Re: club foot surgery

2003-03-23 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My gelding's club foot was not something he was born with.  It was an end 
result, from a shoulder & sternum injury that he incurred at 12 days old.  
Due to the lack of walking normally during his fast growth stage (before 3 
months of age) the ligament shorted, keeping the heel from dropping down 
where it should.  We did have surgery done to see if we could get that heel 
down, hoping just cutting the inferior check ligament would do it.  It did 
let it down some...but did not result in the out come my vet had hoped for.  
We then tried glue on shoes for a time...and it did get some of the rest of 
the his weight, off his toe, though my vet was not happy with the results of 
that either.  My vet did mention cutting the flexor tendon...but I felt this 
was just too extreme. At this point he was bobbing a bit at the walk...and 
though his trot was shortened, you really had to watch him to tell he wasn't 
traveling normally.  He was still resting on that toe a lot, and not putting 
his full weight down on that heel.  I didn't like seeing him like this My 
next approach (here comes the scoffers :-) ) was to contact a Shamanic 
Healer.  She did a healing session on him.  One of the things she found was 
that his right hip was out of joint. After his session, He immediately stood 
taller in the rear his heel came all the way downall the time, not 
just sometimes, and he stopped bobbing.  He moved like he was a normal horse 
again. His heel is down, and though his foot shape is messed up I feel he's 
moving comfortably and can run and play like the other horses now.
I had asked, earlier, about "what club foot surgery?" thinking there was 
something maybe I hadn't heard about yet...guess not.  Modern medicine is 
great...but sometimes it needs a little help outside that realm :)
Thank you,

Club Foot Surgery

2003-03-23 Thread Sweetmule56
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Aimee, I see that there are replies as to what is actually done for the club 
foot surgery, so I won't repeat. Sorry to see that Steve has not had good 
success with the husband has done many, all with success, and 
many with amazing success.  There are many variables, however, and sometimes 
it may just be a crap shoot as to the outcome..but we have seen it work 
many times, with ecstatic clients.  I am sure that there have been 
extenuating circumstances with the horses that have had club foot surgery 
that Steve speaks of, just as there have been other types of cases that have 
not gone as planned here, as well, despite all of our best efforts.
   The younger the horse is when the surgery is performed will allow for 
greater success of this type of surgery.  However, even with older horses 
there has been some degree of improvement.
   Has anyone actually been x-raying their Fjord's feet to determine what 
an average angle of correct alignment is versus other breedsand worked 
with their vet on this?  I think it was very well put by others on this List 
that the feathering on the legs can be misleading as to the true angle of the 
hoof and pastern alignment.  Feet are a very important issue at our clinic, 
and my husband works with some of the finest farriers in this 
country..and has worked at actual farrier education seminars to enlighten 
the farriers as to what the vets are looking at, and how the development of 
the veterinarian/farrier relationship is essential to the well being of the 
horse.  This veterinarian/farrier relationship has been an ongoing 
educational process encouraged by the veterinary organizations and the 
farrier organizations.  Can you tell I have had to listen to all of this for 
a while???  (VBG!!!)
 Carole Sweet   Modesto, CA

Re: Club Foot Surgery

2003-03-22 Thread whitedvm
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In my experience, the club foot surgery (cutting the inferior check
ligament) has been unrewarding.  It corrects the problem for a little
while, but then the foot returns to being clubbed again.


Steve White, DVM
Sport Horse Veterinary Service
Gretna, NE

Club Foot Surgery

2003-03-22 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 3/22/03 7:59:57 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Aimee,
>Just wondering, in case anyone has a great vet and wants to take a 
> chance on your gelding...  What does your vet say his chances are for 
> the 
> club foot surgery?
Hi Carole,
Was just wondering what club foot surgery you referred too? 