
2011-10-15 Thread BBDRI1
This message is from: bbd...@aol.com

Hello Fjord owners,
   I just returned from the regional dressage championships.  Stine Gutten 
got a respectable score in tr 3 of 62.4 but I have  pondered what 
happened  all the way home, trying to get into the mind  of a Fjord. And I 
Fjords are so much smarter than any other breed I have  ever dealt with.
   We warmed up in a large arena with huge warmbloods  half-passing around 
us. Stine Gutten was wonderful...light and forward. No whips  are allowed 
for championship classes and we didn't need one at that  point. 
   We were called up by the ring steward to get ready. When the  bell rang, 
she opened the arena, told me to go in,  and we went down center  line and 
halted at x. The judge rang the bell again and snapped I  didn' t ring the 
start bell.you aren't supposed to be in here! !  Oops! We walked out of 
the arena. The poor ring steward apologizedshe really  thought she had 
heard the bell. Then ring and we went in the arena again and  re-started 
the test.
   And my Stine Gutten didn't want to move! I used my legs till I  though I 
would collapseI did everything. He moped around the arena with an  
attitude of I quit!  He cut corners and tuned me out. I was  exhausted.
   Anyone have a good theory as to why this Fjord suddenly quit?  Could he 
be so smart that knowing that leaving the arena means the end and  when we 
went right back in he thought No wayI halted at X  twice and now I get 
to leave the arena and get lots of attention and  treats ?  Any thoughts 
on this would be much appreciated. Oh, and he still  got  lots of love and 
attention afterward .I'm not upset just  can't figure it out.
Bonnie in Fl

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(no subject)

2011-10-15 Thread BBDRI1
This message is from: bbd...@aol.com

Hi everyone and thanks for your thoughts and ideas. 
   I'm too old to be embarassed by the early start and I wasn't  worried 
about it, but I do remember that when we left the arena and went back to  
waiting for the real bell, people flocked out of nowhere to converge on the  
Fjord and crowded around him...sound familiar? They made much of him and Stine  
Gutten just eats it up...loves the attention. He probably didn't want to 
leave  the group of adoring fans Maybe there's a treat in one of their 
hands? I think  his brain was focused on getting back there to all the 
   Always a learning experience. And the judging was excellent  and fair.
   I am still amazed at the numbers of people who have never seen  a Fjord 
before. I warned my instructor (who went with me) about the inevitable  
questions and attention, but I don't think she was fully prepared. We even had 
 car follow us into a gas station to ask what kind of stripey horse was in 
the  trailer.
Bonnie in Fl

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Re: pondering

2011-10-15 Thread Karen Keith
This message is from: Karen Keith kkke...@hotmail.com

Perhaps your Stine Gutten was dis'ing the judge for being so rude.  If you had 
a ring steward opening and closing the gate and deciding who goes in and when, 
the judge shouldn't snap at you.  Maybe your very intelligent pony took umbrage 
at the judge's tone and decided not to work for her.  His way of flipping her 
off because he has no middle finger.

I wouldn't worry about it happening again unless you run into another shirty 
official.  After all, Stine is an artiste (obviously since this was a 
championship) whose talents must be respected.

Congrats on taking your Fjordie to a championship show.  That tells me you two 
did a lot of good work to qualify to get there.


Karen, No. VA

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 15, 2011, at 9:31 AM, bbd...@aol.com wrote:

 This message is from: bbd...@aol.com
   Anyone have a good theory as to why this Fjord suddenly quit?  

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2011-10-15 Thread BBDRI1
This message is from: bbd...@aol.com

Thanks everyone. I'm not blaming the official at all.they  were working 
so hard at this show. These things do happen all the time in  shows.
   I do know that I will keep that boy working right up till the  end. My 
mistake was to leave the arena at a walk on a loose rein at a walk after  
being called out. (force of habit, I guess) Also, no standing around at the 
gate  while the little porkchop basks in attention.
   Are there any dressage judges on this list who can explain  exact 
protocol for things like this?
   What I have learned  is that Fjords can certainly be  very competitive 
in dressage amongst the big warmbloods.
   Next time I'll remember to bring flyers about the Fjordhorse  breed. I 
get tired from answering all the questions. 
  At the washrack,  there were two  women admiring the Fjord. They had 
never seen one  before.  One said Oh, he's so adorable The other said  
NOhe's  BEAUTIFUL!! A Fjord moment.
Bonnie in Fl

