Re: Dryland Distemper

2003-03-28 Thread GAIL RUSSELL
This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A minor update on my guy, that I began wondering about with the dryland
distemper.  Vet came...and figures he just got kicked and now has a
persisting serum pocket.  May take a while to get rid of it, but he is
otherwise healthy enough.

Re: Dryland Distemper

2003-03-27 Thread Karen Keith

This message is from: "Karen Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Pigeon fever has nothing to do with birds.  It's called pigeon fever because 
a majority of abscesses are in the chest/ventral area, and the puffiness of 
the swellings are reminiscent of a pigeon's breast.


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Re: Dryland Distemper

2003-03-27 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


"Pigeon Fever" is called that because the abcesses are often on the
breast/chest area resembling a "pigeon breast"  They are not caused by
Pigeons! Just thought I would make that clear.  Otherwise I have no ideas
what's going on there.

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, still cold but sunny.  (Now we're COLDER than
normal after a WARMER than normal winter.  Figures!)

>Now I am wondering if my bit Trakehner has "pigeon" problems.  A bird had
>been nesting over where he liked to stand.  I was cleaning bird droppings
>off his left hip.  Sometime later I noticed there was a wavy spot in the
>hair and heat plus fluid dripping from the about six inch by six area.  I
>showed it to the Vet last winter and he could not make out what it was.  Now
>it is smaller, still a bit warm but not leaking but the hair is still not
>right. Showed it to the Vet again and asked if it might be from the
>treatment of the sarcoids.  I continue to treat the small area by the sheath
>left from the sarcoids. He did not think so but did not think it was a
>problem.. Now I wonder if I should expect eruptions elsewhere?Jean

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Re: Dryland Distemper

2003-03-27 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Now I am wondering if my bit Trakehner has "pigeon" problems.  A bird had
been nesting over where he liked to stand.  I was cleaning bird droppings
off his left hip.  Sometime later I noticed there was a wavy spot in the
hair and heat plus fluid dripping from the about six inch by six area.  I
showed it to the Vet last winter and he could not make out what it was.  Now
it is smaller, still a bit warm but not leaking but the hair is still not
right. Showed it to the Vet again and asked if it might be from the
treatment of the sarcoids.  I continue to treat the small area by the sheath
left from the sarcoids. He did not think so but did not think it was a
problem.. Now I wonder if I should expect eruptions elsewhere?Jean

Jean Walters Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
Author:The Colonel's Daughter
$20 PO Box 104
Montesano, WA 98563

Re: Dryland Distemper

2003-03-26 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 01:03 PM 3/26/2003 +1100, you wrote:

This message is from: "Karen Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Could be, Gail.  I never knew the donkey had it until the abscess burst.

Here's a link with some photos as well as info:

Well this doesn't sound anything like Strangles then.  Here is a page that 
gives the symptoms of Strangles.  Looks like Distemper & Pigeon fever are 
the same though.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Executive Director & Registrar
PO Box 685
Webster, NY  14580-0685

Voice 585-872-4114
FAX 585-787-0497

Re: Dryland Distemper

2003-03-25 Thread Karen Keith

This message is from: "Karen Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Could be, Gail.  I never knew the donkey had it until the abscess burst.  
Hers was right on the midline where a girth would go (HA! like that donkey 
ever wears a girth!), and she's got such a fuzzy belly and she's only 11 
hands so I never saw the swelling.  She certainly was not off her feed or 
feeling sick.  Could be just strong donkey constitution.  My trainer's horse 
had a swelling just in front of the shoulder, which was not painful 
initially, but eventually he noticed a shortening of stride.

BTW, when the abscess bursts or is lanced, they describe the stuff coming 
out as "like quarts of mayonnaise".  Ew!

Here's a link with some photos as well as info:

The vet should be able to tell you more.  Good luck.


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Re: Dryland Distemper

2003-03-25 Thread GAIL RUSSELL
This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 01:49 AM 3/26/2003 +1100, you wrote:
>This message is from: "Karen Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Dryland distemper is another term for pigeon fever, something we out West 
>have become all too familiar with over the last year.  I guess it's similar 
>to strangles, except the abscesses usually form in the ventral and pectoral 
>region, although abscesses can form elsewhere in the body, even internally.

Hmmmare the abscesses painless?  We just discovered a large swelling on
one horse, appears painless, below the stiflebut other than that, about
where the stifle would be if you shifted it down about 3 or 4 inches.
Definitely not like an infected, hot swollen area.  Vet is coming day after
tomorrow, so we will get it checked thenbut...your post made me wonder!

Dryland Distemper

2003-03-25 Thread Karen Keith

This message is from: "Karen Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dryland distemper is another term for pigeon fever, something we out West 
have become all too familiar with over the last year.  I guess it's similar 
to strangles, except the abscesses usually form in the ventral and pectoral 
region, although abscesses can form elsewhere in the body, even internally.

Last month I went to a seminar covering pigeon fever and here's an excerpt 
from a handout:

"In the US, dryland distemper is most common in the west, particularly 
California.  It is characterized by pectoral, ventral midline and inguinal 
abscesses.  A large area of edema is usually associated with the abscess, 
which is initially very hard.  Fevers are moderate (up to 103).  The process 
of abscess development can go on for several months and once it is lanced, 
will generally resolve without further complication.  Certainly a percentage 
of cases (10%) develop recurrent problems, and 1-2% will develop internal 

In my herd of three (2 Fjords and donkey), only the donkey got pigeon fever, 
although they live right on top of each other full time.  She came through 
it with no ill effects.  As a matter of fact, the trip to the vet, walking 
into the examination room (bear cave), and getting her sedated for exam was 
probably the most traumatic thing.  :^)


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