This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you Patti Jo for your post on the BE show.

It was another great show, Again I want to thank everyone who braved the gas pumps and maxed out credit cards to attend. I also want to thank all of you who sponsored classes and the great group of volunteers, whom every year step up and go beyond the call of duty

We ended up with 86 horses and over 700 entries.

Using an Open Show judge with no political affiliations turned out to a good call. Out of a bit over 100 members attending I had two individuals with issues - so it would be safe to say we had a 98% approval rating? After the show in a private conversation with the judge he said he came away with an enormous appreciation for the Fjord breed and our members in particular, the versatility of the breed, the quality of horses, exhibitors and the family-like atmosphere of the entire show. I believe if we are trying to change the open show worlds opinion about the Fjords we just lite one candle that will burn for a long time.

With that said the 08 show is packed away - and I am working on the 09 show as we speak.

HOWEVER!!! I am also working on the 2010 show now as well - that is the MWFHC 25th Anniversary Show - which will be at the Blue Earth grounds in conjunction with the 150th Anniversary of the Fairbaught County Fair - the 2nd oldest county fair in Minnesota.

I am working with some major national/international corporate sponsors whom share my enthusiasm. I am also working with a national known trainer who will be taking a Fjord - training it - into his act and we will be raffling the Fjord off afterwards - and someone will end up with a very special horse.

I wish I could give more details, but I ASSURE you - you will all be surprised and will want to be in Blue Earth in July 2010. This is going to be an event to thank YOU.............the exhibitors & volunteers who have supported our humble efforts for 25 years with a show, at the same place, with the same atmosphere and with the same heartfelt "try" - it is important to me to show my appreciation to all you as individuals - who come every year, have attended in the past or always wanted to come.

Lastly I cannot end this post without mentioning my family.

I've been showing horses for somewhere near 43 years, I have been privileged to have worked as a private trainer with some great horses - and stood in line - in front of some big name trainers - in shows with more entries than there are Fjords in North America.

But I have NEVER felt more proud, felt happier, or more accomplished - then when I see Robin in the ring smiling, and Gary laughing - seeing them both showing and having them both there with me just doesn't get better than that.

With Sincere appreciation to all of you,
Pat Holland

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