question about driving bits

2012-02-10 Thread BBDRI1
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My new driving Fjord, Milo, has been going nicely in  a mullen flexible 
snaffle. Now, as we start to venture off farm, it's time  to graduate to a 
proper driving bit. 
   After going through vast numbers of riding bits for my other  two Fjords 
before ending up with HS bits for them, I figured I would start with  one 
nice bit for Milo's driving career to avoid spending tons of money  searching 
for the right one. The bit I ordered arrived and I am  hesitant to use it 
in case I have to return it. It is a Herm Sprenger aurigan  16mm arch mouth 
butterfly. It has an smooth side and a bumpy side. The  bumpy side concerns 
me...I didn't see that in the catalog. 
   Does anyone use this type of bit mouthpiece on their Fjords? I  see a 
lot of Liverpool bits in Fjord driving photos. Is this a preferred shank  over 
the butterfly? Any advice would be appreciated.
   BTW, the latest Herald is awesome! Plenty of good reading and  photos of 
Fjord versatility.
Bonnie in Fl

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to potential Fjord owner

2012-01-29 Thread BBDRI1
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Each Fjord horse has a unique personality, IMO.
   My Thor is a 15h, big powerful boy with a dominant  attitude and a big 
appetite...for life and food! He will gallop for miles,  jump everything with 
exuberance, then ask to go another 10 miles. That  horse needs a 6' 5" 300 
lb Viking and ten mountains and rivers to cross in  a day. Ground manners to 
die for though. Some pet!
My  14.3h Stine Gutten is the easiest fellow  to get along with. So 
comfortable to ride and will do anything he's asked  tobut doesn't like to 
jump or gallop cross-country. Dressage and trail horse  extraordinaire.. 
I never let others ride him because I am  selfish.
   My new gelding, 14h Milo, is another sweet grey boy. He is my  driving 
pony and has an easy-to train attitude and a loving personality. All  that in 
a flashy compact sport-model.
   The point I'm trying to make is that, although to a non-Fjord  person 
all Fjords tend to look alike, they vary as individuals just like any  other 
   They still take my breath away when I see them in the  pasturemy 
eyes see the perfect equine when I look at my Fjords. However,  there have been 
moments when I've felt like trading them in for a hamster.

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2011-10-15 Thread BBDRI1
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Thanks everyone. I'm not blaming the official at all.they  were working 
so hard at this show. These things do happen all the time in  shows.
   I do know that I will keep that boy working right up till the  end. My 
mistake was to leave the arena at a walk on a loose rein at a walk after  
being called out. (force of habit, I guess) Also, no standing around at the 
gate  while the little porkchop basks in attention.
   Are there any dressage judges on this list who can explain  exact 
protocol for things like this?
   What I have learned  is that Fjords can certainly be  very competitive 
in dressage amongst the big warmbloods.
   Next time I'll remember to bring flyers about the Fjordhorse  breed. I 
get tired from answering all the questions. 
  At the washrack,  there were two  women admiring the Fjord. They had 
never seen one  before.  One said "Oh, he's so adorable" The other said  
"NOhe's  BEAUTIFUL!! "A Fjord moment.
Bonnie in Fl

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(no subject)

2011-10-15 Thread BBDRI1
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Hi everyone and thanks for your thoughts and ideas. 
   I'm too old to be embarassed by the early start and I wasn't  worried 
about it, but I do remember that when we left the arena and went back to  
waiting for the real bell, people flocked out of nowhere to converge on the  
Fjord and crowded around him...sound familiar? They made much of him and Stine  
Gutten just eats it up...loves the attention. He probably didn't want to 
leave  the group of adoring fans "Maybe there's a treat in one of their 
hands?" I think  his brain was focused on getting back there to all the 
   Always a learning experience. And the judging was excellent  and fair.
   I am still amazed at the numbers of people who have never seen  a Fjord 
before. I warned my instructor (who went with me) about the inevitable  
questions and attention, but I don't think she was fully prepared. We even had 
 car follow us into a gas station to ask what kind of stripey horse was in 
the  trailer.
Bonnie in Fl

