Re: News from Beaver Dam Farm - Catching up

2009-09-26 Thread Beaver Dam Farm

This message is from: "Beaver Dam Farm" 

Hello Everybody from  Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -

Since I haven't posted in about 2 years, there's a lot of catching up to do.
But, don't worry.  I'm not going to detail two years of news.  --  Just from
last summer to tomorrow.

We had a wonderful summer with exciting things happening on the farm, and
lots of great guests, both business guests, plus friends and family.
Bob Giles, horseman/showman extraordinaire was with us for two months.  --
Practcally before his huge rig stopped rolling, he was asking us if we'd
like to have a show while he was at the farm.  --  In fact, Bob had two
shows in mind -  one a demonstration open to the public, and the other a
mini CDE for his training clients and for me with BDF Quasar.  --  The
Show/Demo happened on July 2nd, and it attracted over 100 people.  --  Bob
had arrived  with 2 Gypsy Vanner mares, plus his huge Percheron mare, Lexie,
and also FRF Barnikel (Gjest x Ruth- Myrstein) , the 4 yr. old gelding Bob's
been training and showing in CDEs. --  I had lined up some horses to come in
to train with Bob.  There were 2 Cheval Canadians, 1 Irish Draught, and 2

We had a big group of interns for the summer, and Bob was soon organizing
them to appear in the show.  One girl was a whiz at music and it was decided
that all our demos would be done to some really "up" jazzy music.  --  For
instance, Bob did a tandem demo with the Gypsies and the music was "Take the
A Train" by Duke Ellington.  Very fitting.  --

Two girls rode two big geldings in a "pas de deux" to music of The Jackson
Five, "Rockin' Robin.  --  Another girl jumped a gelding also to music.  I
drove a dressage test with BDF Quasar  (Gjest x Holly - Solar) to a Jacquel
Brel tune.  The music was very masculine and fitted big, brawny Quasar.

The owners of the Gypsy Vanner mares, Bill and Debby Ricci were staying with
us, and both Bill and I got to stand in front of the crowd and talk about
our special breeds.  --  That afternoon, Debby had gone to town and bought a
tub of lobsters, so after the show was over about 9 pm, we sat down to a
feast.  --  Some local musicians came by, and one young man played the
spoons while his mother step danced.  --  It was a colorful, musical, really
fun evening, and local people have been talking about it ever since.   --
Two weeks after that, was Highland Games Week in our town of Antgonish.  Bob
drove the pair of Gypsies, and I rode with him.

Bob is "Mr. Enthusiasm", and he loved driving all over our farm, and I do
mean "All Over".  He took trails with the horses and carriage that I'd never
attempted.  He admitted that some of them were a bit rough, so he fixed that
by hauling in gravel and manure and making the trails smooth and safe.
WE've always had wonderful trails and lots of them.  Now we have even more.
The possiblities for training and conditioning have been greatly enhanced
thanks to Mr. Bob Giles and his years of experience in combiend driving.  --
Every morning, Bob would go out with me and give me pointers on cones,
hazards and dressage.  It was wonderful.  --  Quasar proved himself again
and again.  He was truly a delight to drive.

We are still welcoming horse people to VACATION at Beaver Dam Farm, but
we're doing some things differently.  --  For 30 years, we've had nothing
but Fjordhorses at Beaver Dam Farm.  So, this year with the black and white
horses, the dapple grey Percheron, the black Cheval Canadians, and the
chestnut Irish Draught, things looked different here.  --  You wouldn't have
believed the reaction of our Fjords to the Gypsy Vanners.  --  They were
well and truly spooked.  --  They couldn't believe their eyes.  --  However,
that passed, but it was not instantaneous.  --  It took a week or so for the
Fjords to get used to these strange horses.  However, they did.

This summer, people came to BDF, rented either the Carriage House Loft, or
the Charming Cottage.  They came for a FAMILY FARM VACATION.  It was much
more laid back than the more structured offerings we'd done for almost 20
years, and truly, I loved it, and enjoyed myself immensely.  I did a little
teaching, but not on a daily basis.  --  It all worked out really well, and
I even started going on trailrides with some of the guests, which I found I
loved, and have been an idiot not to have ridden in all these years.

Two of our grandchildren came to visit the farm from CA.  Clayton is 14 and
loved riding on the Gator and the golf cart.  He also rode with Bob and the
Gypsy Vanners.  And, Bob taught Clayton defense moves learned from his years
as a Marine in Vietnam, and his 22 years as a police officer.  --  Grace, 10
years old rides in CA, but as she said . . . "At my stable a trailride is to
leave the ring, ride to the big tree, and come back."  Her dream was to go

Re: Catching Up

2006-10-16 Thread KateSeidel
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sandra - not good enough to just say "We've participated in horse  camping".  
I want to hear the details!!
By the way, my daughter has insisted that we let Joe grow out what we call  
the "Loki handle grip" portion of mane!

