Re: fjordhorse-digest V2015 #9

2015-01-19 Thread Joan griffin
This message is from: Joan griffin 

Kay:  I am so sad to hear of your loss. I knew Bogie when my friend, Paula
owned him. We enjoyed many hours trail riding together on our Fjordies. Bogie
and my Fjord, Jock were also therapy horses together at The Ranch" jn
Menomonee Falls, WI for around 7 yrs. Our "boys" brought great joy to the
lives of many special needs children. Bogie also did well in the show ring and
participated in our breed demo at the Midwest Horse Fair where he really
"shined"! He was a special fellow. He will be missed.  Joni

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Fw: Midwest Horse Fair in Madison Wisconsin

2012-04-23 Thread Joan griffin
This message is from: Joan griffin 

- Forwarded Message 
From: Joan griffin 
To: Dave and Patti Walter 
Cc:; Bob Long
; Julie Cramer 
; Karin Peterson
; Laura/Allie 
Parker ; Mary
E. Bonde ; Sue Sadlon 
Sent: Mon, April 23, 2012 11:32:40 AM
Subject: Re: Madison
I agree, Patti!  Jock & I have been doing our breed demo at Midwest Horsefair
since 1997, when the "old man" was only "4" and I think this was the best demo
we have had, and the entire week-end went the smoothest of any I remember.
Everyone was so helpful it made it go so easy.  Unfortunately, I came down
a bad cold Sunday evening and I hear so did Karin Peterson's Ali, so I
home from work today (a good thing!  But this gave me a chance to look
at the 
video and you can hear people in the audience make wonderful comments
about our 
fantastic "Fjordies"!  Watching the video of our demo on Sun.
brought a lump in 
my throat as I am so proud to be a part  of our Fjord
organizations, a 
participant in the MWHF and most of all to have my sweet
Fjord, Jock in my 
life!  My prayers were answered for a safe and enjoyable
week-end for all!  Joni
p.s.  I will forward photos as soon as Raymond gets
them on the computer (I have 
to have him show me how to do that!).  And we
will make copies of the video as 

From: Dave and Patti Walter 
To: Susie Sadlon
; Joni Griffin ; 
Kathy Blaszczyk
; bondes ; karin 
; Laura Parker ; Julie
Cramer ; Bob Long ;
Sent: Mon, April 23, 2012 8:06:48 AM
Subject: Madison

EVERYONE!! You ARE ALL SO WONDERFUL! What a great group we 
had, everyone
worked so hard and everyone is so nice and accommodating! AND… you 
even let
me yell at you! J Warms my heart!!! 

No really, it means so much to
organize something like this and for it all to 
come together so easily. Only
means that EVERYONE gave it their all. THANK YOU 
and I know we represented
the breed well!!! That is what we are there to do, 
show off our Fjords. We
all love them and we want others to have as much 
enjoyment as we have had
with our Fjords. If ONLY folks would listen to us and 
buy a Fjord, then they
would know how great horses can be. J
So… get some rest this week, pat
yourself on the back,  WELL DONE. Share 
pictures when you get them and
videos. Anyone who can get them on youtube, 
please do. I can as soon as Joni
sends me a CD. She said Sunday’s video was 
Patti Jo

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Re: Midwest Fjord Horse Club's Winter Meeting & Clinic

2011-03-13 Thread Joan griffin
This message is from: Joan griffin 

  Just got back from Winona, MN and what a fun week-end!  Is anyone else eager 
to go at their Felt Fjord with the felting needle?  "Felting" is, I believe an 
old Scandinavian craft.  Joan Waak and Bonnie Lierman did a great job of 
teaching us to create these whimsical little Fjordies.  Next Carol Curry and 
family helped us to do rosemaling on wooden horse ornaments.  I've always 
to try this and I think I am hooked!  Before all this work, we were fed with 
some tasty pizza, salad and cookies so we could keep up our strength! 

  On Sat.  Janet MacNally started the day off with a demo of her wonderful 
horse, Gyda pulling a round bale.  I missed most of this demo as I was getting 
my boy, Jock ready for the next demo, but I heard it was very informative.  

  Up next was Bob Long sharing his many years of experience going packing with 
horses into wilderness areas.  Bob told us about some "hair-raising" events 
the grizzly bear that came to visit their camp, uninvited!  And the time one of 
the pack horses fell off a 30ft drop and landed upside down. Incredibly, the 
horse righted himself and they were able to get him back on the trail and went 
on their way!  Bob used my gelding, Jock for the demo.  Jock has never had pack 
equipment on him, but he is as solid as they come, so I knew he would be fine, 
but by the time all the "stuff" was piled up, covered with canvas and tied down 
with alot of rope, I thought Jock's legs would buckle!  He never moved, except 
to look back at Bob as if to say: "What in the world are you doing back there?" 

