This message is from: "Randi Nielsen" <>

No, I don't support slaughter but is it more humane to let a horse starve to death or to have it slaughtered?? ----- Original Message ----- From: "ruth bushnell" <>
To: <>
Cc: "Fjord Issues" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 12:22 PM
Subject: Fjord Rescue Subject

This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <>

This is a subject that is near and dear to my heart, especially so currently,
as Montana just barely okayed the introduction of slaughter houses in the
state. I am sick about this!! I'm asking everyone I know to please call or
write MT Gov Brian Schweitzer and ask him if he will please veto House Bill 418.. this is our last hope. His phone is 406-444-3111, or you could make a
comment on his site:
your voice might just tip the scales in favor of his veto.. please, please,

There was an astounding amount of support for the bill, even from some Fjord
horse people! (..whom I had heretofore thought a kinder and gentler race,
hah). Before I go on, let me insert that we did not breed our mares last year,
though I sure would have liked to, neither did we "lift" any additional
Fjords, etc. We support the moratorium on Fjord breeding, as the horse market
is plummeting from the general economy.

I believe that the very best we can do, insofar as horse rescue goes, is to initiate and/or enforce civil measures for accountability. Most states have laws against animal cruelty, find out what they are and help see that they are
enforced! (and don't give up)

I cannot see that expecting the NFHR to police negligent situations is
feasible. It does not fall within the bylaw mission statement, hence they
would not want the liability factor. The basic responsibility of the registry is to record pedigrees, refusing to do so would be counterproductive, but I'm
sure they've well considered their role in these areas.

One thing that we could do comes to my mind, and it does fall under the
category of breed education. We could have an accessible "hot button" posted on the NFHR site for assistance measures for Fjord horses in need. Reference contacts for state Humane Societies and Horse Coalitions which assist horses
in need.. I was surprised to learn how many Montana has, that many may not
have been aware of.

I believe it's safe to say that those bad examples, that were melodramatically detailed on this list, could not have been helped by educational efforts. Some folks are just downright mean and there's no fixing it. Maybe a list of "be
aware of" persons might help avoid selling to them? Bottom line, let's try
harder to avail ourselves of those public resources that are already in place,
and not take it upon ourselves as a breed to mandate punitive judgments.

If you're eager to save a horses life, make that hundreds of lives, please
contact the Governor of Montana! (I'm begging)

Ruthie, nw mt US

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