Re: Stallion Presentation Day

2003-03-23 Thread Deb Williams
This message is from: "Deb Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Joe!
I am mailing some flyers to you they should go out Monday so you'll get them
in time.  There are a few that I got pictures on and some left from the
Harrisburg Expo. Give them away and don't worry about returning any.  Hope
you have good weather.  I wish I could come down, but I'll be at a horse
training clinic that day.
Thank you so much for going to the trouble,
Debi Williams
Williams Hill Fjords
Waterford, Pa
Home of Tolgar,Belle and Levi,Hilda,Senja,Beckett,Rosie and Daniel

Waverly Auction, Update

2003-03-23 Thread BaileysFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everyone,

People are starting to contact me to let me know the Fjords they are most 
interested in, which is really going to be a great help not only to the UEF, 
but to the other Fjord people attending this auction.  With so many Fjords 
going through, I would believe everyone will have a chance at getting one of 
these Fjords for a reasonable price.

So far, we know of four of these Fjords that will be seriously bid on by 
representatives for other farms.  These Fjords are Skyview Henry, Donder, 
Haakon, and A.S. Rinska.  There are quite a few Fjord people going that are 
also interested in many of these Fjords, although I am not aware of any more 
specific interests, if I have missed someone who has contacted me previously, 
please let me know!

This has been so helpful to us with the UEF to know which Fjords are drawing 
serious interest, this allows us to focus on those that might not be as 
desired, for example the mare, Tekla.  

Again, the UEF has no intention of knowingly bidding against any Fjord 
person, we are only going to be at this auction to prevent any Fjords, to the 
best of our ability, going to a meat buyer.  

Take care, will pass along anymore updates if they come in.  Otherwise, see 
you at the auction!

Lynda and Daniel
Bailey's Norwegian Fjords 
Quality Fjords--Equine Transportation--Hand-braided Tack & Accessories
White Cloud, MI
FAX: 775-383-6813

United Equine Foundation

Lynda C. Welch
President, PMU and Breed Specific Division

UEF Fjord rescue email group: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Re: NFHA Raffle

2003-03-23 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

Hi List! Just wanted to add some important info to the Raffle for the $2003 for 
the NFHA to use for promoting the fjords at Equine Affaire and reduced stalls 
for all at the VT Fjord Show!!!  There will only be 200 Chances at 3 Tickets 
for $25...that is a one in 200 chance  Where are you going to find odds 
like that??? And it helps our group to promote the fjords!! The drawing will be 
held on Sunday at our VT Fjord Show.the foal will be there if the $2003 
Cash isn't wanted!! If we sell the 200 Chances way before the showwe 
will offer this Raffle for another $2003 to be drawn at the Equine Affaire at 
the BIG E in Nov...Springfield, MA!!   If you want to mail me a check or MO 
made out to NFHA, Susan Giargiari, 570 Millers Falls Rd, Northfield, will receive your tickets stubs and a Raffle 
Certificate good to trade for one foal!!  For those of you who have already 
sent in a Raffle entrythe Certificates are in the ma!
il this week!!   

Our prayers and thoughts are with all in the FJord Community who have loved 
ones in the service Take care...Sue g. and Dick...

Nebraska Horse Expo

2003-03-23 Thread BlkHorseAntique
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We have had a week to recover from the Nebraska Horse Expo, but now it is 
time to   extend many well deserved "thank yous"  to all who helped it be the 
success that it was.

A big thanks to Bonnie and Buzz Ehlers for all their help setting up our 
considerable decorations.  Bonnie drove their gelding Gier in the 
demonstrations and wore her fabulous Norwegian outfit that received much 
attention and many compliments.  Bonnie (what a woman) Ehlers also 
volunteered to use Gier in the draft horse pull on Friday night.  They did a 
terrific job pulling against those big Belgian teams, and we were all amazed 
when the announcer said this was the first time for Bonnie or Gier to try 
such a thing.  She is just amazing!!!

