Re: Bonnie's Progress

2004-08-15 Thread Karen Keith

This message is from: "Karen Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The thing that came to mind for me with the blistered tongue description is 
vesicular stomatitis (VS), of which there is an outbreak in some of the 
Western States.  (I can't remember where Bonnie.)

Here's a description taken from a website:

Vesicular stomatitis

Disease and cause
Vesicular stomatitis (VS) is an infectious viral disease of a number of 
species that is characterised by blisters in the mouth and on the feet and 
teats. The lesions are clinically indistinguishable from those of 
foot-and-mouth disease. The disease causes significant economic losses in 
livestock. VS is caused by a virus belonging to the family Rhabdoviridae.

Species affected
Clinical disease occurs in cattle, horses and pigs. Sheep and goats can be 
infected experimentally but natural disease is rare. Many species of 
American wildlife are susceptible to VS including deer, raccoon and skunks. 
Humans can become infected with VS resulting in an influenza-like disease.


Vesicles in the mouth may cause the animal to chomp its jaws, drool, and rub 
its mouth on the manger or other objects. Lesions on the coronary band can 
cause lameness.

Google vesicular stomatitis to read more.


Wow!  sure sounds strange!  with the blisters in her mouth and tongue, 
it>does sound like something she may have eaten..Is there a plant on the 
place>that could have caused it?

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Re: Bonnie's Progress

2004-08-14 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wow!  sure sounds strange!  with the blisters in her mouth and tongue, it
does sound like something she may have eaten..Is there a plant on the place
that could have caused it? More research into possible mycotoxins would be
good, too.

It sounds like Bonnie is very lucky to have YOU! She will be very special
to you after all this.

Good luck with her!

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska

>I think that covers everything with the bonnie update this time.
>Oh there is new updated pictures of Bonnie and Streak (in General) on 

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Bonnie's Progress

2004-08-14 Thread LLStara117
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OK here goes...

Bonnie's "fat rolls" as I had called them swelled up so she looked really 
fat, she had liquid edema. Then over the next few days it seeped thru her skin, 
drained out, and then her skin shrinked.

That all happend in about a weeks time.

The cause is still unknown for sure. Vet said alergic reaction to fly bites. 
But it did not look lumpy like fly bites. did not look like hives. Just entire 
swelling! Others think it was mycotoxins. Or she ate something toxic to 
horses. Inside her mouth she also had blisters on her tongue.

There are pictures found at that show the 
days progress of that condition she experienced.

I found a farrier who would trim her the way I asked, and he made his first 
visit about 10 days ago. She was lame prior to the trim, (I think she might 
have been foundering again, or just lame due to the long feet, there was heat 
her feet) she is still sore from the trim on the fronts, but not as bad as 

To top this all off, I had thought she tried to kick her pasture buddy, 
Streak. I noticed she had swelled up in her right hind leg, from the hoof to 
hock. This started 2 days ago. I had her on bute for the pain. There was heat 
her fetlock and a little in the hock. NOne in the hoof. She was not even 
trying to put weight on it.

Well this morning I thought a turkey pooped on her foot. But as I inspected 
it better, I noticed she had a Gravel that busted thru the coronary band! So I 
hope with that over, she will soon be sound!

I tell ya, if its not one thing, it's another! But THIS is why I got her for 
free... and I love her anyway.

She does not love her pasture buddy. He's more of a kicking bag to her. So 
I'm taking on a boarder for the winter, another gelding, and just put up a new 
pasture for the 2 geldings, so they can graze. That will leave Bonnie with her 
goat, in her dry lot, and she won't have reason to kick nobody!

Also, when Bonnie is sound, I'd like to see if she drives... I don't know how 
to drive, but I'd like to see if she can/knows how. My longterm idea is get a 
harness and sled, and do rides this winter on the sled! It sounds like so 
much fun.

Anyone willing to share some things I could do to see if Bonnie knows what 
she is doing?

I think that covers everything with the bonnie update this time.

Oh there is new updated pictures of Bonnie and Streak (in General) on I have not updated the pics of her feet after 
this last 
trim, it was storming that day, and no one wanted to be outside longer than 
they had to, and I admit, I forgot!