2006-03-03 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List !

   Jeff is out in the barn, shaving off whats left of the 
horrible trace clips we inflicted on the pair of Fjords we are taking to 
next week. Even with the checkerboard marks and track lines, they look much 
better already. It has been very hard to train here, as the weather has not 
been stable. Cold is OK, warm is OK. Freezing cold at night and very warm 
the day is bad. The pair is as fit as we can get them for this time of year. 
We have been putting in miles and working on walking through the dressage test. 
Cones we never practice, as thats usually a big no-no but looking at a copy 
of the cones course, it will seperate the boys from the girls ( nothing gender 
specific about that ) so to speak. 

Trailer is cleaned ( sort of with the wind and dust blowing about 40 
MPH today ) and truck is serviced. Vacation time is set, and son, Cody ( 17 ) 
is being left in charge. (  OMG  )  Foster kid, Casey, will be leaving the 
State of UT. for the first time, and is chief equipment specialist. ( head 

We will be visited by some family down in AZ. who live there, and 
getting to play in-between showing with Susan Lawson ( Fjord owner ) who is 
competing a single. Navigator for the show is Kathy McLaughlin, who has groomed 
many top drivers, ( Hardy Z. ect. ) and has bravely packed boots for those 
nasty water hazzards. 

 Jeff is headed back to CA for 3 more days of work, than comes home Tues. 
We head out Wed. AM, and will have Thurs to prepare everything at the show, 
and settle the Fjords to all the scary stuff. Posts from people competing at 
the Black Prong CDE reported baby pigs, running out of the brush every time a 
horse went down the dressage line, causing some very interesting blow-ups and 
poor scores g until they were captured. ( sounds like barb-a-q time to me. ) 

 We compete in dressage on Fri. ( hopefully PIGLESS ) the Marathon on Sat. 
and cones course on Sun. The predicted weather is going to be mild, instead of 
HOT, for which we are thank-full !  If it rains on us, all the better, so if 
everythings already a fricken WATER HAZZARD, we wont have problems galloping 
into the 2 already there !  ( one new hazzard with a covered wagon in the 
of it ! ) 

Keep your fingers and toes crossed for an un-eventful compitition, 
and maybe no one will recognise these shaved gerbils as Fjords !
  Lisa Pedersen / Pedersens Fjords, 
Cedar City, UTAH


2002-03-24 Thread Deb Williams
This message is from: Deb Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How exciting to have the opportunity. Nice pictures
Debi Williams
Williams Hill Fjords
Waterford, Pa
Home of Tolgar,Tanja, Belle,Hilda, Beckett, Rosie and Daniel
- Original Message - 
From: Cynthia Madden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: FH-L
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 10:51 AM
Subject: AZ CDE

 This message is from: Cynthia Madden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have uploaded some pictures of the AZ CDE if anyone
 is interested in looking at them.
 Cynthia Madden
 Las Cruces, NM


2002-03-18 Thread Cynthia Madden
This message is from: Cynthia Madden [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have uploaded some pictures of the AZ CDE if anyone
is interested in looking at them.

Cynthia Madden
Las Cruces, NM
Yahoo! Sports - live college hoops coverage

Re: Report from the AZ CDE

2002-03-12 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cynthia, I really like your attitude and no nonsense approach.  I did not
hear any whining about being abused by a judge, or another competitor.  Or
disliked by a judge, etc.  Sounds like you are learning as you go and
looking forward to progress from lessons learned!!  Tank is too.  Jean

Jean Walters Gayle
[Authoress of The Colonel's Daughter
Occupied Germany 1946 To 1949 ]
Send $20
Three Horses Press
PO Box 104
Montesano, WA 98563

Report from the AZ CDE

2002-03-12 Thread Cynthia Madden
This message is from: Cynthia Madden [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tank and I arrived in Coolidge for the AZ CDE on
Thursday for our first CDE in three years. Because I
competed in the single pony prelim limit division
(they do not offer training level), I found out I was
first in order for the dressage on Friday. I
frantically finished cleaning up my cart. Luckily I
had my harness all done before I left.

On Friday morning, Tank and I did our test. No major
errors but he kept shying at the tents and fence. We
did as well as expected and among the three in our
division we ended up first in dressage. My navigator,
Mickey, showed up Friday afternoon and I was so glad.
I was pretty panic stricken after walking the hazards!
Since Arizona has advanced competition they were
pretty tough. Mickey is an experienced navigator and
we went over them and I felt more confident. However,
during the course walk, I learned that unlike the KC
CDE (my only other competition), limit is for
competitors new to prelim, not just doing section E,
which meant that Tank was going to have to do the
whole thing. Again, panic attack and nightmares all
night because I was worried about overfacing him. 

We went early on Sat. morning while it was nice and
cool and Tank was really feeling good. We did Section
A with only 2 minutes overtime thanks to Albert the
welsh pony who passed us, and Tank did not want to be
left behind. We completed Secion C, walk, with two
minutes to spare. He came into vet check with a great
pulse and respiration. I want to thank Vivian Creigh
for providing me with a conditioning program that
helped me get Tank in such great shape. He really came
through the first part well and was ready after his
rest break to do the next part. In Section E we got a
little lost in the 2nd obstacle but thought we came
through it OK and we got through the water hazard with
some hesitation but the guy did it. Obstacle 5 was
wrapped in waving American flags and with some
hesitation Tank finally went through it. Brave boy! We
had serious overtime in section E but made it through
and that was our goal. I was very proud of my Tank!
When we were scored we found that we had eliminated in
#2 and while my navigator was very dissapointed, I was
just happy that we had made it through.

Sunday, we had cones. Tank shied at the letters and we
had some penalties but we still came in 2nd in our
division. When we picked up our score sheets, we
discovered,after checking with the TD, that we had NOT
eliminated in #2. It was a scoring error, but since we
had had trouble in that obstacle we hadn't checked the
score sheet so it stood as a score but didn't change
our 2nd place standing anyway. Lesson learned! At
least Mickey felt better that we had not done the
obstacle wrong.

The really good news is that Open Prelim Pony was won
by a Fjord! Alexander Gibson, 15, and Sunflower of
Orange County, CA,  beat out about 10 other tough
competitors to win that division. They were beautiful
to watch. Gave Tank and I a model to emulate.

We learned a lot at Coolidge and will be even better
prepared when we go to the Old Pueblo in Tucson in
November. We had a lot of fun which was the main objective.

Cynthia Madden
Las Cruces, NM