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2011-10-15 Thread BBDRI1
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Hello Fjord owners,
   I just returned from the regional dressage championships.  Stine Gutten 
got a respectable score in tr 3 of 62.4 but I have  pondered what 
happened  all the way home, trying to get into the mind  of a Fjord. And I 
Fjords are so much smarter than any other breed I have  ever dealt with.
   We warmed up in a large arena with huge warmbloods  half-passing around 
us. Stine Gutten was wonderful...light and forward. No whips  are allowed 
for championship classes and we didn't need one at that  point. 
   We were called up by the ring steward to get ready. When the  bell rang, 
she opened the arena, told me to go in,  and we went down center  line and 
halted at x. The judge rang the bell again and snapped "I  didn' t ring the 
start aren't supposed to be in here! !"  Oops! We walked out of 
the arena. The poor ring steward apologizedshe really  thought she had 
heard the bell. Then "ring" and we went in the arena again and  re-started 
the test.
   And my Stine Gutten didn't want to move! I used my legs till I  though I 
would collapseI did everything. He moped around the arena with an  
attitude of "I quit!  He cut corners and tuned me out. I was  exhausted.
   Anyone have a good theory as to why this Fjord suddenly quit?  Could he 
be so smart that knowing that leaving the arena means "the end" and  when we 
went right back in he thought "No wayI halted at X  twice and now I get 
to leave the arena and get lots of attention and  treats" ?  Any thoughts 
on this would be much appreciated. Oh, and he still  got  lots of love and 
attention afterward .I'm not upset just  can't figure it out.
Bonnie in Fl

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2011-07-29 Thread BBDRI1
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Hello all,
   This past weekend I braved dressage at Wellington with my  Fjord. I 
parked my little Brenderup in between the huge rigs, put the smallest  horse in 
the whole show in his stall and waited for the first comment. "Oh, he's  so 
cute, but how can a Norwegian Fjord be ok in this heat?" (it was absolutely  
sweltering)  Then a voice with a European accent "Oh, do not worry about  
him! Dey are tough little buggers!" We got our qualifying scores, Stine  
Gutten was a brave Viking, and I wouldn't trade my Fjords for all the big brown 
horses in the world.
   A nice lady who was helping at the gate fell in love with  my Fjord and 
is interested in one for her son. He rides dressage quite well  although he 
is a special needs rider and they just lost their beloved QH. She  mentioned 
having 20-plus acres (maybe not so good for Fjords?)  If anyone  has a 
suitable Fjord for sale, please E-mail me and I will forward the  info or give 
you her e-mail address.
   Fjords are amazing. My only complaint is that they are so  versatile, I 
sometimes can't decide which discipline to participate in. 
Bonnie in Fl

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saddles and Western dressage

2011-02-10 Thread BBDRI1
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   Why not demo a Barefoot treeless? I have a Barefoot Missoula  saddle 
that I dabble in Western dressage with. It certainly solves the bridging  
problem and the changeable pommels come in a really wide width. The Barefoot  
Arizona looks nice, too, and they are not too expensive. 
   Isn't the new Western dressage exciting? We are all equal  
now...haha..don't need a QH or paint to get good scores in western 
dressage!  I'm a 
bit confused about the rules, though.

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hunter paces

2011-01-15 Thread BBDRI1
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Is there anything these Fjords can't do? I just came back from  the Palm 
Beach Hounds 15 mi. hunter pace in Stuart. My teammate was on a TB  named 
Moose. Guess who was out in front sailing over every jump? Not the 17h  
Thoroughbred! Put a child or an inexperienced rider on this Fjord, though, and  
gets all mushy and sweet.  We Fjord owners are the lucky ones in the  horse 
   Sorry...just had to puff up about my Fjord, but I'm sure  you all 
   Anybody else do the hunter paces with a Fjord? If you do,  you'll 
agreethey are way too much fun!
Bonnie in Fl

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Re: the Jenny Craig paddock

2011-01-14 Thread BBDRI1
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Robin.I would give the small-mesh hay nets about 1  hour with that very 
determined mare. I just threw out several  Dover nets that had been 
expertly made into large hole haynets in a  couple of days.
   Does anyone have the perfect solution? We want:
   1. lowered head hay feeding, preferably on  ground/floor 