  We also had instructors from a Therapeutic Program called Aspire show us the 
wonderful way they use horses to help those who are physically, emotionally and 
mentally challenged to gain confidence and physical strength.  My horse, Jock 
who has been a therapy horse for many years, along with Patti Jo's horse, Voss, 
who is a real "steady Eddie" carried their precious cargo with great poise.
  Voss & Jock were also used in the Log skidding demo with Mike Sadlon and 
Schlickman.  These guys really know their stuff and I know I learned some 
important things from them.  Spectators were given the opportunity to try out 
some log skidding and they were thrilled.  It was at one of these "hands on" 
clinics that me and my husband Raymond got "hooked" on log skidding and now we 
are helping others learn who want to try it.  One of the neat things about our 
club is how we all reach out to help others to learn more about the many ways 
work and play with our Fjords.
  On Sun. morning HeikeLewandowski set up a challenging obstacle course for her 
sweet little 3yr. old mare, along with: Jock, Voss and Patti Jo's Sebastian, oh 
and Janet McNally'sGyda to test their bravery.  At first the horses were not 
sure about some of the items, but with Heike's techniques, all the horses 
the course with flying colors!
  The clinic ended with me doing a clipping demo.  I also showed how I do the 
"piano keys" trim on Jock's mane, which seems to just amaze most people.  It's 
not as hard as it looks and hopefully I revealed that.  Patti Jo followed with 
blanketing demo which answered alot of questions people have on the subject.
  So, all in all, our week-end was a huge success and I encourage those who 
didn't make it, to not miss it next year!  Oh, and we had a scrumptious prime 
rib dinner and hilarious fashion show to boot!  I'll let someone else fill you 
in on what Carol McKosky did to win the award as "Best Model"!  LOL!  Sorry 
this was so long, but I am excited about what a great club we have.   Joni 

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Re: Addendum to M.W.F.H.C. WINTER MEETING

2011-03-13 Thread Joan griffin
This message is from: Joan griffin 

  Oops!  I must apologize as I neglected to meantion in my previous posting 
Wanda Hase is the "Wonder Woman" who organized our fantastic Winter Meeting and 
Clinic.  Many others helped out: Patti Jo Walters, Julie Cramer and I am sorry 
if I missed anyone.  A huge "THANK YOU"!  to all who made this happen.  Joni

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Fw: Winter Meeting in Winona, MN

2011-03-06 Thread Joan griffin
This message is from: Joan griffin 

- Forwarded Message 
From: Joan griffin 
To: Fjord List 
Sent: Sun, March 6, 2011 10:38:20 AM
Subject: Re:  Winter Meeting in Winona, MN

  Just a reminder to all who are planning on bringing items to sell in the Used 
Tack Sale at the MWFHC's annual Winter Meeting in Winona, MN next week.  Please 
attach a tag to each item and include: your name, type of item & price.  It's 
going to be a fun & informative gathering!  Hope to see you there!   Joni 
Griffin (any questions, contact me:

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Fw: MWFHC Winter Meeting

2011-01-22 Thread Joan griffin
This message is from: Joan griffin 

- Forwarded Message 
From: Joan griffin 
Sent: Sat, January 22, 2011 1:09:15 PM
Subject: Re:  MWFHC Winter Meeting

  Hi, all!  I am organizing a Used Tack Sale to be held at the MWFHC's annual 
Winter Meeting in Winona, MN the week-end of 3/11, 12 & 13.  My name is Joni 
Griffin and if you attended the W. Mtg. last year, I am the crazy lady that 
the ski-joering and boy, did we have fun!!!
  This year's W. Mtg. is shaping up to be just as much fun and very 
informative.  So, please start going through your tack.  If you are like most 
us "horse people", you need to sell some tack to make room for the stuff you're 
gong to buy at tack sales and horse fairs this Spring! (;  

  Bring your items to the barn.  We will be setting up the sale there. We will 
have a clothing rack to display those items. Please attach a tag with your name 
and  price of item on it.  Also, I need some helpers to man the sale while I am 
working with my horse in several of the clinic demos.  Contact me at:  

