Re: Carol and bloodlines

1999-02-19 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 2/18/99 19:46:29 Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<<   Maybe I'd be the only one to read it,  but I'd probably wear it out just
like her other book.  I think even if the  day comes that I know as much as
she does there will still be something to  learn.
 I also enjoy hearing people talk about the horses they love.  I think she is
 honestly expressing how she feels and isn't trying to deceive anyone. >>

Nope. I'd read it too.  I'm going through the Carol's book for the second time
myself.  There's a lot of good stuff in there, and only one real thing I'd
disagree with.  But it's my personal preference.I'll bring it up for the
sake of discussion.  I know there are several of you who also believe in the
same thing Carol does that I don't.  This issue is standing stalls.  They just
don't make sense to me.  I KNOW they've been used widely in Europe, and have
seen a dear racehorse owner here in Oregon (who bred a lot of good horses that
ran in Kentucky and California) who is now departed, and she, with all her
other facilities had some standing stalls too.  But they just don't seem right
to me.  

It was interesting and intriguing to me to hear how Carol came to using them,
and why they are used and how they don't cause a problem.  But to me, it
doesn't make sense to tie up a horse instead of stalling them in box stalls.
They are grazing animals, meant to move, be on the move.  And tieing seems to
be just the opposite of what they need.  Plus, I'm slightly (well very) phobic
when it comes to tieing horses in a stall.  I lost my first horse when a
trainer left his halter on him and left him (unbeknownst to me).  He got stuck
on a gate latch and broke his neck.  After this experience I only use leather
halters, and I never leave them on a horse unattended.

Anyway, it was a GREAT book.  After all, I could only find one issue that I
really disagree with.  And it is an excellent book for those just getting into
horses.  A lot of good, solid information in there.


Carol and bloodlines

1999-02-18 Thread Dianna Saleh
This message is from: "Dianna Saleh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re:  Carol and bloodlines.

I'd like to say that I find everything Carol has to say very interesting.
I'd love to hear more.  I e-mailed her and told her I'd like it if she'd
write a book about Fjord bloodlines.  Maybe I'd be the only one to read it,
but I'd probably wear it out just like her other book.  I think even if the
day comes that I know as much as she does there will still be something to

I also enjoy hearing people talk about the horses they love.  I think she is
honestly expressing how she feels and isn't trying to deceive anyone.

Just as we're proud when our children accomplish good things we can also be
when our horses go on to accomplish good things, whatever they may be.   I
was glad to share in her joy.

Dianna Saleh
Fawn Creek Fjord Horses