Re: Myler Bits

2006-04-06 Thread RJRFJORD
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I use a Myler on my QH's and will eventually on my Fjords. I really like 
them. They are not severe and have more give than other bits. They are not 
inexpensive though.
Jo Wilgus
 gavilan Hills, CA

Re: tornadoes

2006-04-06 Thread Pat Holland
This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Several years ago I had an employee ask if we had a tornado shelter and
where she should go  if a tornado advisory came through while working on the
farm,...I told her to just go sit under any of the Fjords...
; )

Re: Unfriendly Fjord People

2006-04-06 Thread jgayle

This message is from: "jgayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Pat the only thing I know for emotional people and loss is time.  Or happy 
pills of course!  Jean Gayle

'The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 to 1949
Send: $20 to Three Horse's Press
7403 Blaine Rd
Aberdeen, WA 98520 

Monty Roberts

2006-04-06 Thread Jean Ernest

This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For anyone wanting to know the truth about Monty Roberts' early life and 
his family here is a link to the book his family members  have written 
refuting  Monty's allegations that his father was cruel and abused him and 
horses.  You can read the whole book on 

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, sunny but cool:  +32 today.

Tornadoes, miscellaneous (long)

2006-04-06 Thread Linda Lehnert
This message is from: "Linda Lehnert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I mostly lurk these days since the only Fjords I have are wooden and
don´t ride or drive.  I grew up in Dallas and all of North Texas and
North Central Texas are in "Tornado Alley."  We had tornado drills in
school as well as fire drills.  Houses in the country used to have storm
shelters.  They used to tell us to get in a low place, like a ditch, if
you were out.  The downtown section of Waco, Texas was flattened in the
´50s and a large swath of West Dallas was flattened a couple of years
later, both by tornadoes.  Tornadoes are dangerous and unpredictable
and there is no easy answer to what to do with your horses when one is
coming.  I empathize with all of you who live in tornado-prone areas. Lisa,
don´t worry about getting bucked off of that ball.  I once knew a girl at
the barn in Hampton, VA who got bucked off of the fence!  She was always
high on something and later was arrested for selling drugs on base at
Langley AFB where she worked. Jean G, I hope Gunnar gets all right.  It´s
always worrisome when a horse or one of our other animals is sick. 
Gunnar is fortunate to have a good owner.  Some people would just get rid
of a grumpy, unfriendly horse and dump him off any way possible. Did Jeff
Morse used to be in Morgans up in New England somewhere?  That name rings
a bell. The weather here is now very hot after almost no winter (what
passes for winter here anyway).  Maybe the rainy season will start early
and cool things off. I´m finally leaving 3 May, flying to Houston, taking
a cruise from Galveston to Civitavecchia north of Rome.  I will arrive in
Alanya, Turkey on 16 June after 3 days in Rome and 3 weeks in Germany. 
I´m looking forward to getting back on that side of the Atlantic. I hope
everyone enjoys their Fjords and has a great summer. Linda, still in


2006-04-06 Thread Sherry Bilus
This message is from: "Sherry Bilus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This is in to response to the "friendly" email thread that was recently on the 
Fjord list.  
I usually don't write to this list.  I'm more of a reader to the list than 
writer, but I am sticking my nose in this thread and I'm going to make a few 
First of all, I have been taking carriage driving lessons from the "lady down 
the road" for 4+ years.  I know of 7+ people who take lessons from her.  I also 
am a member and was on the board of the "Hub Club" driving club for 5+ years.  
I've been involved with the Iron Horse CDE volunteering my time for the past 4 
years, and I am a member of the Dairyland Driving Club.   
I just want to say that there are two sides to every story told.  I don't 
understand how people can pass judgment on someone or a group of people they 
don't even know and are only hearing one side of the story.  When is comes to 
slamming people or organizations it tends to become a "he said she said" battle 
and no one ever wins.  It just causes bad feelings on both sides.   
Most of the people I know that own horses are doing it for pleasure and 
enjoyment and a break away from the daily grind of working and fulfilling a 
passion they have inside of them.  

