This message is from: "Arthur Rivoire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Everybody from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -

Val Littfin wrote a one of the most interesting and informative posts I've
ever read on the List.  --  It was in response to my posting about our need
for MORE PUBLICITY and my citing the Gypsy Horse breed organizations wildly
effective promotional programs.

I apologise for any inaccuracies in my comparisons of the Fjord and the
Gypsy horse.  When I was writing it, I was aware that there was a lot I
didn't know about the breed, but my aim was to show what a terrific job the
Gypsy Horse breed organizations and the breeders were doing to promote their
breed, and by comparison to them (and most other breeds) what a dismal job
the NFHR was doing.

My posting to the list was in response to the impressive spread on the Gypsy
Horse in the Equine Journal magazine ---  Eleven pages & 47 photos!  --  It
was extraordinarily effective in making any magazine reader  100%
aware of the Gypsy Horse breed.  --  And my first impression on seeing this
was --  "What's the matter with Fjord people and the Fjord Registry?"

Well, all I can say is that the Fjord people should take a long, hard look
at what the Gypsy Horse breeders and organizations are doing, because
they're doing things right!  They are promoting their breed, and supporting
their breeders.


At Beaver Dam Farm, we've been working away promoting this breed for 25
years with almost no support from the NFHR.  ----  All Fjord
breeders deserve much more than we've gotten all these  years ---  In fact,
it's not just breeders who deserve more ---  All owners and NFHR members
deserve much more. -

  Promotion is the name of the game!  And I believe PRINT PROMOTION is the
most effective because more people get to see it than see other forms of
promtion; such as breed demos.  Most definitely, demos are important and
very valuable, but the fact remains that more people see ads in big

People have said that -  "getting out and doing it" - is the best breed
promotion.  --  I agree that without those people "doing it", the promotion
would be only so much hot air.  But, I don't agree that showing is the most
efficient way of promoting, simply because not enough people get to see the
good performances.

However, if good, professional photos are taken of those good performances,
they can be used in very effective ads for the breed.

Still photos can be studied by people looking for certain characteristics in
a horse breed.  A collage of really good photos on a page (or double page)
showing different horses, different riders/drivers/different ages doing good
stuff is IMPRESSIVE and those images will be kept and remembered.

This video the NFHR is doing may be good, but is it the best use of OUR
money?  And it is OUR money!  --  The video will be promoted in the Herald,
for sure. --  That's good as far as it goes, but it's definitely "preaching
to the already converted".  --- Will it be promoted in the big horse
publications?  Hopefully, but how much impact will it have???? That depends
on how big and well-done the video ad is -

-  Speaking as someone who has advertised heavily  promoting the Fjord breed
over the last 25 years, I can tell you that teeney weeney ads just don't get
noticed. --- They're lost amidst the big, splashy full-page or multiple page

I suggest this video be marketed in conjunction WITH the big, splashy
full-page or double-page ads the NFHR should run.  The wonderful performance
photos will attract attention to the breed, and to the video which will
bemuch more attractive given the "preview" the photos will have  provided.

Please do not forget, and DO NOT let the NFHR forget that their Mission
Statement is ---

  ". . . . .   EDUCATION and PROMOTIONof the breed."

I have a couple of questions  regarding this new NFHR video  which is in the
works -

What's it all about? ---  I heard it was going to be a dressage video with
tapes from Ann Appleby ---  Were any other dressage riders asked to
contribute.  Riders such as Lori Albrough and Elaine Olsen.

If it's not going to be a Dressage Video, but a versatility, performance
video, then I'd like to know what riders, drivers, and horses are going to
be on this video?  -- And, AGAIN, did the NFHR ask for membership input and

I would have thought that if such a video were in the planning stages that
an announcement would have been made and contributions and suggestions from
the full membership would have been solicited and considered.  Don't you
think so?
                     IT'S OUR MONEY & OUR REGISTRY!

And speaking of money ---  I believe the Mane Cutting video cost somewhere
around $5,000. ---- Is that so?  How much will this new one cost?  -  How
many people will end up seeing this video? -  Will they be newcomers to the
breed or NFHR members?  Where will it be advertised?

How much print advertising could be bought for $5,000?  --  How many people
would see $5,000 worth of advertising, which afterall, is what advertising
is all about - The demographics IS what it's all about!

$500 can buy a full-page ad in the Equine Journal which is widely read in
New England, NY, NJ, PA & the Midwest.  -  Just think about the demographics
of such publications - and the IMPACT!  -- Think about the IMPACT that such
ads would have on the Fjord breed ----

 Think about ---  10 BIG, SPLASHY, ATTRACTIVE, ALLURING bought for
5,000.  -- 

                    In terms of GOOD VALUE for money spent, it's
                    pretty obvious where the smart money would go!

And if you have any doubt that spending some of the $62,000 currently in the
NFHR treasury on print advertising is a wise move . . . Then please tell us
what this money that  ALL OF US have put in the treasury should be spent on?

And again, to the Gypsy Horse people --  I am sorry if I was inaccurate.

Kind Regards,  Carol Rivoire

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