RE: Foaling Question

2006-03-14 Thread Gail Russell
This message is from: "Gail Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have heard they are unreliable.  We finally bought a video camera and 400
feet of Co-ax cable (anyone need some coax?).  I set up a TV in the bedroom
and could use the alarm to wake myself, roll over, watch the camera for a
few minutes and then reset the alarm.  It worked OK.

Question #2.  Has anyone ever used or knows were to get this gadget that you

put on the mare and it tells you if they are lying down??? a Foaling
of sorts?

I'm thinking something like that might ony get me up a few times a night, 
rather than setting the clock for every 30 minutes.

This is Tone's 3rd foal ( She didn't bag up with the other two) but it's 
Tonetta's 1st foal and she's as big as a house.   It might be because she's
about 13.2 that she looks that big, but still, I kinda feel sorry for her.

WHR Elsker is anxiously awaiting (at the trainers) his first sons or 

Re: Fjord Lovers & Hay problems

2006-03-14 Thread spiekath
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: dfle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 11:24 am
Subject: Fjord Lovers & Hay problems
> This message is from: "dfle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Just a warning hay and cell phones don't mix.
> Rosemary
> Shome Fjords 
Nor do cell phones and large water troughs.  I carry my cell phone in a
shirt pocket.  You can guess.  This was the second cell phone, replacing
the one the Fjord crunched by chewing on the antenna while I was
distracted dialing - must have looked like a treat.  and the one I have
now is cracked from carrying in pants packet while riding, but since it
still works, I do not have the courage to take it back into the store. 
> Sent via the WebMail system at

Re: Foaling Question

2006-03-14 Thread jgayle

This message is from: "jgayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi, I used a test of the milk from the teat that predicted almost to the 
hour and my mare was sneaky.  No bag and she would try to hide behind fence 
posts, in her effort to find the right foaling place with out my 
interference.  This test let me bring her into the barn and get the Vet on 
time.  I believe, 25 years ago, the testing material was from my Cenex farm 
store.  Jean Gayle  I just laid that "foal" to rest two weeks ago.

'The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 to 1949
Send: $20 to Three Horse's Press
7403 Blaine Rd
Aberdeen, WA 98520 

Fjord Lovers & Hay problems

2006-03-14 Thread dfle
This message is from: "dfle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

So many of you have commented on the real "Fjord lover" and having hay and 
other horse related products in your cars, trucks, etc.  Well, recently my cell 
phone was acting up -- the scroll button would go wild and lock up the phone 
and I couldn't even turn it off.  Not having time to take it in, I continued to 
use it.  One day while dialing, it locked up and was making a horrible sound -- 
I couldn't turn it off and finally in desparation pulled open the battery area 
to shut it off.  Guess what -- hay flakes starting falling out.  Well, after I 
shook it out and closed it up the phone works fine.  Just a warning hay and 
cell phones don't mix.

Shome Fjords 

Sent via the WebMail system at

Foaling Question

2006-03-14 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All

We are officially on foal watch and I'm officially sleep deprived already.

Question  #1..  Just how accurate are those ultrasounds?  We had one done on 
both mares and they were only a few days apart 83 and 85 days bred. Projected 
due date is March 14th!!  (Tone prefers to do the 12 mth thing so far)

Since I pasture bred with a young stallion last year. I figured it was best 
to go by the date of the ultrasound.  It matched with my observation that 
neither mare came back in heat in May,

Question #2.  Has anyone ever used or knows were to get this gadget that you 
put on the mare and it tells you if they are lying down??? a Foaling predictor 
of sorts?

I'm thinking something like that might ony get me up a few times a night, 
rather than setting the clock for every 30 minutes.

This is Tone's 3rd foal ( She didn't bag up with the other two) but it's 
Tonetta's 1st foal and she's as big as a house.   It might be because she's 
about 13.2 that she looks that big, but still, I kinda feel sorry for her.

WHR Elsker is anxiously awaiting (at the trainers) his first sons or 

Foaling questions

2006-03-14 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That last post about the Foaling questions was from

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT
I hit the send button too soon

Team Harness "Stub Lines"

2006-03-14 Thread Ron & Sherrie Dayton

This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Howdy,  I was reading a good book the other day "A Teamster's View"  by 
Steve Bowers(2001)  In one chapter he has some really good information on 
team harness and some of the problems in regards to "Stub Lines"  While 
working with my team and just getting started in harnessing and hitching, I 
have noticed that a few times we had similar problems with the horses 
see-sawing and to the point where the buckle at the stub line could easily 
get caught up threw the hame ring and cause a bad situation like Steve talks 
about in the book.  He notes that in Europe they use longer stub lines that 
can't get into the hame loops in fact they are so long that the teamster can 
actually reach out and adjust the buckle from the drivers seat.  We tend to 
use short stub lines in this country for some reason and to counter this 
problem some teamsters use "stay chains" to keep the eveners from moving way 
out of alignment when the horses get out of sink and start to see-saw.  I 
would like to know your thoughts on this and what is the best way to go. 
Short or long stub lines?  Stay chains?  in this book, Steve also gets into 
some real details on lateral alignment and all that is important when 
hitching with spreaders and without,  I especially would like to hear from 
Brian Jensen on this and it might be a good subject for us all to think 
about.  Thanks for your time.  "Happy Trails"  RD 

Re: x-bred

2006-03-14 Thread Russ and Laurie Lamb

This message is from: "Russ and Laurie Lamb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

So let me makea suggestion to the X-breeders and their promoters, 

those in our own administration --- Please leave us and start your own
registry and I wish you well with your x- bred registry !!! I much prefer 

Warren and Sylvia in Spokane

I certainly agree with your feeling about cross breeding. Most of us do. But 
who in our own administration do you feel is breeding or promoting them?

Laurie Lamb 


2006-03-14 Thread oe Wilson
This message is from: "oe Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi again

Lisa is going to have words with me from that last message.  I put an e in
Pederson instead of spelling it right and I know better.

I am sorry Lisa, please for give me.   JEFF  and   LISA PEDERSON

The Pedersens and the Ariz CDE

2006-03-14 Thread oe Wilson
This message is from: "oe Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just talked to Jeff and Lisa Pedersen.  They are on their way home from the
Arizona CDE.  What an experience.  The weather was horrendous (sp).  During
the dressage portion, Jeff and the Fjords were in the middle of competing when
the winds really started blowing.  The dust devils were picking up everything
that wasn't tied down and even the judges were in their cars.  Of course the
horses stood their ground and completed their task and came in third (I think
that is what Lisa said)

The next day in the marathon, it rained in torrents with the rain sleeting
down.  The fjords did their thing with a minimum of nervousness.  Thank
heaven's for fjords.  The team finished and Jeff and his help along with the
Fjords came through frozen but in the top 5.

The cones were done with 4" of water on the ground.  All in all they finished
3rd along with two other competitors with Fjord singles who finished in the
top 3 with their Fjords.  Pretty good showing an done so well with these
wonderful horses.

I always contend that there is nothing like a Fjord.  Ours prove daily what a
wonderful breed they are.  They put up with our foibles and just keep going.

Lisa said she would email the list with more information but she wanted
everyone to know how it went.

Pat Wilson