RE: OT: Free Ford Tractor Operator's Manual Series 10 Tractors 2610-3610 & 4110-4610

2009-03-29 Thread Karen McCarthy
This message is from: Karen McCarthy 

Gail: Does Imelda need shoes?
No, just kidding - Mr Dave is a Deere man (also Case, Farmall, but no more
Thanks for asking though :~)

:: Karen McCarthy :: Great Basin Fjords :: Madras, Oregon ::

> From:
> Anyone need it?  KMAC...does Dave need tractor manuals?
> Gail

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Re: harness parts

2009-03-29 Thread Steve McIlree

This message is from: Steve McIlree 

Teresa wrote:

Any suggestions on where to find replacement parts?  Is there a catalog or
whatever which carries parts?

Teresa F in MO where snow is predicted  So much for spring.

Well, if you are in Missouri, you are probably within 75 miles of an Amish 
community. Drive over some weekend and ask around for the harness makers. They 
should be able to fix you right up. And establishing a relationship with a 
nearby Amish harness shop is something everyone who drives should do.


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A Great Weekend

2009-03-29 Thread morrisshadowmt

This message is from:

 What a long and exciting weekend!   I just got back from  a clinic 
with  Conrad Schumacher  (one of the highest ranked Olympic and 
International Dressage rider coaches in the world).   It was one of the 
best learning experiences that I have had in a long time!   I can 
hardly weight till tomorrow so I can go and apply it to all my horse!   
 Amongst the many beautiful warm bloods (one of my favorites as well as 
Fjordies)  I found the cutest little roly poly!(Fjord)  Very well fed 
and groomed and body clipped.   He got many scratches and pats.

Bonnie Morris   And  Lordalen who insisted upon getting scratched and 
petted till I smell like him and not some other Ford:))

Western WA  It rained and snowed yesterday, Rained this morning and now 
I can see the sun setting just below more rain clouds!

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rescue the right ones

2009-03-29 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from:

 Thank-you Kathleen, for the post about your Fjord and dealing with 
Animali Farms / Blue Moon Ranch. I have heard many many stories like yours, and 
yes, it sounds like you were lucky and got a girl who wanted to be in a good 
home and was healthy. I do thank-you for you're perspective on her rescue.

Maybe I can get my friend Tori who also adopted from them to post here again. 
She subscribed a couple of years ago, only to be " blasted " by a known Fjord 
breeder for < only > having a Fjord X mare. She is a skilled Natural 
horsemanship trainer ( the good kind ) and she just worked with 2 of mine last 
Valjo and Oslo, getting them started under saddle. I will see if she will 
lend some wisdom about her experience.

A Good 
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Re: harness parts

2009-03-29 Thread

This message is from: "" 

Mast Harness is no longer in the business of selling harness hardware. 
Weaver Leather bought Mast out, oh, about 5-6 years ago. --DeeAnna

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RE: Responsible Fjordbreedmanship

2009-03-29 Thread Debbie LeBreton
This message is from: Debbie LeBreton 

Just to let you know, I bought a Fjord from a breeder and she was sick when I
got her.  They told me that she was fine.  My errror was that I thought they
were honest. Even breeders are dishonest.  Now it is up to me to put her down
after I paid for her.  Hard to put down a Fjord.

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Responsible Fjordbreedmanship
> Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 13:56:39 -0700
> This message is from: "Misha & Michael" 
> Regarding those Fjords listed at the auction in Montana--it looks to me that
> they are a draft Fjord cross. And a very large number of the horses on that
> site seem to be draft crosses. Which leads me to believe that a significant
> number of those horses were probably PMU cast offs. As much as we breeders
> make sure we are breeding responsibly and with intent to keep the breed
> healthy, sound of mind and body, good looking using horses there is also a
> very annoying industry that undermines our efforts to some extent.
> Personally I have had almost repeat buyers tell me that they are grabbing
> Fjords off of the PMU list instead so that they can 'save a foal' and also,
> they look like Fjords and are cheap so--no problem. I find this frustrating
> as most of these foals are not given the intensive care kindness and
> training must less vaccinations hoof and vet care etc that all of us
> conscientious Fjord loving breeders do. And lastly, this PMU pass off
> practice is encouraged because they do sell those foals into which they have
> put very little effort financially, care, training or kindness.
> Secondly, there are breeders like me who only raise one or two foals every
> couple of years, and have it in their contract that they will take back
> horses if the owner cannot care for them any more. And that it is a breech
> of contract with a hefty fine if they drop them off at a slaughter market.
> Misha Shota Fjords
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Re: harness parts

2009-03-29 Thread

This message is from: "" 

Try Iowa Valley Carriage, owned by Sandee McKee. Her website is but I'd recommend giving her a call 
-- not everything she has is on her website. If Sandee doesn't have it 
in stock, she will know where to find it for you. She's a competent and 
knowledgeable gal. --DeeAnna

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Re: whos responsible ?