  Don't miss this Winter Meeting-it's going to be GREAT!!!Joni Griffin

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re: MWFHC Winter Meeting

2010-03-20 Thread Joan griffin
This message is from: Joan griffin 

  I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you who were at the 
MWFHC Winter Meeting a few weeks ago and sent your condolences for the loss of 
my brother in that very kind card.  I wasn't sure I could make it through the 
clinic, but by the grace of God, I did.  Not only did I make it through my 
presentation on ski joering, but I enjoyed every minute of it!  I am so 
thankful for my "Fjord Family".  Sincerely,  Joni Griffin

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Re: La Crosse Evaluation

2007-08-15 Thread Joan griffin
This message is from: Joan griffin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  I attended the LaCrosse, WI Evaluation with Patti Walter this past
  week-end and as Patti said in her message, it's always a good time
  when you are with Fjords and "Fjord Folk"! Patti also meantioned
  that we stayed with my sister, Rosie, and yes, Patti was treated
  like a "princess" getting the "ultimate, pillow-top mattress" and
  the fluffy, white, guest towells-what I give up for my friends! LOL!
  Anyway, this was the first time my sister attended an evaluation and
  she was very interested in the valuable information that Wayne and
  Brian shared on how to judge a horse. Also the horses that were
  presented were so "drop, dead, gorgeous" that my sister wanted to
  take them all home! She is excited about the breed and hopes to own
  one someday. I know my sister, and if she does get one Fjord, the
  "potatoe chip bug" will bite and she will end up with more than one!
  But my point is that it is a good idea to bring people who don't own
  a Fjord to an evaluation to find out what they are about. Patti did
  a phenomenal job with Berit at the evaluation. I still cannot
  believe she just started her in Jan.! Awesome job, Patti! Berit
  is a blue in my book too! And all of us in our group watching the
  Western test agreed that Patti looked like a "Rodeo Queen"-just
  beautiful! Joni Griffin

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Re: ski-joering

2006-11-30 Thread Joan griffin
This message is from: Joan griffin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Ski-joering is a blast! I have been doing this with my gelding,
  "Jock" for about 6yrs now. My husband, Raymond doesn't ride, but he
  loves to ski and I love to ride, so with ski-joering we can do
  something together with my horse. I made my own "rigging" for
  ski-joering. Someone else asked about this a month or so ago and I
  posted it, but I will repeat it here. I purchased a long, soft,
  lunge line and cut it in two. I put quick releases on one end and
  loops on the other ends. These are the "tow lines". I use a western
  cinch across my horse's chest and I anchor it with a fleece covered
  strap across the withers and run this through the large metal
  buckles on either end of the cinch. Then I clip the quick releases
  to the cinch buckles. I also use two narrow leather straps to attach
  the cinch to the front of the saddle. If this is confusing, I could
  send you a photo or if you have old issues of the Fjord Herald, I
  did have an article with photos in there about two years ago. I'm
  thinking about making up a couple of these "riggings" and selling
  them. E-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if interested. This version
  of ski-joering is with a rider and a person being "towed". If you
  are enquiring about the version where you ski behind your horse, I
  believe Dave McWethey does that. Someone can correct me if I am
  wrong about that. Joni Griffin in Menomonee Falls, WI where we are
  supposed to get SNOW for the next three days!!! Time to

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Re: fjordhorse-digest V2006 #241

2006-10-31 Thread Joan griffin
This message is from: Joan griffin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  re: ski-joering
 Hello, Michelle King! I have been using my gelding, "Jock" for
 skijoering for several years now and just having a blast with it!
 Jock pulls people, usually my husband, Raymond, on either skis or a
 snow tube. I made my own "rigging". I took a cloth western cinch and
 used that across Jock's chest. Then, I covered a western back strap
 with a soft, fleece-like material and that is placed across Jock's
 withers and I run it through the metal buckles at the ends of the
 cinch. I purchased a long soft, lunge line from, I believe, Valley
 Vet Supply and cut that in half. I put a quick release at one end
 that attaches to the cinch buckle and I made large loops on the other
 end of each line. So, you have "tow lines" for the person to hold
 onto. It works out to be very inexpensive, especially if you pick up
 the cinch at a used tack sale. I have found them for only $5. If you
 would like, I could send you a couple of photos, or if you get the
 Fjord Herald, I had an article with photos on skijoering published, I
 believe the year before last. Let me know if you have further
 questions and "Happy Skijoering!"

 Joni Griffin in Wisconsin, where we are enjoying sunshine and 50-65
 degrees with no snow in sight!