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Catching up

2006-10-15 Thread sandra church
This message is from: "sandra church" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi-I've finally caught up with the reading of several months of posts &
whew, many of you have been very busy!  Loki & I have been enjoying some
unique ventures.  We had a blast last summer at the Fjord Fun Festival at
Blowing Rock & plan to go back next year.  We've participated in horse
camping & in trail obstacle clinics  & trail riding at unique places such
as Chippokes Plantation where we could ride on the sandy beach of the
James River and we rode at Hogs Island Wildlife Refuge.  What an
experience to have to go through the Surry Nuclear Power Plant check
point to get to the refuge...serious looking men with big guns checked
out everything for explosives!  Although we don't show, we get to do a
variety of fun things.  I do have a question...does anyone know how Alex
Wind is doing?  I've emailed her but haven't heard back.  So Alex, if
you're reading are you??? Just wanted to say "Hi" to
everyone.   Sandra & Loki in Va.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

catching up

2005-11-21 Thread WHUPDDU
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Lisa and Laura
You were great guest. I loved having you and you are welcome anytime!. It  
was nice having everyone over. What great conversation we had...Fjord Talk. It  
wasn't hard to find something to talk about in that group. Always my favorite  
Take Care and hope to see you soon,
23355 Modoc  Ct
Gavilan Hills, CA 92570

RE: Catching Up

2005-11-19 Thread Laura Kranzusch

This message is from: "Laura Kranzusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 15:39:59 EST
Subject: Catching Up

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi List !

 I wanted to write here and THANK some good Fjord friends in CA. for 
a get-together for my friend Laura Kranzusch and I while we were visiting 
Calif. last month. Kathy Kramer, and her husband Steve invited us and a 

bunch of other Fjord folks over to talk Fjords, exchange pictures, and see
her beautiful ranch facilities.

I second this THANK YOU to Kathy and Steve Kramer for hosting such a nice 
get together.  I am relatively new to Fjord ownership having bought my first 
Fjord one year ago.  It was nice to meet other Fjord owners and lovers.

Also a BIG THANK YOU to Lisa and Jeff Pedersen for hosting me in Utah for a 
week in October.  What a great time we had seeing all the beautiful sights 
of southern Utah, and or course playing with and riding her Fjords! Lisa 
took me on my first real trail ride in a LONG time.  And when I say trails, 
I MEAN trails in the mountains!  Quite different from what I am used to in 
FLAT Green Bay, WI!!! It was also nice to ride her horses on the FLAT 

Thank you Lisa and Jeff for showing me such a wonderful time!!!

-Laura Kranzusch

Catching Up

2005-11-18 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Hi List !  

  I wanted to write here and THANK some good Fjord friends in CA. for hosting 
a get-together for my friend Laura Kranzusch and I while we were visiting So. 
Calif. last month. Kathy Kramer, and her husband Steve invited us and a whole 
bunch of other Fjord folks over to talk Fjords, exchange pictures, and see 
her beautiful ranch facilities. 

   Kathy and Steve are getting into Fjords in a big way, and Jeff had already 
visited and drove her good team of Fjords she bought from Woody Hoopes. Kathy 
is also collecting quite a colorfull Fjord stable, with brown, grey and white 
duns with some pretty impressive bloodlines. I look for her to be a major 
player in future breeding and driving with her Fjords ! 

   Kathy outdid herself with a spread of food like I havnt seen in awhile, 
and her generosity is very much appreciated. It was so nice connecting with 
old friends like Margret Strachan who years ago bought her first Fjords from 
us ( Village Farm Fjords which we got to go tour after eating, also seeing 
some outstanding Fjords there ! ) and putting faces to some other friends who I 
have written to for years. The people who made time to travel to this 
get-together are : Cheryl Rose, Bitten and Henrik Nors, Richard and Joann 
Wilgus, Rondi 
Tyler, Margret Strakchen and Barry Sheinbaum ( who rode Halston for 
us.Ive wanted HIM for years.the FJORD, not Barry  ; )   ) Beverly 
Lloyd, Laura 
and I, and Steve and Kathy Kramer. 

   Laura and I were truely humbled by all the fuss and hope to repeat 
sometime in the future. Esp. if the Kramers are hosting !!! 

We even spent the night when the commute back to UTAH seemed too long on 
such full stomach's, and with the fog, so the extended hospitality went well 
into the evening. THANKS again, everyone.good friends and fellow Fjord 
lovers  !

