This message is from: Gina Larson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello List--

I have been lurking for quite some time, but rarely
miss a digest.  The last chance I had to see real live
fjords was at the Midwest horse fair (I absolutely
fell in love with The Pines Dokka--darn, where's a
winning lottery ticket when you need one!)  Even
though my Chester is not a fjord, I wanted to let
everyone know that we were selected to be in the
August issue of Horse Illustrated for the "HI
Profile."  So check us out!  I know that at one time I
wanted to sell Chester (and buy a fjord!) but I am so
glad I stuck with it.  It took two years, but we have
developed a tremendous bond.  i moved him to a new
farm two months ago where he has blossomed.  Because
it is so much closer I am able to see and work with
him just about every day.  We have full access to 2
outdoor arenas, a round pen, and a gorgeous and huge
indoor arena.  There is a talented trainer there, and
an abundance of 4-Hers to help me out too!  The horses
there (mostly draft crosses) are also laid back and I
think that has helped Chester too (no more high strung
tb's).  I have to work full time to afford my horse,
but he sure gives me a reason to get through each work

I hope all are happy and well and enjoying your
horses.  I'm so happy summer is finally here in

Gina Larson
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