2009-03-29 Thread Kathleen Prince
This message is from: Kathleen Prince 

>  So, any " pmu " foal for the last 4 years have not
> been bred for that market, but for the " rescue " market. Blue Moon  
> Ranch,
> assisted by the Animali Farms adoption group targets people looking  
> to save a buck
> and / or save a horse, but either way, all are foals bred just to  
> produce more
> foals to sell for that horse breeder. . . . . . breeder(s) who have  
> made more on the "
> rescue " industry and peoples heartstrings than they were ever paid  
> for the
> PMU lines.

I am uniquely qualified to participate in this thread, as my mare is  
from Blue Moon and I "adopted" her from The Animali Farm. I want to  
preface this by saying I'm glad I have my mare and her healthy, happy  
filly but I would not do this again. I had never seen a fjordhorse  
until I stumbled on the "pmu rescue" website. I get a lot of rescue  
emails since I have spent many years in the dog rescue world. I was  
instantly smitten and began researching fjords. I was able to find  
one breeder in my state but my heart kept telling me I had to rescue  
a horse if I was ever to have one - after all I'm a rescue person. I  
started getting strange vibes from the beginning of dealing with the  
group, but ignored them because I was on a mission to save this mare  
and her unborn foal. I had offered the rancher to pay to feed her if  
they would keep her - since affording to feed everyone was the quoted  
reason for selling the mares. They refused. Apparently a few yeas ago  
they had over 200 mares, this past year they were down to 30. I never  
had direct dealings with Blue Moon, it was all through Animali. I  
found their contact info and have tried several times to get  
questions answered but to no avail. Blue Moon's owner is the daughter  
of who was supposedly one of the first fjord breeders in Canada. Her  
brother has a big ranch also that sells a lot of PMU mares & foals to  
us American suckers.

The cost to "adopt" my mare was just over $2100. That included the  
shipping 3,000 miles to FL. It was never about the money - I was one  
of the heartstrings. Everyone tried to talk me out of it. My friends  
begged me to go to the good breeder here and get a good, trained  
fjord but I just couldn't. So, my mare came a year ago and boy have  
we all learned a lot! First off, the horse I picked up is not the  
horse I was supposed to get. I picked up the correct number that  
corresponded with the truckers paperwork and her butt tag, but the  
"adoption papers" and website information conflicted. Animal Farm  
blew this off as no big deal and they had just got her birthdate  
wrong - they deal with hundreds of horses, so mistakes happen. It  
ended up being a good thing I got the wrong horse, though, because  
mine was much more people friendly than the one that ended up in  
California. It took her adopter a month just to get a halter on her.  
My mare, Cassidy, has come a long way and our relationship is solid  
and I cherish her. But, she may never be anything more than beautiful  
- that is from my trainer. She' s much more like a wild horse than a  
domestic horse. I don't think she was ever in any pee barns but she  
was simply out having babies with no handling whatsoever.  Being a  
novice horse person, I've overcome many fears right along with my  
horse. Right or wrong she is mine and I am hers.

The best thing to come out of the whole experience is the friendship  
of several of the other adopters. Most of us have come to the same  
realization in regards to the rescue group really being a broker for  
these unscrupulous breeders. Several of us brought this up to Animali  
and they no longer list the Blue Moon fjords on their site but give  
the contact info for them. I have a big problem in the fact Animali  
actually breeds, too. Many mares came with health and behavioral  
issues. A few babies were born with deficiencies or didn't make it at  
all. One of the fjords that were with mine died of EPSM before she  
gave birth. Another pregnant mare (there were 90 in the initial  
"rescue drive" last year) died from sand colic shortly after getting  
to her new home.So, we've all learned a lot. We've all felt a lot. My  
husband and I are not planning on having any more horses other than  
the mom and baby we have, but if we did I would go to a responsible  

You can see our whole story at:

Kathleen Prince

Pookie Bros. Pet Sitting
Professional Pet Care In Your Home!

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Re: pasture/lawn ornaments

2009-03-29 Thread KateSeidel
This message is from:

Now that I have learned to drive the tractor, I told my husband I may never  
ride again.  Aside from doing a little sitting on them while grazing as  part 
of my "If I don't get up from my desk I am going to kill somebody" therapy,  
my guys are turning into pasture ornaments!!
with Joe and Della (what - are these mushy things on the butt what  
they call fat pads??  I must say, they are surprisingly attractive.   In the 
words of Sir Mix-a-log:  Della got back)
In a message dated 3/29/2009 8:52:06 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Susan F.  - be careful how you categorize loving homes where Fjords (or 
other horses  for that matter) are "pasture ornaments." Just because a 
horse is out on  pasture, or is pastured at a boarding operation, does 
not mean it is  neglected!

