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Hello All:

Please indulge me with this question as I know the topic comes up frequently 
with regarding to feeding, weight, etc. 

I have been a member of this mailgroup for a year and occasionally post a 
question but most of the time I just read and enjoy all of the great 
information I get when reading your posts.

I have been a Fjord owner for almost 2 years. Ivar is a 5 yr. old gelding. He 
is 14.3 hh. For the first time, he has too much weight on him. He currently 
gets 1/2 scoop of oats twice a day with supplement and hay. He is turned out 8 
hours a day with 4 other horses in a medium sized rather sparse paddock.

I wanted to solicit opinions from the group as to preference for muzzles vs. 
dry lot schedules.

He is boarded at a large boarding facility and they do have a few small dry lot 
paddocks and would accommodate.

Any suggestions or information would be much appreciate.

Debbie and Ivar in Kentucky

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