NEW EMAIL ADDRESS, delete old one

2005-11-19 Thread Sheri E. Kane
This message is from: Sheri E. Kane [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We are now at SBC and not Bytehead.

New address is:

Please delete old [EMAIL PROTECTED] address, thanks,
Harold and Sheri Kane

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #75

2005-04-01 Thread Sheri E. Kane

This message is from: Sheri E. Kane [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Fjord friends,  I have 1 very big request.  Does anyone have 
information about the neurological illnes EPM,  returning after the Marquis 
drug was given for 2 months?Red was having problems in the late summer 
and we took him to Madison teaching college, 3 hours away. He had been seen 
falling down in the field of no apparent reason.  The Dr. convinced us that 
after a 2 month course of the Marqui drug Red would have no further EPM 
comebacks.  They convinced us that he would suffer no return of the illness. 
Red and I were back to riding and driving after the 2 month course.  Red is 
8 years old.

Friday we flew to Connect. from Wisconsin and Sat. am I got the phone call 
that Red was not able to walk out in the field.  He would stumble and fall 
down and only after great difficulty would he be able to organize his body 
to get up.  Our vet came out and for 3 days gave him IV's with DMSO and ??? 
other fluids to reduce the swelling in his spine.  She called the teaching 
college in Madison and they told her that EPM DOES NOT COME BACK AFTER THE 
MARQUI DRUG IS GIVEN!  ?  They want us to take Red back to the college 
for more tests.  I am not sure that Red is up to the trip.  Our vet doesn't 
know what to do next.


sheri and red 

Fw: REdford and the Kidship kids

2004-12-09 Thread Sheri E. Kane
This message is from: Sheri E. Kane [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi friends,  thought you could use a cute Christmas picture.  I work with kids
who have severe emotional/mental illness issues in the school setting.  Our
kids work with Red my 7 year old fjord gelding each week.  Here are a few pics
with Santa.

sheri and red

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[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of 

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2004 #177

2004-08-05 Thread Sheri E. Kane
This message is from: Sheri E. Kane [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi friends,  I haven't kept up on the list lately, I do try to scan over
things now and then.   I told more than a few folks online that I would
update them on Red's EPM condition.  Hopefully no one else is going through
this.  I have received some positive and some negative responses, and I DO
appreciate ALL of your comments.

I won't go over the boring details, but Red IS showing improvement during
his 4th week of Marqui treatment.  Our very well known dressage trainer next
door did a visual examination,,, turn on the haunches, maybe 8 times in
1 direction then trott off, then back to the other side,,, over and over
again.  Red was able to keep his balance and he looked pretty ok.  4 weeks
ago he would have fallen over in the field after 2 turns.  Last nite we
lunged him at the walk trott, as the Dr. allowed, and he tripped 4 times and
looked sore on the right front, but he was steady.  Dr. said to put him on
grass if staying on dry paddock made him anxious
HAVE IT,,, ANXIOUS.!!!  After 1 long month,,, Red was seen galloping with
the others.  We are very hopeful indeed.

thanks for everyone's prayers and best wishes.  Maybe the key is to catch
EPM early and treat it immediatly.  We sure are hopeful.

sheri and red, in wisconsin

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2004 #162

2004-07-18 Thread Sheri E. Kane
This message is from: Sheri E. Kane [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi fjord friends,
Here is an update for anyone interested.  I thought a little EPM news might
be helpful.  I won't re-hash the story but Red was taken to Univ. Madison
Teaching Hospital July 7th with neurological issues, a 2-3 hour trip one
way.  The vet there thought EPM.  Still don't have blood work back but we
wanted treatment immediately, as suggested.Red will be on Marqui
tomorrow 1 week.  It is in the paste form, like a wormer, once per day.  He
is starting to, not like it much, but he takes it ok.  It is supposed to
be very safe, few side effects.   The Univ. Madison vets like to see  4-8
week treatment at  $125.00 ish, per week.I do
think... that I see improvement
already.  ?  The vet said on Friday PM that 2 weeks after starting the
drugs we would certainly see improvement.   The drug stops  the reproduction
of the protoza,,, not the actual parasite in his spinal cord/// brain.  We
cannot ride or even hand walk him until after treatment.  They would like us
to bring him to Madison again for a final check,,, not likely possible.  He
can be checked over locally to make sure that he is functioning normally
after treatment.  He then can be worked lightly due to the 2 month layoff
from work.  The vet tells me that with the new drug, Marqui, they see very
few reinfestments from the parasite because they seem to develop antibodies
to fight them off.  She did suggest that we put Red on a powdered form of
pure vitamen E to combat the folic acid reduction that the meds may create
in his bod, 10,000 units per day. Fleet Farm didn't have it today.  I will
call the vet in town tomorrow to see if they have it in their office.

