Barbed Wire

1999-06-24 Thread wcoli
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We have spent the past 24 years gradually ridding our farm of barbed 
wire which had been nailed to trees, etc. to keep the cattle in. We 
hate it too and agree that it is not good to have horses near it. 
Fortunately, the worst probllem we have had so far was about 7 years 
ago when two of our geldings got out into the sugarlot, and one of 
them ran into a short stretch between two trees. Although he 
sustained a couple of what looked like nasty cuts/scratches on his 
chest, we washed them out w/soapy water and then kept them covered in 
Blucoat, and they healed so well we can't even see where they were, 
even when they are in summer coats.
We love Blucoat for most wounds (except of course for real deep 
ones). It seems to even keep flies away.
I don't know if it's my imagination or not, these little beasties 
seem to have a thick skin (literally). 

Barbed Wire

1998-04-29 Thread Ingrid Ivic
This message is from: Ingrid Ivic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I asked, the family we board with didn't move him.  as he has tried
> unsucsessfully to jump the barbed wire fence before ( mentioned this
> earlier) I don't think he would try this, but there is a manure pile in
> that feild.  it  is built up on two sides, and slopes down to the ground
> on the other sides.  Either he jumped the barbed wire fence, or he
> climbed the pile  and simply popped down over the fence.
  Hi Allison...yes, aren't they something as far as being "escape
artists"? I would like to add however, I personally wouldn't keep a
horse in an area fenced with barbed wire...just too unsafe a fencing
material. I've seen a few horrible accidents where horses have been
ripped to shreds by the wire. I boarded at a place that had barbed wire
for fencing (not for long!) and my horse (the QH) was chased into the
fence, subsequently ripping a piece of flesh off his back in a strip
nearly 12 inches long. Not only did this render him useless for riding
that summer, but he developed an infection, nearly costing him his life.
Another horse there almost had a leg severed, when he became entangled,
also an awful thing to see. Thankfully, he allowed us to work him free
with wire cutters, he remained calm enough on the ground...shear luck!
He did survive, but had very bad scarring. This is just my opinion, not
a judgement of you. No offense meant. Ingrid