Thanks to Steve and Amy White who drove their Fjords Nessie and Torden in the 
demos.  They did a great job and were much help tearing down the decor when 
we were done.  (Why is it so much easier coming down, than going up?)

Thanks to Steve McIlree who helped in about every area and took some fine 
photos of our group.

Big thanks to Beth Beymer and Cheryl and Steve Gioia for coming all the way 
from Colorado to be a part of our Expo.  They are all terrific people, and 
SO.. much fun.   Beth and Obelisk, Cheryl and Troika and Steve with 
Vind were wonderful additions to our demo group.

Thanks to all of you who sent fliers (and donations)  we gave out almost 
everything we came with.  We had much interest in the darling Fjords and on 
Saturday had wall to wall people for most of the day.

Thanks to my many friends who supported  the newly formed Fjord Horse 
Association of Nebraska with their donations, and then brought food to our 
party too!  We had a nice time Saturday night visiting with old friends and 
introducing new friends to old friends.  Thanks again to all of you.

Mostly thanks to my own Carl, who built everything I could think up, working 
long hours into the night so our booth would be special.  Your are the 

Janice Lee
Little Farm Fjords
Valley, Nebraska

Re: club foot surgery

2003-03-23 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My gelding's club foot was not something he was born with.  It was an end 
result, from a shoulder & sternum injury that he incurred at 12 days old.  
Due to the lack of walking normally during his fast growth stage (before 3 
months of age) the ligament shorted, keeping the heel from dropping down 
where it should.  We did have surgery done to see if we could get that heel 
down, hoping just cutting the inferior check ligament would do it.  It did 
let it down some...but did not result in the out come my vet had hoped for.  
We then tried glue on shoes for a time...and it did get some of the rest of 
the his weight, off his toe, though my vet was not happy with the results of 
that either.  My vet did mention cutting the flexor tendon...but I felt this 
was just too extreme. At this point he was bobbing a bit at the walk...and 
though his trot was shortened, you really had to watch him to tell he wasn't 
traveling normally.  He was still resting on that toe a lot, and not putting 
his full weight down on that heel.  I didn't like seeing him like this My 
next approach (here comes the scoffers :-) ) was to contact a Shamanic 
Healer.  She did a healing session on him.  One of the things she found was 
that his right hip was out of joint. After his session, He immediately stood 
taller in the rear his heel came all the way downall the time, not 
just sometimes, and he stopped bobbing.  He moved like he was a normal horse 
again. His heel is down, and though his foot shape is messed up I feel he's 
moving comfortably and can run and play like the other horses now.
I had asked, earlier, about "what club foot surgery?" thinking there was 
something maybe I hadn't heard about yet...guess not.  Modern medicine is 
great...but sometimes it needs a little help outside that realm :)
Thank you,

Club Foot Surgery

2003-03-23 Thread Sweetmule56
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Aimee, I see that there are replies as to what is actually done for the club 
foot surgery, so I won't repeat. Sorry to see that Steve has not had good 
success with the husband has done many, all with success, and 
many with amazing success.  There are many variables, however, and sometimes 
it may just be a crap shoot as to the outcome..but we have seen it work 
many times, with ecstatic clients.  I am sure that there have been 
extenuating circumstances with the horses that have had club foot surgery 
that Steve speaks of, just as there have been other types of cases that have 
not gone as planned here, as well, despite all of our best efforts.
   The younger the horse is when the surgery is performed will allow for 
greater success of this type of surgery.  However, even with older horses 
there has been some degree of improvement.
   Has anyone actually been x-raying their Fjord's feet to determine what 
an average angle of correct alignment is versus other breedsand worked 
with their vet on this?  I think it was very well put by others on this List 
that the feathering on the legs can be misleading as to the true angle of the 
hoof and pastern alignment.  Feet are a very important issue at our clinic, 
and my husband works with some of the finest farriers in this 
country..and has worked at actual farrier education seminars to enlighten 
the farriers as to what the vets are looking at, and how the development of 
the veterinarian/farrier relationship is essential to the well being of the 
horse.  This veterinarian/farrier relationship has been an ongoing 
educational process encouraged by the veterinary organizations and the 
farrier organizations.  Can you tell I have had to listen to all of this for 
a while???  (VBG!!!)
 Carole Sweet   Modesto, CA

