This message is from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Hello list members! 
I have been a lurker for several years.  About 6 months ago I moved and lost 
contact with the list.  I recently signed up again so I will take this 
opportunity to introduce myself.  I own 5 horses, including 2 fjords, and enjoy 
driving and riding.  My 5 yr old fjord mare is especially appreciated by my 
neices and nephews who have minimal experience on horses but are totally 
enamored with riding.  Interestingly, I bought her as a 3 yr old and she was 
quite a handfull.  I worked with her consistently for a year before she finally 
"got it."  Within the space of just a few weeks she went from being a reliable 
knothead to a trustworthy, attentive animal who is absolutely my first choice 
for beginner or tentative riders.  I live in southeast Idaho on a small farm, 
am a retired military psychologist, and now work at a much leisurely civilian 
practice.  I look forward to the comraderie of fellow fjord enthusiasts.  Alan

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