Re: Arena 'lime'

2001-02-18 Thread TAVINC70
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I use what is called Agri-Lime. It is wonderful!! There feet do really
well on it and I can tell a difference in the way they move on this
surface as opposed to others. Hope that helps! Tracy from chilly
Indiana :O)

Thank you!!

1999-12-16 Thread TAVINC70
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was so excited because I got a package from my secret Santa today, but I 
still don't know who it is!!!  I am not familiar with where everyone is from, 
but I LOVED my gifts!! They were awesome  Thank you so much my secret 
Santa  Tracy :O)

Re: Good thoughts for Richard

1999-11-25 Thread TAVINC70
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I know you don't know me, but I just wanted to wish you and Richard the very 
best.  I will say an extra prayer for you!!!  Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Having Trouble!!!

1999-11-23 Thread TAVINC70
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List,
I tried many many times from 9 to 10 to get into the Fjord Chat room and was 
unable!!!  Did anyone else have any trouble?  I was so disappointed as I 
enjoyed it the week before.  On my screen I never got the button to appear 
that you have to click to get into the chat room.  If anyone else had any 
problems please let me know if you were able to get int and or what you did 
to get in.  Thanks and have a Great Thanksgiving  TRACY :O)

Re: Small brag

1999-10-31 Thread TAVINC70
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi to all and Happy Halloween,
I just had to chuckle when I saw the part about destroying cross ties because 
Norman, my little guy, thinks that cross ties were just made for him to get a 
full 360 degree view of everything that is going on in the barn as I am 
getting him ready to ride.  Everyone laughs because within seconds of me 
putting him in the tight bungee cord ties he has completely done a 360 and is 
now facing the opposite way and not even flinching an inch.  He has the ties 
crossed on top of his head and he looks hysterical, but he's always so 
interested in what everyone else is doing while he's out too so he loves the 
full view  Other boarders note that if there horses even attempted this 
they would be spooked or really get upset with the weird configuration of the 
ties and pressure over their head, but nope, not Norman.  This is just 
everyday normal business to him.  he gets disappointed then when I turn him 
back around, the "proper" way.  Anyway, just had to chuckle.  I love these 
guys  Such character!!!
Take care all and have a great week.

Tracy and Norman in Indiana where we had a warm and gorgeous weekend!! :o)

Re: Fjords and Parelli

1999-10-11 Thread TAVINC70
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am currently using the Parelli method, primarily the seven games, with my 
gelding.  At first things didn't seem to phase him and he was indifferent to 
some pressure points, but now he's got the hang of things and it's fun.  I 
just practiced with him consistently each time before I ride we run through 
several of them.  I am a firm believer in the method and it's definitely 
taught me a few things.  Good Luck.

Tracy and NORMAN in Sunny and Cool Indiana.  We have had some really gorgeous 
fall weather:o)

Re: crop...leg aids

1999-09-08 Thread TAVINC70
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I just wanted to thank you for the good advice...I am having trouble with my 
gelding as far as getting him to "move" at a normal pace.  I don't ask him to 
move mountains just walk with a little more "spring" and trot.  He is slowly 
getting the hang of it, but I wanted to ask some of you which you think is 
better to reinforce with, i.e., a crop or spurs.  I have a mare who RESENTS 
and works against spurs (humane type) but will respond with a crop even if 
it's not even used.  Just wanted a little advice.

Also, can some of you tell me what type of bits you use.  I use a full cheek 
snaffle and feel like I have no control over my gelding at times.  I have to 
pull very hard just to get him to stop and I don't like doing that.  I would 
appreciate any help.  Thanks again!!!
Tracy in hot and humid Indiana where we are SUPPOSEDLY supposed to have some 
rain this eve.

I need a little help.