Any advise on your end? I am very hopeful, but still anxious to see if
this new Marqui drug is all they say it is.

Sheri and Red

oh Red was evaluated as 1 1/2 out of 5,(5 as the worst possible
grade of EPM).  They say the drug can take a horse up 2 levels on that same
grade.Comments both negative and positive are welcome either on the list
or private.  Thank you.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2004 #154

2004-07-09 Thread Sheri E. Kane
This message is from: Sheri E. Kane [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi friends,

  It appears that my Redford has EPM.  You may remember that I wrote to the
list concerning thrush,,, the sugardine treatment.  He had a slight case
of thrush.  After it was treated Red still showed lameness.  I had the
farrier and then the vet come out right away.  He was on lay--- off for 1
1/2 weeks and he was still very sore in the front right shoulder.  I died a
hundred deaths watching the vet shove him around and around only to see Red
trip, stumble and stagger.  After her examination Red looked drugged and
couldn't even stand in the cross ties.  He kept yawning and leaning like he
would fall over.  He actually fell over 1 time during the exam,, flat to
his side and there he lay..??  The vet demanded that we
take him to Univ. Madison Teaching College immediately!!!  We couldn't
leave till the next morning but we got there and fast!!! Our vet thought for
sure it was neurological.  The teaching college was very impressive and Red
was very calm and cool.  One of the college students said that she and her
family had 3 fjords and 1 was just like Red,,, very playful and curious.
Her Mom shows dressage and they had purchased a stallion from Green Valley
Farms.  Wish I could remember her name I was sort of a basket case at
the time.

Red is probably a 1 1/2 out of  5, worst case EPM.  The Dr. thinks we caught
it very quickly and with the new drugs 1 to 2 months of paste type treatment
may bring 70% of the population up 2 grades on that level.  My daughter
lives in NC works at a QH show barn and says that they had a pricey QH
treated immediatly that healed 100% and still shows well on the circuit.
The trick is that 70% of the horse population show improvement.  The Madison
vet explained that the % does not show the average age, length of time after
onset. etc.  Red is only 7 years old.

We took Red to Madison on Wednes. this week.  Today is Friday and still no
blood test results from them.  They only took blood.  We didn't want spinal
tests, too risky.  50% of all horses in the US will show positive in the
blood for EPM whether or not they ever get the disease.  In the blood and
in the spinal cord/brain are two different things.  After showing   signs of
the disease,,, the parasite has entered the spinal fluid.   The new drugs
will kill the organisms living in the horse, but if they have created too
much damage already the success rates of course go down.  Early treatment is
the key, we hear.  As far as we can tell Red has shown signs for a maxium of
3-4 weeks.  Strss can bring on the disease if the horse already has the
organism in its blood.

The Madison vet told us today, on the phone, that it could take 1 week to
get blood results from Kentucky.  Our concern was if 1 more week goes
on, those little buggers have 1 more week to play with Red's body.  The
Madison vet  has sent a tube of drugs to our house for 1 week to start
treatment.  The drugs have a very safe history and cause very little damage.
He says, some dirareaha... spelling.  He is to remain in a stall for the 1
month.. he will be outside in a smaller paddock.  They don't even want
him to be hand walked,,, blood flow I guess.  After 1 month of treatment
he should show .. really good improvement.  If not,,, we go 1 more month
maximum.  We are praying for recovery!!!

