tree limb that she could have gotten stuck in...while trying to debark the tree?

The wound on Traviata is between her front legs and is at least 8 inches 
>deep, how she did it we don't know. 
>If you are a praying person please keep Linda and Traviata in your prayers. 

Gail Russell
Forestville CA


2002-12-04 Thread GreenMeadowFarm1
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BAYSHORE OLIVER (Gingard x SF Willow) is an outstanding Fjord colt, foaled
in September 2002.  His imported Dutch bloodlines carry Elite and A-premie
evaluations in both sire and dam making him of serious show quality.  Oliver
will mature to 14.2, is very leggy and a super mover.  He is simply too cute
with the funniest sense of humor... truly everyone's favorite on the Farm.  
colt enjoys handling and trains easily.  Being handled daily, Oliver is off
to a great start.  We have scheduled the vet. for December 16th to geld him
unless the buyer prefers not to do so prior to that date.  He will be a 
Fjord for riding (Dressage) and driving when he matures!  Bayshore Oliver
(raf) is being offered for sale very reasonably to the right home.  If 
interested, please contact Karen Emirzian, Green Meadow Farm, Wilbraham, 
Massachusetts (phone:  413/596-9009).

Welsh for sale or trade

2002-12-04 Thread Debby Stai
This message is from: "Debby Stai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just wanted to let everyone know we still have a young welsh that we are
hoping to sell or trade for a fjord.  He can be seen at
www.geocities.com/halfpass1981/main.html.  His name is Court, he's a gray, 3
1/2yrs. old.  We'd gotten him for driving, which he doesn't seem to like too
terrible much, so our dressage daughter has worked with him now since this
last summer.  He is doing very very well, he'll make a wonderful pony for a
youngster but again he is just 3 1/2 so needs  adult supervision and an
understanding kind person.  My daughter is 21yrs., 5'3", 100lbs, and he has
not had any problems with her riding him, though the sessions are short and
sweet.  We're looking for another fjord so my husband and I can ride together,
his old QH has sidebone issues and we'd just like to be able to ride together
with a pair of fjords.  We do not need one that is finished, thats what we
have the daughter for  : )), but a kind, willing, sound fjord would be great.
Thanks for your consideration.  Debby in Missouri, we had 4inches of snow and
my young "Langster" is loving it.

Re: Secret Santa Hint

2002-12-04 Thread bolinsj

This message is from: bolinsj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ouch!   We will certainly remember them in our prayers.  I hope all goes 
well and she heals quickly and completely.

Martie in MD - cold but no snow yet

If you are a praying person please keep Linda and Traviata in your prayers. 
Trav is a lovely 4 year old mare that was ready to be hitched to drive when 
the weather improved. 
The people on this list we there for me last year when I lost my mare and I 
am calling on you again. Thanks.


Sue Clark-Sorger
Crown Oak Fjords
Sandia Park NM

RE: Secret Santa Hint

2002-12-04 Thread Bill Kelley
This message is from: "Bill Kelley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I had a similar injury to the rear hip of my Qhorse (after falling off a low
bridge, long story ). It healed amazingly fast for the depth of the injury.
Good luck . Bill Kelley

vet recomended the wound be left open and allowed to heal from the inside
out. Trav was in a lot of pain aand didn't want to move but never stopped
nibbling on her hay, even when the vet put his hand to the wrist into the
wound. After a number of shots for pain, tetnus, and antibiotics she was
moving a little although reluctantly.
If you are a praying person please keep Linda and Traviata in your prayers.
Trav is a lovely 4 year old mare that was ready to be hitched to drive when
the weather improved.
The people on this list we there for me last year when I lost my mare and I
am calling on you again. Thanks.

Sue Clark-Sorger
Crown Oak Fjords
Sandia Park NM

Re: Secret Santa Hint

2002-12-04 Thread SorgerJ
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 02-12-03 17:29:24 EST, you write:

<< your secret is outyou sent this to the list!! oops!!! >>

Oh Well, I goofed wouldn't be the first time probably won't be the last.

What a day, yesterday we had a total of 8 inches of snow, which is wonderful, 
we certainly can us the moisture. 
At 4:30pm my friend Linda called to say her fjord mare was bleeding and she 
didn't know what to do. I told her to ball up a towel and put some pressure 
on the wound and call the vet. My husband who works nights had taken the 
truck because of the snow and so all I had was my low slung car to get up the 
hill and out of my unplowed road. But I did it, and got to Linda's. No vets 
wanted to come out from Albuquerque, they only had rain no snow, and all the 
vets in our area were gone. Finally after over an hour we found a vet to come 
out. The wound on Traviata is between her front legs and is at least 8 inches 
deep, how she did it we don't know. It looks as if nothing major was damaged 
but as far as any damage to the nerves in her front legs we don't know. The 
vet recomended the wound be left open and allowed to heal from the inside 
out. Trav was in a lot of pain aand didn't want to move but never stopped 
nibbling on her hay, even when the vet put his hand to the wrist into the 
wound. After a number of shots for pain, tetnus, and antibiotics she was 
moving a little although reluctantly.
If you are a praying person please keep Linda and Traviata in your prayers. 
Trav is a lovely 4 year old mare that was ready to be hitched to drive when 
the weather improved. 
The people on this list we there for me last year when I lost my mare and I 
am calling on you again. Thanks.

Sue Clark-Sorger
Crown Oak Fjords
Sandia Park NM

Christmas Parade

2002-12-04 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Everyone, We have been real busy here in the Foggy Bitteroot Valley, Our 
daughter, and main trainer/ranch hand, Mandy, is being whisked away (well, 
not to far) and getting married December 28th. A beautiful Holiday wedding, 
complete with horse drawn carriage (hopefully not sleigh).

The day after Thanksgiving, Myself, Sarah Nagel and Mark Graves took three 
Fjords to a nearby Tree lighting parade in Hamilton, MT. Most of our 
Bitteroot Driving and Draft Horse club was present with lit carriages, etc., 
(BTW the Fjords outnumber the other breeds now Tee Hee). We dressed as Wise 
men and followed the wagon pulling the live nativity also pulled by a Fjord. 
We thought it quite funny how The fjords do resemble camels or yaks this time 
of year.  We had a great time. Tone' thought all the shadows might be ice 
puddles and looked leary a few times but was very good. And Ori and Lara, 
Sarah's Fjords were wonderful too. It was a beautiful evening and we had a 
great time. Next week we are going to try it again in our town.

Thanks to my Secret Santa for the clues.  But. I have no clue who you are 

Michele Noonan
STevensville, MT

Re: Holiday Decorating

2002-12-04 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I remember hearing Doris Ganton talk about her best driving mare who
colicked and died.  The autopsy found a staple in her intestine that had
caused the intestine to fester and rupture.  So watch those decorations.

Jean Walters Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
Author:The Colonel's Daughter
$20 PO Box 104
Montesano, WA 98563