This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all -

I just wanted to let everyone know that Doug is fused and collared! The
surgery went very well and he is feeling much better than expected. He has
no pain down his arm now, and almost no numbness. He did have to sacrifice
his beard, as it was to "scritchy." I will miss it.

We interviewed some neat young folks today who will come and help us out
while Doug is less useful than usual. He's still very ornamental, though.
Thank you to everyone who wished him well and shared their [cold] fusion
experiences with us. One of the new helpers even has had a fusion. It's
"in." I think he will be wishing he had done this sooner, but better late
than never.... The Doc even said he probably will be able to ride after he
recovers. That's great, because he hasn't been able to ride before.

We are getting approx. 135 hits/week on our web site since we put up the new
pictures. Thanks to all of you who have been contributing photos. Keep 'em
coming! I have to confess that the "mystery woman" riding Sadie is me, but I
couldn't bear to show that particular moment of equestrian ineptitude to the
world, so I just showed sweet Sadie.

Sue S., my heart goes out to you at this time. Your friend was much too
young to go - how very sad. My support to you in your grief.

Bye for now - Peg Knutsen

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