This message is from: DMTFarms FjordFarm <>

I have a wonderful fjord mare, 8 years old, who has been my therapy horse
for disabled students for almost 4 years.  One student prefers to trail
ride, so we have an awesome 1600 acres adjacent to where I board Honey and
her brother Rex.

Last year we were trail riding.  I walk with the students mother, and
student rides Honey.  We came to a section of trail we had been on dozens of
times previously.  Honey began stamping both feet simultaniously, and
shaking her head.  I immediately thought of bees and said "Lets get out of
here!"  We trotted off through some tight trail for 200 yards or so.  When
we stopped, I looked her over and found 4 -5 bee stings, between her front
    She's awesome.  When she had the chance to blow up, she held it
together, and gave me the message to get out of there.  We left that trail
alone until weather got cold.
    She also is willing to be 'dragged' around by weenie kids.  She just
follows them around like the reliable fjord she is.  Solid, dependable,
honest, and when in trouble, tells me without panic, something is wrong.
Honey the super horse of the Year, in my book.

Mel Thomas
Snohomish, WA

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