Lisa Pedersen 

Helmets and catching up

2002-08-17 Thread Foxfire Farm
This message is from: "Foxfire Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have to agree with what's been said about helmets. Like getting in the car
without a seat belt.
We have Troxel Legacy Gold Helmets here... hunter green... very fashionable,
with slots for air circulation.
Wear them for riding and driving. Always! We also have black velvet hunt
caps from previous lives of!
We allow no one to ride here without a helmet...and discourage riding
on/through our land without one.
Last year my son and his SO (he a non-rider, she said she had ridden a lot)
were here for vacation and I insisted on her wearing a helmet. She resisted,
made fun of the idea and my son for complying, said they were for sissies.
I gave her a choice, wear a helmet or don't ride, it's the rule here. (along
with shoes/boots with a heel or you ride with no stirrups.)
After much whining, she gave in to the helmet wearing, they were out in one
of the pastures, just walking around. One of those B-52 Bomber bugs landed
on Tomas' butt and he did a lttle buck. She was off instantly, landed on her
shoulder and head, and was fine. I had to bite my tongue to keep from
laughing as I asked "Are you okay?" We get no more grief about helmets from
her... but she still blames Tomas. LOL!

When our old website was up I had this helmet link on it, and will be adding
it to the new site...

Have not been doing much with horses, our  trainer suffered a broken arm and
shoulder in June(different sides... ouch) , as a result of a green horse
(non-fjord) who dumped his rider during a lesson. Trainer caught the horses'
reins to prevent escape, horse swung around, jerked reins out of trainer's
hands and as he took off kicked out at her, and caught her with a back foot
in the shoulder, which knocked her down resulting in the opposite arm being
broken. She was lucky, the horse missed her head. 30 years as a trainer and
these are her first broken bones.
I am recovering from pinched nerve in my back (causing the cancellation of
our trip to Galena to see Evaluations) so have been pretty useless! Pinched
nerve came while vacuuming... not from horses! That'll teach me to clean
house! Can't even lead a horse right now... get to go out once a day and pet
noses through fence...good thing I can see them from the house!

Since I am so far behind in reading list, Congratulations on all new foals!
Look at as many pics as possible!

Betsy & Jer Patryjak
Foxfire Farm

> From: "Anneli Sundkvist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Helmets
Personally, I feel naked without my helmet.
> Anneli

Catching up

2002-04-28 Thread John & Eunice Bosomworth
This message is from: "John & Eunice Bosomworth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Busy with spring planting, fencing, etc ---catching up on some on some
This sentence caught my attention

> >By manure sites, do you mean horse made or people made?  >>

The people made  ones  would they be in the outhouse?   :>)  :>)

Our new foals  ... filly (10 days old) and colt (1 week old) ... are doing

Thanks  Mike,  for sharing An Apology to a Friend.
In many everyday happenings we fail to take the time to express
our appreciation or give praise  to others most deserving.

-cold, wet and threatening to SNOW again!

Fjordally yours,  Eunice

Deere Country Fjords--- where visitors are always welcome!
Ayton, Ontario, CANADA

Just catching up!

1998-11-16 Thread Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/UNEBR
This message is from: Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks to the mention I made of a cart for sale on the list, it is sold
locally to Amy & Steve White, who along with us make up the 4 members of
the Omaha Fjord Horse Club. They will use the cart for their Fjord. I hope
they will have as much fun with it as I have. I can't wait for my new cart,
and now I will have room for it when it is ready in March. To those others
of you who inquired about the cart, many thanks for your interest. If you
are interested in the name of the Amish carriage maker I found for my new
one please e-mail me and I will give you  his address. He about 40-50 miles
west of Dubuque, IA.

Steve and I hitched up our various carts yesterday and went for a nice fall
drive. The new rock road put in a couple of months ago for deer hunters has
now worn to almost perfect smoothness and makes for a good road. I hope it
will hold up in the Spring and allow more access to trails than we had last
Spring. Steve's Morgan, Pferd, really makes Tank huff and puff to keep up,
but I don't have too much sympathy for him. If the weather is not too bad,
we will have really good roads when the deer hunting season(bow & arrow)
finishes in December. Maybe I'll be able to get a head start on getting
fatso ready for Spring.

Thanks to Julie Will for communicating so effectively with the NFHR on
behalf of FH-L members and I think it's great she will act as board liaison
to the list.

There has been much good discussion lately and Steve me tells the list
continues to add new members. This has been such fun!  Welcome those of you
who have recently joined and those of you who have recently dared to expose
yourself for the first time.

Happy trails!

Cynthia Madden, Coordinator
Office of Sponsored Programs & Research
University of Nebraska at Omaha