   2. no sifting into the sand because Fjords will pick through 
the dirt for  every microscrap
   3. made from indestructible material but safe for stalls and 
   4. easy to fill
   Is the hockey-net material any stronger than the small mesh  hay nets?
   Any other ideas? I have started to feed the nibblenets on the  
floor/ground now because of what was mentioned about the teeth. It does make  
sensesomething I had never considered until now.
Bonnie  (owner of The Fjord Bros, Inc.experts in demolition and  

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2011-01-04 Thread BBDRI1
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About the Nibblenetsmy two Fjords have not managed to  destroy them 
which I consider quite amazing. They have mastered the 1.5"  openings a bit 
too well and I just got the new 1.25" openings for their  nighttime hay. I 
figure it's cheaper than vet bills. I think my two could pull  hay through a 
screen.The Dover haynets are great, too and I think I saw them on  sale.
   My neighbor bought the larger-openings Nibblenets and  complained that 
her QH refused to eat hay from it because the openings were too  small. 
Bonnie in Fl

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2011-01-02 Thread BBDRI1
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Ditto what Gail wrote...the EC Horsekeeping Yahoo list is  so 
informative. I have been able to turn my big, drafty Fjord's health  completely 
around by following their advice for IR horses. Testing hay  is so difficult 
in Fl, so I feed a straight Timothy.  I also have had  great results with 
Target IR mixed with some plain (no sugar) beet  pulpanyone else use 
   The commercial feeds (and I hope I do not offend anyone) seem  to be 
tailored more to palatability with TB racehorses used as taste-testers..  And 
with Dr. Kellon's research. I cannot understand why iron is still added  to 
most commercial feeds and supplements. 
   I have a remarkable equine dentist (former vet) who has  the sense not 
to sedate my FjordsI now worry about side effects. When I  asked about 
having my horses tested for IR he said "Why? They are Fjords! They  are made 
like that and should be treated like IR horses anyway Testing is great  but 
diet and exercise is the treatment for IR anyway." Made sense!
   I would have my hay tested in a heartbeat but in Fl we cannot  store hay 
and it comes from different sources.  Sometimes I have come  across a leafy 
Tifton 44 from Georgia that my Fjords would turn their noses  at and pick 
at like they were being tortured yes, Fjords! From research I  realize 
now that the sugar content was very low and I would love to get more.  Horses, 
like humans, crave sugar, fat and salt.sometimes to their  detriment.
Bonnie in Fl

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2010-12-18 Thread BBDRI1
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Hello All,
   I just thought I should share this. I'm sure many of you have  found the 
perfect dressage saddle for your Fjords, but for anyone suffering from  
MITS (maybe it's the saddle syndrome) this might be something to look  into. 
After many years of frustration with saddle fit and practically  giving up 
dressage (which I love) because I couldn't find a properly fitted  
saddle.the search has finally come to an end.
   I do have an Amerigo DJ jump saddle that fits my boys  perfectly, but 
their dressage models were never "just right" although the Alto  came close 
for one of my boys. I called Robin Moore from World Equestrian Brands  (she 
had fitted my boys for the DJ Jump) out of curiosityand it proved to be  a 
worthwhile call. They had one dressage saddle built on the DJ Jump tree and 
 wow!!! It fits so perfectlyonly need a thin pad. Yes, the new 
Amerigo  saddles are expensive, but I have seen the DJ jump on Ebay for much 
less than  retail.
   For the first time, my little Fjord can lengthen without  shoulder 
interference and the panels are short enough so there is no loin  rubbing. I 
would probably be able to fit many other types of saddles,  but I have long 
and need a 17 1/2 " seat, hence making the panels longer on  a short-backed 
   Robin explained why the DJ tree fits them so welland it  all made 
   And yes, I've tried every treeless saddle on the market  ...they are 
wonderful! I still trail ride in treeless.  However, a treed  saddle that fits 
absolutely perfectly nothing can compare. Love my DJ  Dressage!
   So, any tall dressage riders on short-backed Fords? Am I the  only one 
who has gone through years of saddle-fit Hades?
Bonnie in Fl