Sherry Bilus
Circuit Clerk IT Manager
County of McHenry
2200 N Seminary Ave
Woodstock, IL 60098

Re: friendly

2006-04-06 Thread ChampionPonies
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All in all my experiences  with true Fjord people have been good.  However, 
I've met a couple people  that just happened to own a Fjord that were not quite 
the  same...
I've also had a couple less than stellar  experiences when it comes to 
discussing Fjord color - if I see something that I  know to be untrue I try to 
educate, because it's the only area I feel I truly  know (you won't see me 
comment much on anything else...).  Let's just say  that some people just don't 
want to be corrected...  I do love discussing  it with anyone who's willing, 
though!  Even my feed store owner will ask  what colors she'll get from 
pairings (QH's) - fun stuff.
In the Mountains SW of Denver,  CO

Re: unfriendly Fjord people

2006-04-06 Thread bushnell
This message is from: "bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

While this subject has been well addressed, as we probably all subscribe to
the premise, "a person that has friends must present themselves friendly,"
(leading best seller recommendation), it wouldn't cost us to offer this lady
our apology for any oversight, on behalf of all Fjords, and to extend a
friendly offer of help. She may write to me any time and I'll share from what
I have gathered from others.

I believe this disillusioned lady is sincerely trying to describe a very real
divisive phenomena that has impacted ALL rare breeds; a separation of pro from
the beginner.

As every rare breed society increasingly strives to polish and refine their
organization and image, the chasm between novice and  professional swiftly and
significantly widens. How this widening breach will be addressed and resolved
in the future for the benefit of the purebred is unaddressed and undefined to
date, but this (serious for some) gap probably should be an item-of-interest
on every registry's radar for the longterm welfare of their breed and for
recruiting members as well. It could be our objective to "leave no Fjord
behind" (and their owner).

 One suggestion might be, dually leveled exhibitors-- both a pro league and an
amatuer together. I've noticed in the Libby show, as the years have gone by,
that although the bar of excellence continues to rise.. the broad
cross-section of Fjord enthusiasts decline, and public spectators have
dwindled proportionately. Something for everyone would probably be more
preferable for the public and promote better spectator attendance.

As for this lady wishing for a general consensus among hundreds of Fjord list
subscribers, that's unrealistic. I doubt there is any kind of a consensus in
this world for a grouping of 700 people, and we all come from different
regions, backgrounds, ideologies, abilities, and there will always be those
who react more to these differences.

I would say that by and large Fjord folks are wonderfully nice, in direct
correlation to their choice of a horse, that is also wonderfully nice.. 'like
attracts like.' A mellow person chooses a mellow horse.

As far as Fjord questions answered.. there's always someone out there who will
lend advice for the hundredth time, just keep asking. Maybe the 'askee' could
give the option of  responding off-list, as many don't like their advice
critiqued by hundreds of others who probably know more than they do. =))

There has long been much interest in a Question and Answer facet on the NFHR
website, but insofar as my knowledge goes, it ran out of gas months ago when
the Communication's Committee coordinator went AWOL.. ? Maybe that's why we're
instructed to never talk about registry business, that way no one will know
that nothing is being done? (joke)

I do have a bandaid idea for a Q & A forum however.. at the very least, why
not use a few selected posts from the list past, which well address such items
of interest as; grooming, tack, training, foaling, etc.  Even if only one
person had an index of these and could forward the corresponding subject to
list inquiries, it would be much better than the NOTHING we have now. (someone
like Jean Ernest, who is very good at keeping track and could do this well I'm

Ruthie, nw mt US

Bushwhacker Fjords

Unfriendly Fjord People

2006-04-06 Thread Momster18
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 4/6/2006 9:47:51 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

So I  went to the  Fingerlakes show.  No one hardly even says hello.   I 
know  anyone but tried to be friendly.  I donated money  for a class.

