Thanks for Welcoming comments & suggestions

2001-10-15 Thread Margaret Hicks
This message is from: Margaret Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks for the welcoming comments. I appreciate the
time you took to write them up.

To Amy and anybody else who asked--I live in North
Carolina--about 50 miles west of Raleigh.

To Marti, Joe and anybody else who tackled the subject
of horsedrawn mowers
  -Sure. Please do. I need all the 'pointing in the
right direction' I can get.  Referrals to websites,
books, catalogs...anything along these lines would be
very helpful.  Thanks for all the useful info.
  -To those of you concerned about the possibility of 
overstressing an out-of-conditioned Fjord. Yeah. I
appreciate your concern.  I don't wish to do that to
any horse. Your comments got me curious about the
proper way to condition a draft pony. At this point, I
believe my goals are modest--perhaps a total of 5
hours per week, broken into 2 or 3 weekly sessions.
Could a well conditioned Fjord handle this schedule?

To Carol - The Percheron team with harness sounds
lovely...but...I'm not tall enough or strong enough to
manage a typically tall, husky, husky pair of
Percherons. Are they short and shrimpy?say under
15.2 hands?

To Nancy -- availability? As mentioned in my intro, I
haven't seen a Fjord--really and truly--- in the
flesh.  Maybe, I'll get lucky and see one at a Draft
show or sale one day soon. 

To DeeAnn--I agree and have heard almost the same
story.  The trick is to find folks who farm with 'em
and NOT show. It's like searching for a needle in a

To Pamela - I think your's is a good story
illustrating 'good draft character'. I don't know why,
but drafts are very good with children.

To Jean -- Gunnar sounds like a big sneak and very
naughty but you love him anyway, Right? Thanks for
sharing your experiences.

This post is long but I wished to acknowledge all who
spoke up and to say thanks.



2001-10-12 Thread Margaret Hicks
This message is from: Margaret Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


At this point, I don't have much to say of a practical
nature or in a familiar knowing way about Fjords.  I
admire the Fjord's appearance  and descriptive write
ups very much. I've never seen one face-to-face, but
I'd like to. That's about it.

I'm mulling over the idea of acquiring a draft
pony...or perhaps a team. I daydream about using
original horsepower to mow 10 acres. (I wonder if
there is such a gizmo as a one horse mower?)
Inotherwords,   I believe I'd really enjoy owning and
using a sure 'nuf working animal.  

I expect the following sentiments might hit a raw
nerve on the heart of a  true-blue Fjord enthusiast.
Good draft character, good feet and a large dollop of
versatility matter more to me than breed and/or show
records of it's ancestors. At this point, I don't know
if I'll wind up with a 'runt' Belgian ( Is there such
a thing as a 14.2 to 15 hand Belgian?); or a
Haflinger; or a Fjord; or whatever. I intend to spend
the winter reading all I can about drafts, going to
auctions, and talking drafts with any soul kind enough
to share knowledge.

I presently own a pony-sized mule (too short to be
useful), a  Saddlebred mare, and a TWH filly. While a
good group, none are particularly suitable for what
I've got in mind.

I believe I'd enjoy hearing how you wound up with
Fjords. Was it the same drive to do something useful,
skilled and honest with your favorite broomtail, too? 