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Fjords in England

2010-11-16 Thread BBDRI1
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Hello Mel,
Former working student and BHSAI here...converted to  Fjords and 
never looked back. Where in England are you?
Bonnie in Florida

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Wellington Florida Carriage Show September 18th

2010-09-01 Thread BBDRI1
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   I am going to this to watch a couple of friends drive their  minis. I am 
wondering and hoping...will their be any Fjords competing? 
Bonnie Dobson in Florida

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shade trees and acorns

2010-08-24 Thread BBDRI1
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   There is a farm near me with shade shelters in each  field...not a 
single tree. I used to think "how ugly".now I think "how  sensible". Kelly 
has a very good question...IS there anything that can be  planted that is safe 
and yet inedible to Fjords?
   My Fjords are landscaping and remodeling experts.
   I had thought about "rent-a-pig" for the fall. Do the pigs do  a lot of 
damage by rooting or do they just stuff themselves with acorns? Pigs,  
turkeys, or deer.not much to choose from. Anything else eat acorns?
   I am trying to convince my husband that if we bought more  Fjords, we 
could have big, safe drylots in no time!
Bonnie in Fl

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Re: fjordhorse-digest V2010 #131

2010-08-23 Thread BBDRI1
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These Fjords are quite the foragersthat's too funny about  the 
"African" trees. Whenever I see a green field with horses just standing  under 
tree, and not eating, I stare in amazementso unlike Fjords who are  always 
plugged into the ground, a tree, or anything edible. 
   I have beautiful shady oak trees in my pastures and every fall  I want 
to cut them all down. My horses love acorns...not good! Apart from hogs,  is 
there an easy way to clean up acorns?
Bonnie in Fl

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scratches and musings

2010-08-11 Thread BBDRI1
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Hello and thanks to all for the suggestionsThor's  pasterns do look a 
bit better this morning.
   I guess the consensus is.we do what we have to do for  our Fjords 
according to their individual needs and  the climates we  live in. I'm off to 
stock up on M_T_G and Omega Horseshine :-)
   I, too, have clipped around the coronet band so the trimmer  wouldn't 
leave a long toethought I was the only one who did that!
   Robin...ditto on the thick skin. My vet always remarks on  how free of 
skin problems my Fjords are compared to other breeds here in Fl...I  guess a 
slight case of scratches is mild compared to other problems, especially  
what Heather just went through.
On the subject of EPM, I was so very sad to read  about Heather's could happen to any one of our horses. I  was shocked when a good 
friend just recently lost her gorgeous Grand  Prix  warmblood to EPM. This was 
in the fanciest beach-side stable wouldn't think a 'possum 
would be anywhere near that  barn!  My neighbor (who is in her 80's and 
rides her Andalusian  every day) is a fanatic about trapping and releasing 
opossums, feral cats and  especially armadillosfear of EPM! I always 
she went a bit  overboardnot anymore.
   In case anyone wonders why I clipped my horses so early..I  am 
trying to get them fit for this winter's show season. The humidity here is  
brutal! I read that horses and humans are the only two mammals who sweat 
their skin as a cooling mechanismdoes anyone have knowledge to back 
that  up?
Bonnie in Fl

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2010-08-10 Thread BBDRI1
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   I just learned something that was probably too obvious, but  never 
dawned on me before today.
   I  body-clipped my two boys a couple of days  ago..still very hot 
and humid here in Florida. I must have been daydreaming  and zipped up Thor's 
leg with the clippers...ok, one leg clean of hair  and so the other three 
had to be fully clipped. He looked beautiful! 
They were out in the rain this morning and when I  brought them in, I 
noticed Thor's pasterns had a bit of crudmild scratches  for he first 
time in his life. When the farrier showed up to trim them this  afternoon, he 
explained how the rain runs off the feathers behind the  
fetlockpreventing water from reaching the heels and sensitive skin behind  
the pasterns. 
   In my days as a working student in England, we always left the  hair on 
the legs for protectionmakes too much sense! I will never clip legs  
ever again! Thank you, Clint, as I spent the morning wondering what I did to  
cause my beloved horse's problem. I did use Desitin and I'm thankful that 
Fjord  hair grows back so quickly! Isn't nature perfect?
   Has anyone ever dealt with scratches on a clipped or  hairy-fetlocked 
Fjord? Any ideas for prevention until the hair grows back?
Kind regards:
Bonnie in Florida