Re: grey correction

2003-03-23 Thread Karen Keith

This message is from: "Karen Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Keep in mind, a red dun is simply a chestnut horse with the dun dilution 
factor, and chestnuts come in a wide range of shades.  I have two red dun 
fjords.  The mare has a definite red stripe through her mane and tail.  The 
gelding has a lighter red stripe in the tail, but his mane stripe is just 
barely discernible as it is creamy in color.  My guess is if he didn't have 
the dun dilution, he would be a chestnut with red tail but closer to flaxen 
mane.  At first glance, their body colors are the "same", but when I see the 
two out in the afternoon sunlight, there's a subtle difference.  The gelding 
seems to be a solid light biscuit color, and the mare is the same base color 
but with reddish highlights over top.  Clear as mud?



From: "windago" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "fjord horse digest" 
Subject: Re: grey correction
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 09:08:22 -0600

This message is from: "windago" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I need to correct my last entry.  My "red" dun does NOT have black hairs on
the front of his legs as I originally thought.  I looked VERY closely, much 
my Fjords chagrin.  The hairs are very dark reddish, brownish in 

Teresa, who can not wait until she can start buggy driving her Fjord.

Hotmail now available on Australian mobile phones. Go to

Waverly Sale

2003-03-23 Thread Dave and Patti Jo Walter
This message is from: "Dave and Patti Jo Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi List, I emailed Waverly and they said No Way will the Fjords start
selling on Thursday.  They will start on Friday as written in the catalog.
Not sure how the confusion started but you don't have to come early if you
can't.  They won't sell till Friday.  See you all there  This is gonna
be fun seeing all of you.  Also if you have not gotten your RSVP in for the
MWFHC's winter meeting you still can.  Contact Sharon Falck at
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  she can get you all straighted out for the meeting/clinic
with Wayne Hipsley.  I'm sure it will be educational and a great time.

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers, WI - were it's 50 and sunny!!! Finally no RAIN!!

Re: grey correction

2003-03-23 Thread windago
This message is from: "windago" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I need to correct my last entry.  My "red" dun does NOT have black hairs on
the front of his legs as I originally thought.  I looked VERY closely, much to
my Fjords chagrin.  The hairs are very dark reddish, brownish in coloration.

Teresa, who can not wait until she can start buggy driving her Fjord.

NFHA Meeting, Activities, and more

2003-03-23 Thread Curtis Pierce
This message is from: "Curtis Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi to all ...

The Northeast Fjord Horse Association is alive and well!  We have a busy
year coming up with many activities: shows, demos, and meetings.  We
invite all who are interested in becoming part of our FJORD family to
join the Northeast Fjord Horse Association.  Everyone is invited to the
NFHA spring meeting on May 4 at Bill and Norma Coli's in Charlemont,
Mass.  Contact Bill for directions.  The meeting will start around 10:00
with a break for a pot luck lunch.

New Fjord T-shirts and Sweatshirts are available for sale.   Information
about the T-shirts is available at or contact Carol Tacey at
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  We are raising funds to have a booth at the 2003
Equine Affair in Springfield, MA, and to support our 20th annual August
Fjord Horse Show in Woodstock, Vermont.  Show dates are August 22nd to
24th.  Show Manager: Curt Pierce: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We are also having a raffle to support the NFHA activities and Fjord
promotions.  For 3 tickets at $25, the winner will win $2003.  Since the
raffle will take place in Mass, we can't raffle a Fjord foal, but the
winner can use the $2003 to purchase a foal being offered.  Of course,
the raffle committee reserves the right to approve the winner if they
choice the foal.  Contact Sue Giagiari at [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
get your raffle tickets or for more information.
For more info on NFHA contact:
Bill Coli, Co-President:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Susan Cook, Co-President:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Take care and enjoy your Fjord!
Carol Tacey
West Kingston, Rhode Island

and Curt Pierce
Bristow, VA

Re: I dorve my first pair! Correction!

