Re: List as Communication

2000-02-06 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 10:02 PM 2/5/00 -0400, you wrote:

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur  Rivoire)

And I feel just as strongly that the subjects
discussed on each and every Conference Call should be made available to
members either through the List, or put on the NFHR website, or better yet.
. .BOTH!  Think about it.  Doesn't that make sense?  "Five hundred heads
are better than nine" . . . The minutes of Conference Call meetings
published quarterly in the Herald just don't do it.

Carol the minute of the NFHR BOD meetings ARE posted on the NFHR web site 
as soon as they are approved.Here is a link to the location of them:

All NFHR members (Fjord owners) have a stake in everything discussed and
decided by the BOD.  Some of us who are professionally involved have more
at stake, and yet we have no opportunity to either participate or protest.
This should be changed. I'm glad Steve brought it up.  I'm definitely not
happy with the current situation.

So you want a conference call with 750 people on the line?

If anyone wants to send an email to the entire NFHR Bod I will forward 
anything that is written to them.  Send your emails to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497

Re: List as Communication

2000-02-06 Thread Arthur Rivoire
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur  Rivoire)

Hi from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -

I agree wholeheartedly with Steve's statement that members of the NFHR
Board of Directors should be reading the List daily.  It's the best thing
going for staying in touch with NFHR members.  May not be perfect, and yes
I know that not every NFHR member is on the List, but . . . it's the best
we have. 

Board members are NFHR members and owners just like the rest of us.  They
chose to run for the office, and were elected by us.  By choosing to work
on the BOD, they made a committment to the membership.  I feel their
commitment includes listening to us, soliciting our opinions, and keeping
us informed as to what's discussed during the twice monthly Conference
Calls, thereby giving us an opportunity to make suggestions,  ask
questions, and perhaps solve a few problems.  

I think it's important to acknowledge that these people are simply members,
just like the rest of us.  Let's face it, they are no more qualified to run
the Registry than many of us are.  It's even likely there are NFHR members
and List subscribers who are more knowledgeable than those sitting on the
BOD. This should be recognized by members and BOD alike.  For the
betterment of the Registry and the Fjord breed, Board members should
solicit regular input from the membership, and members should feel their
contributions are welcomed. 

I certainly appreciate anyone who's willing to take on an unpaid job such
as director of the NFHR.   However, I don't appreciate them enough not to
voice my opinion when I think there's something wrong.  And in this case,
Steve's right.  There's too much of an IVORY TOWER attitude.   (He didn't
say that, I did.)   It's not too much to ask that each director should read
this List every day.  And I feel just as strongly that the subjects
discussed on each and every Conference Call should be made available to
members either through the List, or put on the NFHR website, or better yet.
. .BOTH!  Think about it.  Doesn't that make sense?  "Five hundred heads
are better than nine" . . . The minutes of Conference Call meetings
published quarterly in the Herald just don't do it.  

All NFHR members (Fjord owners) have a stake in everything discussed and
decided by the BOD.  Some of us who are professionally involved have more
at stake, and yet we have no opportunity to either participate or protest.
This should be changed. I'm glad Steve brought it up.  I'm definitely not
happy with the current situation.  

And while I'm at it . . . I'm equally unhappy with the Evaluation
Committe's non-communication.  What's happening, people?  They also should
be posting to the List, and/or the NFHR website.  Intelligent people want
to know!  

Regards,  Carol Rivoire   

Carol and Arthur Rivoire
Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II
R.R. 7 Pomquet
Antigonish County
Nova Scotia
B2G 2L4
902 386 2304

Re: The list as communication

2000-02-05 Thread Julie Will
This message is from: "Julie Will" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Steve, I understand your point.  However, since being on "the list" is not
part of the "job description" for BOD membership, we really have to leave
this choice up to the individual.  Individual BOD email addresses are
published in the front of the Herald, and private messages are always
welcome.  While some of us DO read the list daily, I can see how a person
could feel he/she really didn't have the time.  I am fortunate to work out
of my home and am at my computer many hours a day.  If I had a full time
outside job, plus my family, horse, and BOD responsibilities, I certainly
would have to manage my time differently.

I am the BOD liason, and do my best to pass information on to the board at
each meeting.  However, the BEST way to make your opinions known is to take
the time to email a director privately.  Just like writing your congressman
pack more weight than a "letter to the editor".

Thanks!  Julie

Re: The list as communication

2000-02-05 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Several months ago there was a comment from one of the members of the
> NFHR board of directors that they often didn't really read the list,
> and recently, one of the members of the board unsubscribed from the
> list. > I do think that
> every member of the board has an implicit contract with every member
> of the NFHR to use EVERY means at his or her disposal to keep in
> touch with what those members are thinking. If this means spending 20
> minutes a day reading this list in hopes of seeing something relevant
> to board actions once every couple weeks, then so be it, it's part of
> what he or she contracted with us as members to do. If they're too
> busy to do that, then they're too busy to represent us on the BOD.


I agree with you.  It seems it wouldn't even take 20 min to skim down
through the subject titles, they could delete all the non relevant topics.

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, another mild day, maybe I'll clear the little
arena of 3ft of snow with my snowblower!

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

The list as communication

2000-02-04 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 I'd like to share something I've been thinking about for some time.
 Several months ago there was a comment from one of the members of the
 NFHR board of directors that they often didn't really read the list,
 and recently, one of the members of the board unsubscribed from the
 list. In my opinion, these directors are not acting in good faith
 with those who elected them. I know that there is a person designated
 as liaison between the list and the board, but I think that every
 member of the board should read the list for her/him self. While I
 don't think that any action of the board should be directly
 influenced by anything that is said on this list, I do think that
 every member of the board has an implicit contract with every member
 of the NFHR to use EVERY means at his or her disposal to keep in
 touch with what those members are thinking. If this means spending 20
 minutes a day reading this list in hopes of seeing something relevant
 to board actions once every couple weeks, then so be it, it's part of
 what he or she contracted with us as members to do. If they're too
 busy to do that, then they're too busy to represent us on the BOD.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd & Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
  Noblest of the train that wait on man, the flight-performing horse.
 --William Cowper(1731-1800)