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2010-07-04 Thread BBDRI1
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I agree, Marymost judges are open-minded about breeds. I  showed my 
Fjord last year in a conformation class against 20-plus paints  and quarter 
horseson a dare and for a laugh. We placed 2nd and I'm sure  we would have 
been first if there wasn't potential for a riot amongst  the QH breeders! 
The judge later came up to me and thanked me profusely for  bringing my two 
Fjords. I wish all judges were so open-minded. 

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2010-07-04 Thread BBDRI1
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   I guess I'm out of lurkdom after all these's just  too hot 
(and I'm a bit older) to work outdoors this summer. 
   After amassing a huge collection of bits over the years, some  quite 
expensive, my 5 1/2 inch bit size Fjord decided he likes this bit best of  all. 
It is a Korsteel flexi-bit mullen mouth flavoured 3-ring Dutch I think they are being discontinued and can be found for a  
inexpensive price...I paid about 25. for this. The similar happy  mouth bits 
are too thick and unyielding. I use this bit for trail riding now and  my 
Stine Gutten is happy and so relaxed. I only wish they made a 6" for my  Thor.
Bonnie in Fl

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2010-07-04 Thread BBDRI1
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Hello Anne
   When I first moved to Florida, my big Fjord Thor and I  competed in a 
"non-thoroughbred" hunter division. There were three of us...the  other two 
looked like TBs to me! The other two refused fences, wrong leads,  etcwe 
had beautiful clear rounds! We came in third...I just smiled because  my 
Fjord won over the crowd and gave people one of their first glimpses of Fjord  
versatility. When I politely asked the judge "why?" she replied "He just 
isn't  the hunter type that we are looking for". Never bothered with hunter 
classes  again!
Bonnie in Fl

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blanketing in Fl

2009-10-19 Thread BBDRI1
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   I thought I was finally getting Florida Fjord-keeping figured  out, but 
admit I have slept fitfully for the past two 48 deg. nights..."Should I  
blanket them or not?"My two Fjords are kept body-clipped.
   After last week's extreme heat, I left mine without blankets  for the 
past two nights, but tend to feed extra hay to compensate, which I don't  like 
to do, either. My big, brave Thor looked grouchy and cold this morningI 
 think I'll blanket from now on whenever it goes below 50 (maybe 55). 
We get  a damp cold from the ocean here in Fl. I also worry about overheating 
when  blanketing..the dilemna of blanketing.
   I really like the Hug light turnout blankets and sheets  for fit and 
durabilitymy husband says the horses have better clothes than he  does!

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UF Gainesville

2009-07-11 Thread BBDRI1
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Hi Kathleen:
   Ditto on what Robin said about UF Gainesville. Last summer I  took Thor 
for an ultrasound (with the possibility of an MRI). He was not lame  but had 
a swelling on his fetlock and I wanted to know what was going  
on...turned out to be ok.
   The staff was wonderful, the barn/hospital   air-conditioned and 
spotless and Thor was just loving the attention. He stayed  overnight and when 
was done and explained, the bill turned out to be quite  reasonable. I left 
with peace of mind and a happy horse.
   It took about 4 hours from Sebastian but I would not hesitate  to make 
the drive again if needed. Best of all I drove through a part of Florida  
with real hills!
Kind regards:
Sebastian, Fl

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round pen

2009-04-21 Thread BBDRI1
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   Bonnie Dobson here in Floridaowned by two amazing  fjordhorses, Thor 
and Stine Gutten.
   Katemy round pen is now the official "diet pen" and it is  a Fjord 
lifesaver here in Florida where the green grass grows year round. I  consider 
it to be one of the best investments I've ever made! Thor is fine  with a 
grazing muzzle but Stine Gutten has never been able to deal with it. They  
now accept their schedulemornings out to graze, afternoons in the round 
pen  and nights in the stable. Easy keepers are not exactly easy to keep!
Kind regards to all:
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