2003-03-23 Thread Foxfire Farm
This message is from: "Foxfire Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: I drove my first pair! Correction!

Ooops, an important typo in the previous message:

You CAN'T  bully those big guys...

> so they are handled with subltey and finesse and safety first, which is
> I have looking for in learning help.

Betsy in Michigan

I drove my first pair!

2003-03-23 Thread Foxfire Farm
This message is from: "Foxfire Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ooo! Ahh! even tho'  they were not fjords...
Yesterday I attended my first meeting of the Thumb Draft Horse
Association... an educational clinic. The demo horses were Percherons, many
many Percherons, all ages, and all huge.
I was hoisted into the driver's seat of a big wagon, handed the reins and
laughing a lot off I wentdriving the pair.

Now, before you panic, after reading Lisa's important novella seated
next to me was a very knowlegeable young man, Shane Benner, who had with his
Dad, Les, helped break and train this 6-7 year old pair, bred on their farm.
We worked in a large indoor arena, everything had been checked and
rechecked, and we kept it to a walk. They are huge and powerful horses, but
even at the walk waht a nice feel! No dogging it for these boys...
Everyone was very kind and encouraging.kept saying go for itthe pair
are used regularly for weddings, wagon rides, and Christmas Tree farm work.
We had also just spent a couple of hours going over the harnessing process
for pairs, driving safety, equipment safety etc...

Shane said keep an eye on the leveller bar to help keep them even"I
can't even SEE the leveller bar..."
I am short  so my feet didn't reach the floor...I had to stand up to look
over the front of the wagon to see it... had to sit forward on the very
front edge to plant my feet to drive the wagon and could not keep an eye on
the leveller, so had to use feel We laughed a lot about that, but once that
was handled, it was sheer joy! Walk on

Never thought I'd even consider thinking about pairs, (all that harness) but
it was so much fun but first I have to get going better with my fjords
as singles... Part of the reason I joined this group was to look for and
meet folks with a different perspective and find some more horse buddies. I
think the average age  of the members must be about 70... with a lot of
horse experience, breeding, training, driving and farming with drafts. I
felt right at home. They also do a lot with teams of 4 and big hitches...
lots of knowledge and good help available. You can bully those big guys...
so they are handled with subltey and finesse and safety first, which is what
I have looking for in learning help.

One woman I spoke with for a long time has and ancient pair of Belgians she
would like to replace with a pair of fjords... she knows a pair from the
west side Gary and ? I think I know who they are.

The whole group was very open and welcoming to the "fjord lady!" In spite of
being a really cold and damp day it gave me lots of warm fuzzies! Ooo,
driving that pair was fun! Now I can just picture a couple of little fjords
butts in front of me, trotting down the road...

If we are ready by the end of May, we can participate in their annual Wagon
Train and I am also now freelancing for one one of the local
papersand covering things like this for them! Can life get any better?
Yeah, maybe driving my own little fjordies!

BTW a number of these folks are going to the Waverly Sale and were aware
of all the Fjords for sale and asked about it... They haven't seen that many
listed in the catalog very often.

Still savoring yesterday... what a high!

Betsy in Michigan

Fwd: Frodo Pictures

2003-03-23 Thread Fhtrp
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Finally a decent picture of Frodo the half fjord for all you curious people. 
Contact me privately and I will forward it to you. Robyn
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RE:shades of grey

2003-03-23 Thread windago
This message is from: "windago" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello to all. My name is Teresa and I currently own one Fjord gelding.

My question is: if red duns have no black at all, what would a Fjord with a
dorsal stripe of red, who also has black hairs on the front of his legs be
called?  His mane stripe is a lighter shade, not black but does have some
black hairs in it.  Just a question.  Thank you for listening.
