
2006-09-14 Thread Gordon Fulton & Geri McNeil
This message is from: "Gordon Fulton & Geri McNeil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yes like everyone that attended the evaluation and show we enjoyed the
whole experience again. I can tell that we live in a bit cooler climate when
others are posting that 95F was not too warm. My Canadian Fjord was quick to
point out that shade was his preferred spot.

 Gordon Fulton

shows and sales

2004-10-11 Thread Gordon Fulton & Geri McNeil
This message is from: "Gordon Fulton & Geri McNeil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I heard a news promo on Libby MT and being a Fjord guy I thought horses and
show but it turned into how much asbestos was smuggled into Canada.
We have attended the Libby show for several years on the spectators side and
thought it would be interesting to see the show from the horses side. Had a
good time as you meet more people with a horse in hand but it's easy to miss
parts of the show with my pony needing attention and preparation. We did have
a small hitch at the Canada/US boarder crossing. Not about the horse but the
hay we brought to feed him. It turns out that all hay has to be predeclared
before arriving at the point of entry. The US boarder officer was gracious and
let us go with a "get it done next year"
Yesterday we went into The Canadian Warmblood sale To see tall horses that
look under fed but with an excess of energy. There was lots of people and
flash to this sale. Now here's the fun part, as we were leaving one of
participants noticed Geri's fjord jacket. She mentioned that she had a fjord
as a young girl and would like a good horse again. So advertise where ever you
can, you never know who wants to upgrade to a good fjord.
  Gordon and Geri on a nice fall day in Alberta

E bay

2003-02-27 Thread Gordon Fulton & Geri McNeil
This message is from: "Gordon Fulton & Geri McNeil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm glad to hear the comments on the E bay harness as we were thinking of
placing a bid on a harness that always seemed quite cheap. Maybe Cheap is the
key word in this.
The snow is getting deep enough here in Alberta that it gives us hope that the
endless drought may have an end after all. Deep enough that the "mobile trash
can" disguised as a fjord horse managed to graze over the fence I should have
repaired last fall.

dont shoot! I am Canadian

2002-12-28 Thread Gordon Fulton & Geri McNeil
This message is from: "Gordon Fulton & Geri McNeil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To get right to the crossbreeding subject. As Joan Kemp described the CFHA and
it's members have many procedures to act as a firewall to keep crossbreds out
of the register. We are clear that we do not want non Fjord genetics slipped
in the breed.  So why not jump in with the anti crossbreeding rules?
Because we live in a democratic country regulate every thing that every one
does. Most Fjord breeders here don't have the time or desire to be involved
directly in a crossbreeding program, but... We sell young colts, mares
in foal, non breeding quality fillies as pleasure horses. After they leave our
farms we can not control what the new owners do with them. If bought for
pleasure horses most people have no desire to join an association. They just
want to enjoy the wonderful horses they obtained, Also life's circumstances
change causing some of these horses to change owners with or with out papers.
So now you see a pool of Fjord owners that are outside of our control. The
rules are now non-enforceable.
Oh yes don't forget that I just can't explaine genetic purity to a stallion
that has crossed several fences to get to a mare in heat. Yup!. you
have another crossbreed.
 Yes it is a nice theory to have no crossbreds but it is a bucket with so many
holes that you're out of water before you get to the fire.
How have you in the USA solved this problem?

Gordon Fulton

Canadian Registery

2002-02-28 Thread Gordon Fulton & Geri McNeil
This message is from: "Gordon Fulton & Geri McNeil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Judy, You will not be able to register your Fjord, the people that you bought
it from have to register it and then transfer the horse over to you. Hope all
goes will with the paper work.
Congratulations to all the new 2 legged Moms & Dads and the 4 legged Moms
and babies. We can hardly wait till May when 2 of our mares will foal.
Last Sunday when almost everyone in Canada and the U.S. were watching the
hockey game we went to a reining clinic in Olds. I can't remember the
instructors name ,he was an older gentleman that does lots of judging in
driving classes. He was a wealth of information. We bought a reining board at
the clinic, so we have been taking the kitchen chairs for lots of rides.
Our fjords started shedding about 3 weeks ago so maybe spring is just
around the corner here in central Alberta. We are hoping March comes in like a
lion and go out like a lamb.
There is a equine seminar sponsored by 1 of our local veterinary clinics
and Ayerst Veterinary Laboratories Thursday evening that we are attending. The
rep from Ayerst is another vet that we used to deal with when he ran a private
clinic before he went to work for Ayerst. I will try to get Larry to donate
something to the raffle that is at the fjord show at Libby,MT every September.
I'll let you know if I have any success. I can't wait for my babies in May and
the Libby show in September.
Geri McNeil
Bowden, AB ( 1 hour north of Calgary)


2001-09-19 Thread Gordon Fulton
This message is from: "Gordon Fulton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This year was our 4th year at the Libby show and it was again a good show.
We just do the spectator thing and see what we can learn. A bunch of my skills
need to be a lot better before I jump in the ring, not to mention the
bottomless gas tank on our truck.
Does anyone have a direct e-mail address of any of the organizers as I
have a couple of comments to make to them that may be of interest.
We did make a profit on the raffle, going home with a neat horse shoe
hanger,donated by Brian and Ursula Jensen of Trinity Fjords. We talked to
Ursula for awhile on Sunday in the stands and thanked them then . We also won
a gift certificate to Becks Montana Cafe from Ron and Sherrie Dayton of
Sunwood Fjords,I thanked Ron on Sunday during one of the breaks in the show.
On Sunday we bought more raffle tickets and won the best looking rock in
Montana.Marilyn Heed of Mountain Top Studio in Idaho Falls,ID painted the head
and shoulders of a Fjord on a rock.This was donated by OE & Pat Wilson of Hyde
Park, Utah. We never got to thank them at the show so this is your thankyou
from us. The horse on the rock looks just like one of our fjords "Skittle".
Gordon & Geri
Edymore Fjords


2001-09-17 Thread Gordon Fulton

This year was our forth year at the Libby show and 
again it was a good show. We just do the spectator thing and see what we can 
learn. A bunch of my skills need to be a lot better before I jump in the ring, 
not to mention the bottomless gas tank on my truck.
 Does anyone have a direct e-mail address 
of any of the organizers as I have a couple of comments to make to them that may 
of interest 
We did make a profit on the raffle, going home with 
a neat horse shoe hanger, a free dinner and the best looking rock in 
Gordon & Geri

re: eagles

2001-01-31 Thread Gordon Fulton
This message is from: Gordon Fulton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have had way more experience with guardian dogs / sheep  then fjord
horses so I just have to comment on this one. Eagles are a tough
predator to guard against as they are to high to catch and way too quiet
on approach. As for the aggressive behavior around food they will guard
their food from each other but aggression toward humans and those they
protect is a very bad social grace which they can not be allowed to
have.This is just like a child throwing food and a tantrum at the dinner
table. You can train for this behavior to stop.
 On the horse side I thought colic was a thing that all the rest of you
had and I didn't... well a bucket of mineral oil , a vet and the
soon to arrive bill just got me fitting into the crowd.

Gordon Fulton
Bowden Alberta

My Secret Santa

2000-12-31 Thread Gordon Fulton
This message is from: Gordon Fulton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Andree from Greenwich NY thank you sooo much for my new filly. She is
beautiful. You picked the perfect gift for me. We raise sheep and fjords
on our farm, I have a large collection of stuffed sheep but only had one
fjord and now I have two.

Geri McNeil