Re: Board, evaluations, education

1998-09-26 Thread Mike May
This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 11:42 PM 9/25/98 -0400, you wrote:
>This message is from: Julia Will <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Hello all;  This is Julie Will, the NFHR Board Vice President.  First let
>me say that I am delighted to hear so much commentary on this mailing
> many interested Fjord owners!  We need interested, active owners
>to be involved in the growth of this breed!  I have just been elected for
>my second term on the Board (thank you!) and can attest to the following:
>I have received direct input from members on issues the Board was dealing
>with perhaps twice in three years.  However, since being on this mailing
>list, I have printed and forwarded to the appropriate persons all relevant
>comments on issues that the NFHR needs to consider.  In the time I have
>been on the Board, we have:

Great message Julie.  Thanks for that rundown.  It sounds like a lot of
work when it is all put together like that.  And IT WAS!

>Joel ~ yes, your situation was discussed by the Board.  I am familier with
>it.  Perhaps the Board member who had not heard about it was not on the
>Board at the time it was discussed.  
I decided to just ignore him this time.  ;-)  Thanks


Board, evaluations, education

1998-09-25 Thread Julia Will
This message is from: Julia Will <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello all;  This is Julie Will, the NFHR Board Vice President.  First let
me say that I am delighted to hear so much commentary on this mailing many interested Fjord owners!  We need interested, active owners
to be involved in the growth of this breed!  I have just been elected for
my second term on the Board (thank you!) and can attest to the following:
I have received direct input from members on issues the Board was dealing
with perhaps twice in three years.  However, since being on this mailing
list, I have printed and forwarded to the appropriate persons all relevant
comments on issues that the NFHR needs to consider.  In the time I have
been on the Board, we have:
A) Advanced (not perfected...still working toward that!) the evaluation
system and there is extensive information in the evaluation handbook on
each test, what is expected, what the pattern is, how it is scored, etc.
etc.  I assume (please correct me if I am wrong???) that each person who
enters a horse in an evaluation receives this information.  At one of the
recent evaluations, a participant was heard to say "I haven't even looked
at the test...what am I supposed to do?" 
B) We have written the first American Breed Standard, which was just
approved by the Board this past Wednesday night and will soon appear on the
NFHR web-site, and in the Herald.  
C) We have written a "Judges Handbook" which will be published shortly, now
that the final wording of the Breed Standard is complete and can be
included in the handbook.  This includes rules for various classes.
D)  We have provided funds and direction for presentation of the breed at
Equitana, three years in a row, each year better, thanks to the efforts of
many members and volunteers.  (Promotion on a National level.)

E)  We have established contact with the NFA are are making progress
solving the dilemma of two registries.  
F)  We have set up DNA testing to replace bloodtyping. 
G)  We have upgraded Mike May's position to full time registrar, in order
to keep up with the growing volume of tasks to be completed.
H)  We have approved a new software system that will allow us to print a
Studbook.  This will be in place within the month.
I)  We have just approved  NFHR membership in Fjord Horse International, a
Norwegian based organization to promote the Fjord horse, provide education,
train judges, etc.

Yes, your Board is made up of volunteers who don't always get things done
in record time.  Our conference calls last well into the night each month,
and we do spend a great deal of time working on NFHR matters.  We seek and
welcome input from members;  we are thrilled that members and area groups
are putting on shows, clinics, fun events and educational events, and when
funds to assist these events are requested, they are generally approved.  I
will be happy to continue to take your thoughts, suggestions, complaints
and other info to the Board, not all of whom are on this list.  (It is not
at this time a requirement for election to the Board.)

Joel ~ yes, your situation was discussed by the Board.  I am familier with
it.  Perhaps the Board member who had not heard about it was not on the
Board at the time it was discussed.  

The Herald is an open forum for articles and information.  Sally Webber
welcomes input from the membership.  We have lots of talented,
knowledgeable fjord folks out there...WRITE!  EDUCATE!  SHARE your
knowledge!  Sally will publish your articles.  Brian Jacobson, Lindsay
Sweeney and many other owners or breeders have taken the time and effort to
write great, educational articles for the Herald.   Publishing the Herald
is where a lot of the NFHR  go...make use of it!   

Write or email your Board Directors.  Volunteer to help put on clinics or
evaluations.  The one thing I have heard from each person who has organized
an evaluation was how much WORK it was, and how little help was offered!  I
personally am scared to death to tackle the job of putting on an evaluation
in New York State.  These wonderful people who have organized the
evaluations have given innumerable hours to the task...all volunteer.   It
takes all of us working together to make progress.  

Thanks for listening.  Julie