Hello Hope and All-
First, let me say that I have never met an unfriendly Fjord person.   As 
someone said, perhaps they become very preoccupied when showing or managing a  
show, but unfriendliness would not be the intent.  Therefore, Hope, I wish  to 
invite you back to the Finger Lakes Fjord Horse Show on July 15 & 16 and  
introduce yourself to me.  Our show has prided itself on being family  friendly 
relaxed.  In no way would we want someone to feel left out or  estranged.  
Also, accept my apology for an unpleasant experience.  
Second, I have experienced something that many of you understand and  perhaps 
can help me with. I am in the process of selling one of my Fjord  friends, 
Willie, to a very nice woman.  I have sent Willie to her home for  a three-week 
trial period.  Well, he's been gone almost 2 weeks and I'm so  blue without 
him.  I miss his funny personality in my barn.  I'm  selling Willie for all the 
right reasons, and I keep reminding myself of  this.  I have two lovely Fjords 
in my barn and feel very lucky.   However, my problem is "getting over" 
him...  It has been hard enough to  lose a Fjord friend to death; I grieve for 
long, long time.  Now, losing  a Fjord friend through a sale, I feel as if I've 
betrayed Willie.  He's in  a good home; I know that, but of course, no one 
takes as good of care of our  Fjord friends as we do. Right?  So, I guess I 
need some separation  anxiety support!  Thanks!
packets will be sent out in late May or early June.   If you have any questions 
before then, don't hesitate to email me!  
Happy Spring!
Pat McCurdy
Finger Lakes Fjord Horse Show Committee

Myler bits

2006-04-06 Thread Autumnhaus
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Claudia,
I use Myler bits with my miniature horses. The ones I have are  nicely made 
and well balanced.
My Fjord likes the HO H. Sprenger Driving bit best. Have no idea why  she is 
more happy with this bit, than any other,,,but what ever makes her happy.  ;O)
In a message dated 4/6/2006 6:47:51 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

Do any  of you use Myler bits?  I would really like to hear fom anyone
who  does.they sound like a great idea , but I don't know anyone who
has  experience with them.
I actually drive more than ride, although we do  both.


Myler Bits

2006-04-06 Thread Claudia Galup
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Claudia Galup)

Do any of you use Myler bits?  I would really like to hear fom anyone
who does.they sound like a great idea , but I don't know anyone who
has experience with them.
I actually drive more than ride, although we do both.


RE: my kingdom for a shoe

2006-04-06 Thread Karen Keith

This message is from: "Karen Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I think this string got started on a question about my horse.  I never 
responded on what/why I do with shoes.

Here in Colorado we have rock hard ground.  I call it Colorado concrete.  
The dirt roads are called gravel roads, and they are coarse and gritty.  So 
usually at this time of year, when I start driving on the roads, I shoe all 
around.  Otherwise, one 3 mile drive will show considerable wear on a bare 
hoof.  I've used Old Macs on her when I'm only driving occasionally, and 
that gets us through the casual driving time of year.

So here in Colorado, I shoe a horse who is working/competing.



Bounce Back from sickness and injury today.

RE: 2 NEW Fjord Designs, Embroidery, hi Karen

2006-04-06 Thread Karen Keith

This message is from: "Karen Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Okay, I'm guilty.  That message was supposed to go to Ingrid privately.  
Sorry to clutter the list.

(Sheepishly typing)


_ the biggest address in property

RE: 2 NEW Fjord Designs, Embroidery, hi Karen

2006-04-06 Thread Karen Keith

This message is from: "Karen Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Ingrid.

I saw your designs on ebay.   Good job!  You are far more advanced in your 
embroidery abilities.  I have to keep my work simple due to my "technology". 
 But I've always liked the simple line forms.

Good luck with your sales!  It was good to see so many Fjord items on ebay 
to choose from.  And, happily, most of the artwork is good.

This whole ebay thing is scary.  I hope I get it right.  I tell my husband 
I'm an expert at buying, not selling.  :^)  With luck, I'll create some 



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