This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

this message is from Mike & Joyce Cook @ West Church Fjords/Swanton,Ohio
Hi Everyone,
                  Just wanted to let everyone know Joyce and I went to visit
Dave Schneider and came home with one of his geldings, a Smuckers Pairs
harness, A Smuckers Singles Harness and a Stolzfuss Country Gig!!!!!
                   Dave still has another Fjord gelding left for
sale...incredibly trained for driving in any style you'd like, the gelding
also is ridden by children. He has a stud for sale as well. This stud looks
very good and if you're interested, the stud shows great tempermant, drives
and rides with children. Seems to be very safe and QUIET! Dave came to Swanton
yesterday to give Joyce and myself some pointers in driving. This gentleman
CAN drive anything, anywhere. He has some vehicles left for sale that are
outstanding. Most notably a swedish made, 200 year old wagonette that is just
GORGEOUS! He and his father have quite a collection of vehicles there in
Strongsville, Oh. They are switching to a different breed for driving and I
believe David said they were going to focus on marathoning. Anyway, it was
neat to see what they have and the Fjord gelding we purchased,Jerry, is a
gentlemen in front of this Country Gig! Boy did we look "SMART" yesterday
going through the park!
                 On a different subject, I totaly agree with Cynthia Madden in
her beliefs on the evaluation subject.
                 Kudos to Wayne Hipsley for lending more expert info on the
"Evaluation Process".
                 Don't you just love this time of year when it cools off, the
bugs start disappearing and you can ride or drive these wonderfull horses till
your hearts content?  Joyce and I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                                         Best Regards,
& Joyce Cook
Church Fjords

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