**Feeling the pinch at the grocery store?  Make dinner for $10 or 
less. (

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Re: whos responsible ? - pasture/lawn ornaments

2009-03-29 Thread Starfire Farm

This message is from: Starfire Farm wrote:

Anita Unrau was just talking to me a few days 
ago about their fear that along with the drafty Fjords being bred to be more 
sport type Fjords, that they feel some of the great temperment is also being 
lost to more forward thinking ponies.

I had an interesting conversation with some Halflinger breeders while we 
were at our Expo recently. They had the longest legged Halflingers I 
have ever seen. They were so tall and their hindquarter conformation was 
such that I thought they were Belgian crosses, but no, they were 
purebreds. The breeder told me that the market is turning towards 
taller, leggier, sportier models and they have noticed that, along with 
those "sportier" horses, have come hotter temperaments.

BUT a hotter temperament doesn't have to mean that the horse doesn't 
have a good brain.

My belief is that there will always be those out there who are 
interested in breeding Fjords that are more geared towards a "family" 
type of horse that is lower-key and useful for plowing the garden and 
ferrying folks around, in addition to having some sportier types.

Susan F. - be careful how you categorize loving homes where Fjords (or 
other horses for that matter) are "pasture ornaments." Just because a 
horse is out on pasture, or is pastured at a boarding operation, does 
not mean it is neglected!


Starfire Farm

Beth Beymer and Sandy North

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whos responsible ?

2009-03-29 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from:

Hi Misha !

 The Fjords in MT. may be cross's, but alot of pretty large Fjords 
have come out of the NW and Canada. An imported stallion, " Orrjo " was the 
biggest Fjord that Unrau's had ( and have still ) ever seen. Drafty almost does 
not fit his huge type, but he was also althetic and easy to get along with. 
Hitched with Leidjo, the pair of stallions did alot of the farm work at Anvil's 
Acres for years. Orrjo sired Anvil's Steinfin, who gave us Fair Acres Ole and 
Sr. Stallion, Fair Acres Nels along with many other good examples of the 
heavy workhorse Fjord breed types. Anita Unrau was just talking to me a few 
ago about their fear that along with the drafty Fjords being bred to be more 
sport type Fjords, that they feel some of the great temperment is also being 
lost to more forward thinking ponies. 

The PMU industry closed its doors as far as Wyeth giving any horse breeder 
contracts 5 years ago now. So, any " pmu " foal for the last 4 years have not 
been bred for that market, but for the " rescue " market. Blue Moon Ranch, 
assisted by the Animali Farms adoption group targets people looking to save a 
and / or save a horse, but either way, all are foals bred just to produce more 
foals to sell for that horse breeder. I have a friend with 2 PMU Fjords from 
that breeder, and one is supposed to be a purebred, one a Fjord cross. She has 
distanced from that " rescue " group now that they continue to buy these 
cranked out year after year foals from the breeder(s) who have made more on the 
rescue " industry and peoples heartstrings than they were ever paid for the 
PMU lines. 
 Doing the homework before entering into any horse rescue is important. 
What remains of course, is the horse. Responsible breeding. Selective breeding. 
Breeding to put quality to your mare and stallion foal crop. The industrys 
that cater to mass production premarin, meat or rescue foals does not care for 
any of that.

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 
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RE: Responsible Fjordbreedmanship- faux Fjords?

2009-03-29 Thread Karen McCarthy
This message is from: Karen McCarthy 

Re. Faux Fjords in the marketplace...
I believe Lisa P. mentioned this breeding ranch in Canada on the List a couple
of years ago. Seems it was geared up for PMU breeding, then whoops! PMU rug
came out from under them when many drug manufacturers moved away from mare
urine, but guess what? They are still using the now lame PMU excuse to market
these horses.
I ran across them because I had been sent one of those hysterical 'save these
Fjord babies from the Canadian meat man' emails, so I checked out the source.
They were and still are being represented by a Rescue /Adoption organization
in California, Animali Farm. (See link below, w/ Blue Moons Ranch's link in
Faux Fjord photo).
If you actually don't dgo blind trying to decipher the ill written and
crappily laid out website, you will discover that this woman breeds
scazillions of horses, not just Fjord x's. That woman is into quantity.BIG
I wrote the director of Animali Farm and explained my outrage at how the
public was being manipulated by what I considered false claims. She wrote back
that well yes, the 60,000 PMU horses at the height of production are down to
approx. 7,000 now. But, these breeders 'just didn't know what to do' and kept
breeding, in hopes that the meat market would help fill the gap, and that
their org. was there to assist in finding an alternative to slaughter.
Apparently one of the reasons its so easy to breed in such volume is the grass
that is available up there is really plentiful.
I mentioned to her that I thought their group was only enabling the situation,
and futhermore, they are charging about $600 for a foal, not incl. the
shipping. I could not determine what this cost was, but I assume it's gotta be
1-1.5k? Maybe some of you out there know more about this aspect of it. Anyway,
I don't buy their rescue gig at all, especially with what is now occuring in
this country.
Kmac in Oregon

