This message is from: "Edward L Sullivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello everyone this is Ann from ToadSong Farm, new to your list and new to
Fjords.  Though I'm planning to "lurk," I'm following the welcome message's
suggestion of introducing myself and our "farm."  We keep horses, children,
dogs, cats, and chickens on a small acreage in south central CT.

We have two wonderful Fjord mares and a lovely (though invisible to visitors
from Antigonish County!) Arabian mare.  The horses are all terrific children's
mounts and of course the Fjords drive marvelously!  Both came from Carol and
Arthur Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm, who have been patient instructors and are
now dear friends!  We have had our 7-year-old Myrstein daughter, Riena, for
exactly one year, and just this past November we took delivery of Maryke,
known and loved by all friends and past guests of BDF.   Our plan is to breed
both mares in a year or two, but for now are going to learn as much as we can
at home, the Fjord shows, and evaluations -- Ed and I had a wonderful weekend
auditing the one at SUNY Morrisville this fall -- what a great opportunity to
learn, everybody should go, JMO.  All the Fjord people we have met have been
great -- welcoming and so helpful.  Just one more thing to love about the

I've been reading the last 40 or 50 messages, and want to thank all of you who
post for sharing your insights.  Hmm, will I really be able to just lurk and
not chime in?...


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