This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>From: vivian creigh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Date: Sun Aug 7, 2005  7:58:35 PM US/Eastern
>>Subject: GMHA Fjord brag! Excessively Long!
>>I just returned from GMHA CDE. I showed a Prelim pair, four in the class, 
>>two WB pairs and another pony pair.
>>Shiloh Simino showed her Hostar son in Training Single Horse and won 
>>dressage and was in first place after cones, today she must have had a 
>>good go as she stayed in first in a large competitive Horse class. She 
>>has been having a very successful year with her boy and I think we will 
>>be seeing a lot of her in the future.
>>My "Girls" had the best dressage score all classes and divisions with 42 
>>penalties, the next best score of the show was 55. They warmed up 
>>beautifully and were really good in the ring. I didn't even walk cones 
>>but was having so much fun driving the ponies that I was just giggling 
>>the whole round and only had one ball down. We ended Saturday 21 pts 
>>ahead of the second place  pair of Gelderlanders driven by Peter Bravmann 
>>which is a name some of you old timers on the list will certainly recognize.
>>Marathon today was certainly not my best effort. "The Girls" were not 
>>firing in and out of the hazards like they normally do and in the first 
>>hazard my reins were too long and I was definitely not on my game. 
>>Managed to get it together for the second hazard, the water, and had a 
>>decent go even with Nanja sucking back and being her normal weenie self. 
>>Thank you Nordy. In the third I took the short route to gate D between 
>>two trees and hit a large root hard bounced me straight out of my seat 
>>and I came back down on the side of the seat. OUCH! Thankfully my 
>>terrific navigator kept us upright and I managed to get back into the 
>>seat in time to make the turn. The rest went alright but not brilliant 
>>ponies were well ahead of time so we strolled into the finish all in good 
>>shape, although I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow. We won the marathon 5pts 
>>ahead of the second place pair which put us 26 pts ahead of the others in 
>>our class. We had the only combined score under 100 penalty points of the 
>>entire show and had fun doing it.
>>What made this all the sweeter was the fact that on Friday I was the test 
>>driver for a forum on what judges look for in dressage. Two licensed 
>>judges critiqued my test, I was driving a single, and the clinic 
>>participants got to ask questions about why they would award a certain 
>>score. The test was broken down into sections and I would drive several 
>>movement and then stop and tell the judges and participants what I 
>>thought was wrong and how I would score myself as I am also a licensed 
>>judge I lent perspective from the box seat. Both clinicians, Natasha 
>>Grigg and John Greenall felt the pony was not round enough in the first 
>>three movements and was poking her nose out above the vertical but was 
>>well engaged and just being evasive. A well known trainer from the New 
>>England area started to say that it was a breed related defect that 
>>prohibited Fjords from going correctly on the bit. I turned towards this 
>>gentleman and said "Let's not even go there". He left shortly thereafter, 
>>I believe somewhat embarrassed as
>>I corrected this flaw in subsequent movements and with Shiloh's and my 
>>stellar performance this weekend hopefully dispelled all notion that 
>>Fjords aren't every bit as capable as any other breed out there.
>>After 17 years of hearing the same drivel regarding the Fjords 
>>capabilities it has become less grating and more amusing especially when 
>>I am lucky enough to put these notions firmly to rest with a great 
>>performance. Of course the next outing may not be as successful as I am 
>>dealing with two equine individuals who may or may not share my delusions 
>>of grandeur and  except to savour my 15  minutes the slate will be wiped 
>>clean at our next outing.
>>Tuesday I am off to The Netherlands for the 50th Jubileum of the 
>>Fjordhorse in Holland. My husband will be performing at the welcoming 
>>party and I am looking forward to seeing some old and dear friends. Also 
>>heard from a friend who was at the Pony Worlds in England  that the 
>>Germans had a four in hand of Fjords on their team. Let's face it if the 
>>Germans thought enough of these ponies to put them on their team they 
>>must have been pretty good ponies! No breed prejudice just good well 
>>trained equine athletes  doing their job!!!! Yeah!!! The single pony 
>>entry from Poland was a Haflinger not a Fjord and the front wheels were 
>>off the ground because marathon vehicles are as light as possible and 
>>when the groom sits back on the back step going uphill they tend to tip 
>>backwards. In the total scheme of things not a big deal.
>>I'm off to the barn. Good times with these remarkably resilient ponies.
>>Vivian Creigh

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