> This message is from: "Misha & Michael" 
> Regarding those Fjords listed at the auction in Montana--it looks to me that
> they are a draft Fjord cross. And a very large number of the horses on that
> site seem to be draft crosses. Which leads me to believe that a significant
> number of those horses were probably PMU cast offs. As much as we breeders
> make sure we are breeding responsibly and with intent to keep the breed
> healthy, sound of mind and body, good looking using horses there is also a
> very annoying industry that undermines our efforts to some extent.
> Misha Shota Fjords

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Re: Staving Fjord

2009-03-29 Thread Susan-Bruce Felix
This message is from: Susan-Bruce Felix <>

Susan from Colorado:  I total agree with Lisa Petersen not only are there
staving Fjords here and abroad ,  there are also Fjords and horses here that
are left unattended and not cared for.  I don't want to get started,  but
those of you out there not only need to be informed as good owners when buying
we also need to be very aware as Sellers who your horses are being purchased
by.  Too many horses of all breeds are left in pastures to over eat or
unattended.  Also left for someone else to care for and worry about.  Fjords
as well as any horse are not just an object , they have to depend on us for
love and caring.  It is a privelege to own any animal and not take them for
granted.  Buyer beware as well as Seller beware.  Even with proper check and
we still never know what can happen.

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Responsible Fjordbreedmanship

2009-03-29 Thread Misha & Michael

This message is from: "Misha & Michael" 

Regarding those Fjords listed at the auction in Montana--it looks to me that 
they are a draft Fjord cross. And a very large number of the horses on that 
site seem to be draft crosses. Which leads me to believe that a significant 
number of those horses were probably PMU cast offs. As much as we breeders 
make sure we are breeding responsibly and with intent to keep the breed 
healthy, sound of mind and body, good looking using horses there is also a 
very annoying industry that undermines our efforts to some extent. 
Personally I have had almost repeat buyers tell me that they are grabbing 
Fjords off of the PMU list instead so that they can 'save a foal' and also, 
they look like Fjords and are cheap so--no problem. I find this frustrating 
as most of these foals are not given the intensive care kindness and 
training must less vaccinations hoof and vet care etc that all of us 
conscientious Fjord loving breeders do. And lastly, this PMU pass off 
practice is encouraged because they do sell those foals into which they have 
put very little effort financially, care, training or kindness.

Secondly, there are breeders like me who only raise one or two foals every 
couple of years, and have it in their contract that they will take back 
horses if the owner cannot care for them any more. And that it is a breech 
of contract with a hefty fine if they drop them off at a slaughter market.

Misha Shota Fjords 

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RE: Im not capable

2009-03-29 Thread Laura Kranzusch
This message is from: Laura Kranzusch 

Well, I am not the breeder or owner of these fine horses, but I was there at
this barn in Green Bay, WI and I can tell you that NONE of the situations that
Lisa Pedersen described were embellished or melodramatic.  In fact she left
several of the worst details.  Some of you might be asking why if I was there
did I not do something?  Well, I did!  I had the vet come out and treat horses
that were not my own and paid the bill, I tried to give these fjords
attention, exercise, and tlc but when there are over 100 horses and of that
number over 20 fjords it is just too hard to keep up with. Being a good
samaritan you can only do so much.  Also, a lot of these atrocities were done
when I was not there.  Believe it or not, the authorities were called on
several occasions but did nothing because the horses were of a good weight.

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Dipping in Beer

2009-03-29 Thread Susan Cargill
This message is from: Susan Cargill 

Personally I think dipping in beer might be to kind of
a punishment.

Susan - Longtheway Farm

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Vestlandshest newsletter deadline

2009-03-29 Thread revivant
This message is from:

Hi all,

Just a reminder that the deadline for submissions to the Spring newsletter is 
April 10. This issue members will receive a free 1/4 print ready advertisement 
for their breeding farm, stallion or horses for sale. If you include a picture, 
please send it as a high quality jpeg file, on a CD or just mail the picture. I 
will return all CDs and pictures.


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