You have heard my positive talk... Now I want the negative.  I am a
positive person and pray alot... but..  I am also a realist.  They say
the new drugs are the trick.  I would like some feedback from you guys if
you have anything.  Red is a pleasure horse. trail rides, pleasure
driving.. and therapeutic work for people of all ages.  If he can't be a
show horseWHO CARES!!  I want a safe and fun
horse,,, thats ALL!

Please give me something, anything.  I have cried as much as 1 person can.
I will maintain hope no matter what. If treatment fails, I will consider
letting Red go to a loveing family to be a pasture buddy.  My husband is a
52 year old engineer, laid off for over 4 months now and we cannot afford to
keep him.  Prayers would be wonderful for you people wanting to do something
wonderful for us. THANK YOU in advance.

sheri and red

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2004 #142

2004-06-27 Thread Sheri E. Kane
This message is from: Sheri E. Kane [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi friends,  I just got a home recipe for thrush.  Maybe someone has tried
it.  Povidone iodine (Betadine) and while sugar.  What do you think???  I
found it on a search online for thrush.  This person says NO to peroxide and
bleach to treat thrush.

Sheri and Red

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2004 #145

2004-06-27 Thread Sheri E. Kane
This message is from: Sheri E. Kane [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi friends,

Got a bunch of questions for you on the list.  What do you know about
THRUSH?  My 7 year old fjord, Red is lame for the 2nd time in his life.
Last year it was a stone bruise. He thought he was goning to die before it
healed.  I thought he had a stroke at first, he couldn't walk at all!!!

  This time the farrier tells me  that  Red has a slight case of thrush and
I should use Peroxide and Coppertox..   We have had tons of rain here and
until just now the fields have been wet.   The farrier says that it won't
make him lame.  Red  is also loosing  his frog, but that shouldn't make
him lame either.?  He does have a leasor for the first time and she
is working with a fabulous dressage trainer, best in our area, but that
won't make him lame either.  hehe.  I do believe that the soreness is in his
right front foot, no heat anywhere in the leg or foot.  I have been hosing
it down daily and using linament and the peroxide and Coppertox also.
Giving Bute as well.  He is very careful when walking and at the trott he
head bobs so bad you think he is in the canter.  He is one to tell me
things,, maybe even tell me a big story once in awhile, but this
isn't a fake in my book.

Please tell me whatever you know about this thrush,, the peroxide does
bubble up in the foot so I know that he has infection in there.  I don't
notice the smell anymore in the foot.  I have been treating it for about 1
week so far.  We are not riding him, and his paddock is dry now,, oh
NO it is raining again

Wet in Wisconsin,

Sheri and Red

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2003 #274

2003-11-24 Thread Sheri E. Kane
This message is from: Sheri E. Kane [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Fjord friends,
  Red is up to his old naughty tricks again.  He is outdoor pastured with 6
other horses,,, maybe 4 acres of hills and flat areas too.  The pasture is
hot wired with 3 layers of tape.  Over the last 1 1/2 years of boarding at
this location he has gotten out of that pasture maybe 4 times.  None of the
other horses in the past have been able to do it.  The property is very
large so I don't worry about danger for him,,, but,WHAT ON EARTH MORE
DOES HE WANT??  He can push right through things with no pain.A month ago he
got a stone bruise so we stalled him.  In 1 night he had broken 2,  2x4's
pushing against the walls, well he gets bored easily.  The owner put him out
into the sandy pasture,,, he got out.  None of the other horses,,, EVER..
had gotten out of that pasture either.
 The people at this farm love Red because of his generous attitude towards
people and especially the special needs population.  He continues to be a
safe and gentle mount for a 30 year old wheelchair bound man.  I don't want
to move him and they don't want us to leave.  ???  Does fat really act
as pain insulation,,, maybe it is his very fuzzy hair coat that shields him
from the electric shocks.  ???

sheri and red

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2003 #271

2003-11-19 Thread Sheri E. Kane
This message is from: Sheri E. Kane [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi friends,  I am looking to find the email of a Fjordhorse owner named
Pamela.  I wrote emails to her maybe 1 year ago concerning autistic children
and the Fjordhorses.  I am currently working with the severe autistic
population and I would like to write to her again.  Pamela, if you still
receive this posting please email something to me personal.  Thank you so

Sheri and Red