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Re: Discussion on Bits

2006-05-22 Thread Joan griffin
This message is from: Joan griffin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  I started this discussion of bits because I plan to enter some of
  the English classes at the National Show in Winona. I will not be
  participating in the evaluation or in dressage classes. As Mike May
  quoted from the rule book, Kimberwicke bits are allowed in the
  English classes, however, the judge can "penalize" you for using a
  Kimberwicke. In Wayne's posting, he apparently will penalize those
  who use a Kimberwicke. This is too bad, as my horse is very
  comfortable in his bit and is not happy in a snaffle. My bit is a
  three piece bit and lies very nicely on the tongue. I guess, I'm
  wondering if I would be penalized if I used the Kimberwicke without
  the chain and had my reins on the higher slots and therefore, no
  leverage would be involved and it would be a "level playing field"
  as has been meantioned. Joni

Re: Mylar bit clinic

2006-05-14 Thread Joan griffin
This message is from: Joan griffin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  I went to my first Mylar bit clinic this week-end and I have to say
  I was very impressed with Dale Mylar's presentation, knowledge and
  integrity. The Fri. night "classroom" session was very informative.
  This company has gone to great lengths to study the anatomy of the
  horse's mouth, jaw and of course the entire physiology, since the
  bit you use effects more than just your horse's mouth. Most of us
  who attended were surprised at our misconceptions of how bits work
  in our horse's mouths.

  The next day was the "hands on" part of the clinic. When our turn
  came, I worked my gelding at the walk, trot, canter and halt. Dale
  observed us and then he walked over and to my surprise he asked:
  "why are you here?" "Your horse is perfect just the way he is, he is
  relaxed, willing and very responsive, he's PERFECT!" And then he
  went on to say that of all the Fjord horses he had seen, Jock is the
  nicest Fjord he had ever encountered! Of course, I know my horse is
  wonderful, but to hear this from Dale Mylar who travels not only
  across the U. S., but overseas as well, made me very proud of my
  little Fjordie.

  Getting back to why I went to the clinic. At our Midwest Fjord Club
  winter meeting, there was discussion about the National Fjord Show
  coming up in Winona in Oct. and I was told that with the new rules,
  I could not use my double jointed Uxeter Kimberwick bit. So, I
  wanted to get a Mylar bit that would be legal for this show. Dale
  Mylar told me that he cannot believe my Kimberwick would not be
  legal. He said I should check into this further. So, if anyone out
  there knows about this, please enlighten me.

  I was very impressed with the fact that Mr. Mylar did not try to get
  me to buy one of his bits, as a matter of fact he discouraged me
  from doing so. He will tell you that he isn't there to sell you a
  bit, he just hopes to educate people on bit use and to help owners
  to get their horses to be comfortable and therefore relaxed and
  accepting of the bit they use. If you get the opportunity to attend
  a Mylar bit clinic, I highly reccomend it!

  Joni in "soggy Wisconsin" ( will it ever stop raining?)

Re: Fjord Saddle Pads

2004-11-23 Thread Joan griffin
This message is from: Joan griffin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Susan Felix: Please describe your saddle pads - what makes them
  "Fjord saddle pads"? Joni G.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2004 #129

2004-06-10 Thread Joan griffin
This message is from: Joan griffin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Hello, Joni Griffin here. I have been off the list for awhile, but
  am finally back! I have a 14yr. old gelding named: Green Brier Jock.
  I am very active in the Midwest Fjord Horse Club. Jock and I have
  participated in the breed demos in Madison, WI for the past 9yrs.
  Jock is a therapeutic riding horse at The Ranch in Menomonee Falls,
  WI. We do alot of trail riding and parades. We had a ball at the
  Blue Earth Show last July. Unfortunately, we won't be able to be
  there this year, as I will be going on a family trip overseas in
  July. Too bad, we won't be able to defend our title in the
  ride-a-buck ;( Someone else will have to take Nancy Hotovy on!!! The
  best of luck to all who enter. I hate to miss it! Someone on the
  list asked about horse boots. I have kept my gelding barefoot for
  the past 8 or 9yrs. but I wanted something for the times I would
  trail ride where it's rocky and I wanted something for traction in
  the winter when we ski-joer, so I tried the "Easy Boots" and have
  had good results for the past 4yrs. or so. I know a couple of riders
  who use the "Old Macs" with good results also, though one of them is
  having trouble with her horse overreaching and catching the back of
  the front boots. Her horse has had sores on his feet from this and
  then he can't wear the boots until he heals. Kind of a "vicious
  cycle". The "Easy Boots" are harder to get on and off than the "Old
  Macs", but they are alot cheaper. Also, for winter riding, the E.
  B.s have removable studs for a really good grip, and the O.M.s are
  just rubber, not as good a grip in my experience. Summer has finally
  arrived in WI, just wish it would stop raining!

  Happy Fjording! Joni