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Thought I would share all  my wonderful stories  about this week.
First, my  friend Sarah from Sandpoint, Idaho brought her harness over and we 
tried it out on Ike.  She gave me a quick lesson on ground driving, and going 
on the  basis that Ike has driven before, we went for a little turn around 
the corral.  It was great!!  He responded by voice command only, and picked 
up a trot (boy did I get a work out)  and we did figure 8's and everything.   
So now  I want to hook him up to a cart for sure. 

Then later on this week, we decided to try Opal (our mare) out on  a little 
trail ride,  she has been doing so well in the arena,  so we went off the 
property and about a 1/4 mile away.  we came across, loud vehicles, dogs and 
GARBAGE CANS  and she did great.  We  tried it again later in the week, 
ponying baby HArrison,  she did fine and so did he

Today  I saddled up Ike in my brand new Aussie saddle and we went on a 4 hour 
trail ride around  the mountains by our house,  we saw deer, elk and all 
kinds of droppings     from many animals  and had a  great view of the 
Bitteroot Valley from way up there,  I didnt want it to end,  Ike crossed the 
irrigation canal twice and  wanted to play in the water for sure.  The leaves 
are turning, and the mountains  are snow topped,  it was truly breathtaking 
and I could have rode all day.
But reality,  I was paying a babysitter to watch the little redheads , and 
had to get back home.    Hope you all had a great weekend too

Michele Noonan
In the Bitteroot Valley
Stevensville, Montana

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