1999-08-24 Thread TAVINC70
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List,
I don't mean to change directions of the current discussions on the list, but 
I have a favor to ask.  I am doing a little research regarding pricing for 
the ACTUAL cost of a horse to be boarded for one month in a barn.  Items 
included might be: grain; bedding; hay; insurance for the barn, if there were 
20 horses being boarded; water usage; utilities, and anything else you might 
think of. You all have such great input and are so honest and helpful that I 
thought you would be my greatest resource.  I am trying to get an average 
cost per horse per month with FULL board.  ANY input would be great  Feel 
free to email me privately at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  THANKS SO MUCH IN 
Tracy and NORMAN  :o) (in humid and muggy Indiana where we have forgotten 
what rain is.)

Re: Congratulations on Norman!

1999-08-01 Thread TAVINC70
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks so much.  I think I've already failed the spoiling him too badly 
bit!!!  I can't help it!!!  Yes, I live just north of Indianapolis.  Anytime 
you'd like to stop by just let me know!!!  Take care and have a good day!!!  
Tracy :o)

Re: Finally!!!!!!

1999-08-01 Thread TAVINC70
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't think I've been this excited in a long time and thank you Denise for 
the congrats too!!   Tracy :o)


1999-07-31 Thread TAVINC70
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everyone!!!  I wrote not too long ago that I was interested in 
purchasing a Fjord of my very own.  Today, I can now say that I have one.  
Yesterday I went to Lynchburg, Ohio to Bill and Kathy Poe's Fjord farm to 
pick up NORMAN  He's a red dun and is 5 years old.  Bill and Kathy have 
had him straight from birth.  He is such a cutie and what a character!!  He's 
got personality plus.  We had such a long drive-about 4 hours yesterday in 
that hot weather we're all having and he did beautifully!!!  I am so excited 
about this new addition to my family and I look forward to becoming more 
involved with the "Fjord families" (you all)  now that I actually have one.
I think the main reason I wanted to let this list know that I now have my 
Fjord is that Bill and Kathy Poe are truly wonderful people.  Their farm is 
nice and there horses are so well kept and all of their Fjords are treated 
like they are not just horses, but like a family with children.  I was so 
impressed.  They are such honest people and very caring people who are 
involved in breeding Fjords not just for money, but because they love doing 
it.  I had a chance to spend time with them last week and they are just great 
people and I felt like I had known them for some time when I left their farm. 
 I almost cried when I pulled out of their driveway because I almost felt 
like I was taking one of their children, even though I had already bought 
Norman.  That's how wonderful they are and I just want this list to know 
that.  There are so many wonderful people on here and I feel very blessed 
that I actually had the opportunity to meet and then purchase from one that I 
regard very highly.  Anyway, hope everyone is staying cool in their 
respective regions.  We're trying to stay cool here in Indiana...with no rain 
for some time now and temperatures in the 100s!!! (with 100% humidity!!) 
Yuck!!!  Take care and God Bless.  Tracy and NORMAN  :o)

Re: Need Help Finding a Fjord

1999-07-06 Thread TAVINC70
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for responding to my post.  I did want those who manned the booth to 
know how great I thought it was.  It's about 100 degrees here today without 
the heat index!! Please keep me in mind if you hear of any Fjord for sale!!! 
Take care and Thanks.  Tracy :o)

Need Help Finding a Fjord

1999-07-05 Thread TAVINC70
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi everyone,
I am fairly new to the mailing list and I really enjoy reading all of the 
input and advice everyone has to offer.  It's such a help. I have been riding 
for 24 years and have owned horses most of that time.  I currently have a 
horse which I enjoy riding on trails and for just pleasure.  Over the past 
few months I have learned a lot about Fjords and have ridden them a couple of 
times and have completely fallen in love with this breed.  I was at Equitana 
in June and visited the wonderful and organized booth that so many of you 
helped to put together and man while the event was taking place.  Well done.  
I think your booth was one of the very best  I am now serious about 
purchasing a Fjord and would like some help in locating one.  I live in 
Indiana.  I would really appreciate any help in locating a Fjord for sale.  
Thanks again for all the great help!!!  Please feel free to respond to my 
email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Take care...Tracy :o)