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Re: (no subject)

2011-10-15 Thread Jo Wilgus

This message is from: Jo Wilgus rjrfj...@verizon.net

REGN stops on trail to have people make over her. attention w. i do 
believe they learn much faster than other breeds, i attribute this to pure 
breeding. i do not feed snacks by hand unless we have trailered out and they 
are tied to the trailer. that is just MY way of doing things, does not mean 
correct or incorrect.

people DO love the fjord. if i was a breeder i feel strongly i could have 
folks in my neighborhood buying fjords. they like the way they go down the 
trails, wind blowing, dogs barking etc and the fjords look at the whatever 
as a simple annoyance. not to mention how incredibly beautiful REGN is.

bonnie... who knows what the reason was for his behavior, but go back and 
try it again. maybe try no treats?

jo wilgus
gavilan hills, ca going to be a nice eve for a ride

  ,, people flocked out of nowhere to converge on the
Fjord and crowded around him...sound familiar? They made much of him and 
Gutten just eats it up...loves the attention.Always a learning 
experience. And the judging was excellent  and fair.

  I am still amazed at the numbers of people who have never seen  a Fjord

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2011-10-15 Thread Patricia Holland
This message is from: Patricia Holland pathollan...@gmail.com

Yea! Marcy... I was hoping you'd chime in - I saw who owned Hertel and
Danser and thought about all you and Susan have done over the years for the

I'd love to share a story about Marcy  Susan and our first meeting.

When I first became involved with the Fjords I was sent to the New England
area, because at that time the majority of Fjords were there - I landed at
Lindsay Sweeney's (when Solar was still alive). Marcy and Susan came down
and the four of us took off into the wilds of Vermont, traversing the old
logging trails - Susan was in cart - Marcy, Lindsay and I were astride.
Everyone knows I consider a trail ride to be when my arena has a low spot
that gathers water.  To 'trail' ride with these people was somewhat close to
what you saw on the Tevis Cup videobut the funny part is we were having
a good time and day light slowly turned to dusk and then totally 100%
blackout. These ladies took it all in stride - like they always took  their
horses out riding at 2:00 AM in the pitch black.  me I just remember big
rocks, lots of big trees, up hills, down hills, bits of conversation like
are you sure we go this way and wondering how in the h___ we made it

THAT was my first introduction to the Fjord world. And I still love the fact
I was introduced to such wonderful people with no egos, no agendas, and just
pure pride in the animals they trained and raised.

Thanks for the memories Marcy
Pat Holland

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Brandy and Dodger

2011-10-15 Thread Nancy Blauers
This message is from: Nancy Blauers blauers...@hotmail.com

Congratulations to Brandy and Dodger on their brilliant performance in the
Tevis Cup! What a great accomplishment! Keep up the fantastic work and
many many happy healthy miles more to you both!
I own and love Dodger's full brother- Southern Cross Theodin- here in sunny
Central Florida...and I really must say- he is great easygoing horse! Smart,
willing and honest-will trail ride all day but  he also can be Dennis the
Menace in a yellow pony suit! He enjoys throwing feed and water buckets over
the fence (about 4-5X a day)...harassing the barn cats(it's those fluffy
irresistible tails)breaking fence boards(I'm really really good at fixing
them now) and scratching his big butt on anything suitable (husband's brand
new car)...we call it Idle Hooves...he makes me laugh all the time- I
love him more than words can say and wouldn't trade him for the world!
I've often wondered about my Mischa's other foal (she passed away a few years
back due to colic) and hoped that he was loved and well cared for I'm so
happy to hear that Dodger is doing great-and to Brandy: you've inspired us
all! Thanks for being such wonderful ambassadors for such a great horse
And a special thank you to Dianne Saleh of Fawn Creek Fjords too- please give
Danser a big hug for me!
Happy trails and enjoy your fjords!!
Nancy Blauers
Geneva, FL
Where it's finally cooled off a bit but I'm still going to bodyclip Theo

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